This one reminds me a little of RR All Stars, when they had to roll in those giant balls. Eric wanted to do it again when it was time to leave, and Cynthia was annoyed and told him if he wanted to do it again, to just roll himself down (she said it in a more colorful, funny way, of course). And then her and Rachel got into it and we heard about some type of possible encounter between Eric and Cynthia.
I really do not think Casey has thrown ANY missions at all. She's talked about it in the dailies, but she really is a very weak competitor.
Those tires are huge and look hard to push. A girl like me wouldn't be able to do it. Sure it's not problem for a moose (Credit Dunbar for that) like Evan.
[QUOTE=Zereaux;137346]Why are they all complaining? This mission actually looks like a lot of fun![/QUOTE]
Really? I think it looks fun, but kind of painful!!
[QUOTE=molds13;137348]Really? I think it looks fun, but kind of painful!![/QUOTE]
Yeah, I agree. I don't blame anyone for complaining about that. The bouncing up and down is scary. If anyone is claustrophobic, that would also make it not too fun.
[QUOTE=molds13;137348]Really? I think it looks fun, but kind of painful!![/QUOTE]
Yeah, but compared to the missions where they move fruit and bricks, I'd rather roll down a hill in a tractor tire.
[QUOTE=Zereaux;137352]Yeah, but compared to the missions where they move fruit and bricks, I'd rather roll down a hill in a tractor tire.[/QUOTE]
True. Every time I see that tire bounce though, I wince a little for them.
[QUOTE=TheQuietOne;137356]So all of a sudden the girls can pick who they want to go against?[/QUOTE]
Because those two are the more protected girls. They even helped the guys get to vote for the girls. They knew they weren't on the line with other girls still there.
[QUOTE=Unicorn;137363]I'm so bummed about Cohutta going in.[/QUOTE]
Me too. I like both Cohutta and Darrell, though (even though Darrell annoyed me in the first episode).
[QUOTE=Zereaux;137370]Why has it taken them this long to realize that they need to get rid of Casey to win? Shouldn't this have been a no-brainer from the first day?[/QUOTE]
I think they've known it the whole time, it's just becoming more obvious as they narrow it down. But seeing as they've only had one chance to put her in anyway...there is no way the champs would ever put her in when they had so many other people to choose from.
Though smoking doesn't help with the physical aspects, so many people on these shows smoke, both girls AND guys. It's kind of hard to criticize one person for doing that. Although, Casey trying to cut back during the challenge would possibly show that she is putting forth some kind of effort to better herself competitively. I still don't think it would do much for her because she just seems weak, period.
It was not smart of the Challengers to not use that early opportunity to send Casey in. I don't know why they didn't think about it more. Brad should have pushed for it. But some of the girls wanted to get rid of KA.
I think with the exception of that final challenge Big Easy is still 10 times better than Casey.
Anyway, Sarah has so much fire and positivity about going in. Johanna I think is actually an underrated competitor but she just doesn't have enough fire. And Sarah has a better attitude about going in than Johnny, Evan, and Kenny who freak out like little babies.
Anyway, was anyone hoping for a Kelly Anne vs. Johanna battle? It seemed like it would happen. But on the dailies the girls said Kelly Anne didn't want to go against Johanna because it would be embarassing if she were to lose to her due to their history with boyfriends and guessing Johanna feels the same way vice versa.
[QUOTE=molds13;137372]I think they've known it the whole time, it's just becoming more obvious as they narrow it down. But seeing as they've only had one chance to put her in anyway...there is no way the champs would ever put her in when they had so many other people to choose from.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but they still had a chance to send her *** home and they blew it. I don't like the Champions, but at least they have a strategy and think ahead.
[QUOTE=Famous.;137371]Ooh really Joey? You lost to Ev, remember that one?[/QUOTE]
That wasn't a one on one. She said one on one. In that face off she did better than everyone including Kelly Anne excluding super woman Ev.
[QUOTE=RW561015;137373]Though smoking doesn't help with the physical aspects, so many people on these shows smoke, both girls AND guys. [/QUOTE]
But out of everyone left, I think Casey is the only one left that does (I can't remember if Sarah does or not).