[QUOTE=molds13;198997]Of you, maybe. Of everyone? Not a chance.
When it comes to the challenges, she's not a "true champion" because she hasn't won anything. And you can't exactly argue that.[/QUOTE]
If you read the post you'll notice i even said Sara and KA lost. I think she's the true champion along with KA. True champinions not for winning because they didn't. True chamion for many other reasons. Sarah has been through so much on and off of these challeges. She has risen above adversity and has achieved so much. She hasn't won the heart and mind of you. However, she has won the "hearts and minds" of many people. She is the true champion to all those who love and believe in Sarah. Thus, she has won the "hearts and minds" of many.
[QUOTE=trees12;199341]If you read the post you'll notice i even said Sara and KA lost. I think she's the true champion along with KA. True champinions not for winning because they didn't. True chamion for many other reasons. Sarah has been through so much on and off of these challeges. She has risen above adversity and has achieved so much. She hasn't won the heart and mind of you. However, she has won the "hearts and minds" of many people. She is the true champion to all those who love and believe in Sarah. Thus, she has won the "hearts and minds" of many.[/QUOTE]
You sum up how I feel. thankyou!! and I think she's a champion for how fared on her 1st challenge by making it to the end. I just want her to get all the credit she deserves.
[QUOTE=trees12;199341]If you read the post you'll notice i even said Sara and KA lost. I think she's the true champion along with KA. True champinions not for winning because they didn't. True chamion for many other reasons. Sarah has been through so much on and off of these challeges. She has risen above adversity and has achieved so much. She hasn't won the heart and mind of you. However, she has won the "hearts and minds" of many people. She is the true champion to all those who love and believe in Sarah. Thus, she has won the "hearts and minds" of many.[/QUOTE]
You do realize you're talking about someone on a TV show right? She's not like your girlfriend or something. (Is she?!)
[QUOTE=dylan76;199000]The only purpose sarah serves for me, is that I get to anticipate the moment that she is eliminated & I take great joy in that. She is a sheep & is so desperate to be liked it's pathetic.[/QUOTE]
I would like to tell you what you really are, but I'll keep it classy. WE ALL want to be liked and accepted; its human nature. Sarah is sweet natured, obviously you are at the opposite end of that spectrum. Thus, you don't understand, dislike, and wish bad upon people like Sarah; that is pathetic.
[QUOTE=CharR;199347]You do realize you're talking about someone on a TV show right? She's not like your girlfriend or something. (Is she?!)[/QUOTE]
The thing is this: she beat the rookie curse, and I'm sure many, many people underestimated her, and doubted her. She kicked butt. I just think she,Kellyanne, Brittni and Kim are role models for rookie competitors. Sarah was always positive, ALWAYS. Even when about to go into the Ruins. She enjoys competing and it shows. I love her confidence, her tenacity and her will/perserverance. It even rubs off on me. We she wins it's like I win. lol She has the effect on some people. I think she's perfect for the challenges. I really enjoy watching her play the game....(inhaling).lol
Sarah > Kelly Anne atleast in the Final Challenge and probably overall as well.
If it wasn't for Kelly Anne taking her sweet *** time on the bamboo sticks or whatever they would have won the final challenge over the Champions, no doubt. However, I'm glad Kelly Anne took forever on the bamboo sticks because I was a Champions fan all the way. But yeah, Sarah is awesome as a competitor.
Sarah was slow on the bamboos as well. She was also slow in the mudpit, and slow when carrying the puzzle piece back to the junction. Heck, on every single event besides the bamboos she was trailing, not the other way around.
[QUOTE=v123;199362]Sarah was slow on the bamboos as well. She was also slow in the mudpit, and slow when carrying the puzzle piece back to the junction. Heck, on every single event besides the bamboos she was trailing, not the other way around.[/QUOTE]
Sarah and Kelly Anne lost because of Kelly Anne taking so long on the bamboo sticks no matter how it's sliced. Whatever happened up until then is really irrelevant because the Challengers were in a great position to win at that point and Kelly Anne messed it up. Maybe Sarah did have a little bit of trouble with the bamboo sticks but she was done well before Kelly Anne.
[QUOTE=v123;199362]Sarah was slow on the bamboos as well. She was also slow in the mudpit, and slow when carrying the puzzle piece back to the junction. Heck, on every single event besides the bamboos she was trailing, not the other way around.[/QUOTE]
Even the girls on the opposing team said they wouldn't want to go up against KA or Sarah; that was for a reason. No matter what Sarah does it won't be good enough for you. You're one of those Sarah haters. However, as Devyn always told her: "whether they love you or they hate you their still obsessed".
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;199365]Sarah and Kelly Anne lost because of Kelly Anne taking so long on the bamboo sticks no matter how it's sliced. Whatever happened up until then is really irrelevant because the Challengers were in a great position to win at that point and Kelly Anne messed it up. Maybe Sarah did have a little bit of trouble with the bamboo sticks but she was done well before Kelly Anne.[/QUOTE]
Sarah's pretty awesome! I can't wait to see her on CUTTHROAT! This is her 3rd challenge in a row. Can't wait to see her kick some more butt! TEAM SARAH, BABY!
[QUOTE=kdub90;199337]We got some haters that wanna chime in. lol. I don't want to argue. I just feel like people don't think she is tough and a good competitor.[B] Why is it so hard to admit she's a champion?[/B][/quote]
Because she's never won a challenge.
[quote]Not that I am a big fan of Brad, but he's done like 8 challenges (potentialaly including Cutthroat)and never EVER won! He has made it to the final challenge about 3 times. [b]Would you argue that he is a champion?[/b][/quote]
No, because he's never won a challenge.
[quote]Derrick dominated the Gauntlet 2 but lost to Timmy at the very end! Was he not a champion?[/quote]
Not until Inferno III, no.
[quote]Sarah won two Ruins and made it to the final of her 1st challenge. Give her some credit, geez. She's not the Big Bad Wolf.lol[/QUOTE]
I'm not not giving her credit. She's a good competitor. But she's not a champion.
And being a champion "at life" doesn't count because people have very different ideas of what "winning at life" is. Being considered a champion on these challenges is pretty cut and dry. You win, you're a champion. You lose, you're not.
[QUOTE=kdub90;199337]We got some haters that wanna chime in. lol. I don't want to argue. I just feel like people don't think she is tough and a good competitor. Why is it so hard to admit she's a champion? Not that I am a big fan of Brad, but he's done like 8 challenges (potentialaly including Cutthroat)and never EVER won! He has made it to the final challenge about 3 times. Would you argue that he is a champion? He's a decent competitor to say the least. Derrick dominated the Gauntlet 2 but lost to Timmy at the very end! Was he not a champion? Sarah won two Ruins and made it to the final of her 1st challenge. Give her some credit, geez. She's not the Big Bad Wolf.lol[/QUOTE]
I think Sarah is tough and loves to compete, but I can't consider Sarah a champion until I see her win something. Just like Brad. Yes he is a competitor but once again I wouldn't consider him a champion at all. That's why he was on the challengers team, for not being a champion. Derrick is another story. Yes he was a very strong competitor on the Gauntlet 2, but he didn't pull out a win. Since then he's won a few times now so I would consider him a champion.
I don't have anything against Sarah or Brad, I really do like them both, but until they win they will both still be considered competitors in my book, not champions.
Sarah is a true champ in my book. Not a champion of this challenge per se, but a champ in general. I feel that production did kinda of help the other team. Because in the eyes of production, God forbid Evan and the gang lose. Nonetheless, I know Sarah lost but in the end walked away with dignity and pride. That no amount of money can buy.
I loved when she got caught being two-faced on Brooklyn, she was so fake. But I did like her on the Ruins. Not so much FM2, she's too cocky for her own good.
[QUOTE=SPK713;199750]I loved when she got caught being two-faced on Brooklyn, she was so fake. But I did like her on the Ruins. Not so much FM2, she's too cocky for her own good.[/QUOTE]
I think "two-faced" is a little extreme. Like you've never told a lie. When ALL the girls (including Baya) played a prank on the guys, Sarah was the biggest target of the backlash. While they let the other girls try to explain themselves, Ryan kept telling Sarah to "Shut the **** up!" Even on the Ruins, Sarah was a target. Katie attacked only her because she was smirking and grinning. (Later Katie set matters straight). Evan and Kenny made fun of Sarah on the Ruins non-stop, to the point of tears. She is just an easy target. She's the black sheep; an outcast. It's high school bs. Remember that every season has a villian - the least liked person. Sarah was portrayed as the villian for TV. And as for Fresh Meat 2; If you did amazing on your first challenge and had a great time, wouldn't you be confident in your abilities?She had to exude confidence for her partner. You'll notice that her confidence rubbed off on Vinny. Sarah said he has all the confidence in their team. Don't mistake confidence for cockiness. Ever since her first Challenge and her first elimination round she has been confident. After all that she's been through, she still manages to be optimistic and positive. So don't hate the player, hate the game.
[QUOTE=trees12;199348]I would like to tell you what you really are, but I'll keep it classy. WE ALL want to be liked and accepted; its human nature. Sarah is sweet natured, obviously you are at the opposite end of that spectrum. Thus, you don't understand, dislike, and wish bad upon people like Sarah; that is pathetic.[/QUOTE]
It isn't in most humans nature to want to be friends with someone who repeatedly calls them stupid, fat, ugly like kenny has done to sarah. That is what's pathetic.
[QUOTE=kdub90;199907]According to our "Cut-Throat: The Challenge" spoilers, does Sarah make it to the final challenge?[/QUOTE]
See for yourself:
[QUOTE=kdub90;199763]I think "two-faced" is a little extreme. Like you've never told a lie. When ALL the girls (including Baya) played a prank on the guys, Sarah was the biggest target of the backlash. While they let the other girls try to explain themselves, Ryan kept telling Sarah to "Shut the **** up!" Even on the Ruins, Sarah was a target. Katie attacked only her because she was smirking and grinning. (Later Katie set matters straight). Evan and Kenny made fun of Sarah on the Ruins non-stop, to the point of tears. She is just an easy target. She's the black sheep; an outcast. It's high school bs. Remember that every season has a villian - the least liked person. [COLOR=red]Sarah was portrayed as the villian for TV. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I stopped reading there.
[QUOTE=SPK713;200047]No, I just deleted the rest of the post. :P[/QUOTE]
Haha, my bad. Shows how much attention I'm paying to this...enthralling conversation.
[QUOTE=molds13;200049]Haha, my bad. Shows how much attention I'm paying to this...enthralling conversation.[/QUOTE]
Lol. Normally I like disagreements, but this one is boring. Next... :D
[B]Sarah [/B]isn't a good competitor yet.
She is considered a little average because she did well in the Ruins and she made it to the finals.
[QUOTE=challenger;200261][B]Sarah [/B]isn't a good competitor yet.
She is considered a little average because she did well in the Ruins and she made it to the finals.
Where would you rank Richard Simmons and Crush from American Gladiators on your list?