The Ruins: Brad Fiorenza - MTV

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Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=eggs78;146029]I think Kim not being one of the bridesmaid is more interesting. Isn't Diem supposedly close to Tori too?[/QUOTE] A source close to the challenges on TWOP posted that Tori wasn't happy with some of the D2 dailies she [strike]seen[/strike] SAW regarding Diem's feelings toward Brad. Supposedly Tori wasn't to happy with how Diem seemed all flirty flirty towards Brad (I think they mentioned the F***, Marry, Kill daily to be specific.)
Anonymous's picture
Oh, sorry. I didn't see your post RW. It would make sense for Brad to have and alumni of the challenges to be his groomsmen considering he has been doing these things for years. I knew he was close to Evan but not so much Wes. In fact, I didn't know Wes was close with any of the male alumni except for Nedermeyer and Danny. (I knew Evan and Wes were friends but I didn't think they were that close) As for Tori, she hasn't been doing these things for years and I can't see her being "that" close with these people that she would choose them over her family/friends to be her bridesmaid but thats just my opinion. I wonder if they invited Jim Johnston or any other BMP people and what cast members are going. I would imagine that Kim was invited. I can see Brad wanting a lot of the alumni there and Tori being picky about it, lol. Well good luck to them, Tori bugs at times but its clear that they are very in love.
I'm very happy for them. I think that if MTV asked to broadcast they would have said no. The only positive side to it would have been to have MTV foot the bill for everything.
[B]I[/B] had no idea that [B]T[/B]ori and[B] K[/B]im were even friends, haha. [B]D[/B]id I miss this on the [B]D[/B]uel 2? [B]I'[/B]m surprised at [B]W[/B]es and [B]E[/B]van being in the party.[B] I[/B] always thought [B]R[/B]obin and [B]B[/B]rad were super close and thought maybe she would be asked. [B]A[/B]s far as invites go, anyone think[B] T[/B]ori is friends with anyone from [B]R[/B]oad [B]R[/B]ules still? [B]I[/B] could totally see [B]R[/B]andy and [B]K[/B]ina being invited if they[B]'[/B]re still together... [B]I[/B] mean honestly it[B]'[/B]s all speculation because we don[B]'[/B]t even know who talks outside of these shows, lol[B].[/B]
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;146361]i had no idea that tori and kim were even friends, haha. did i miss this on the duel 2? im surprised at wes and evan being in the party. i always thought robin and brad were super close and thought maybe she would be asked. as far as invites go, anyone think tori is friends with anyone from road rules still? i could totally see randy and kina being invited if they're still together... i mean honestly its all speculation [B]because we dont even know who talks outside of these shows, lol[/B][/QUOTE] Actually, some members here do. Anyways Randy and Kina aren't together. I don't think Robin and Brad are as close as they used to be, doesn't mean she isn't invited to the wedding though.
There are alumni invited to the wedding. I'm not surprised Wes or Evan were asked to walk down the isle. MTV likes to portray Wes as a one dimensional person who doesn't have many friends, but I knew Wes and Brad were close. They were close since The Duel. I think it was a bit tacky to put up a website about their wedding... unless making websites about upcoming nuptials are the new in thing? I think someone should crash the wedding and give us details, they give out the address!
Wedding websites are not a new thing. Especially for young couples.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;146372] I think it was a bit tacky to put up a website about their wedding... unless making websites about upcoming nuptials are the new in thing? [/QUOTE] A lot of people are doing that now actually.
My bad, I honestly had no idea... My initial thought why they made one was because they both know they have fans and thought maybe they could get a gift or 2 out of it. In any case I wish them luck together.
Robin and Brad may be close, but if you are a bridesmaid that usually means you're close with the BRIDE. I never saw Tori and Robin to be close enough to be in each other's weddings. I'm surprised there are people surprised that Tori doesn't have any RW/RR people in her wedding. Do people truly feel that the only people she's close to are from the show? I would assume these people have many many more people who are important to them that are actually outside of the RW/RR family. I'm actually shocked Brad has 2 people FROM the show in his wedding party.
Is Darrell going to be at the wedding?
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;146587]Is Darrell going to be at the wedding?[/QUOTE] I wonder what he'd do. Throw rice?
is that Gauntlet 3 in the second and last picture (the one on the bus/spiked hair)?
[QUOTE=Old Friend;160213]is that Gauntlet 3 in the second and last picture (the one on the bus/spiked hair)?[/QUOTE] ...what picture?
I thought Brad and Derrick were pretty close.
[QUOTE=Old Friend;160213]is that Gauntlet 3 in the second and last picture (the one on the bus/spiked hair)?[/QUOTE] Yes, to the spiked hair one, and I'm also assuming the bus one as well.
