Revolutionary Road

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Revolutionary Road
For some reason...I really want to see this. The EW cover story a few weeks ago sold me. Anyone see it?
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;44321]For some reason...I really want to see this. The EW cover story a few weeks ago sold me. Anyone see it?[/quote] I have not seen it, but it is at the top of my list. [url=]YouTube - Revolutionary Road Official Trailer 2008[/url]
[quote=Bacchus;44324]I have not seen it, but it is at the top of my list.[/quote] I watched it twice over the holidays while vacationing (thanks Netflix). It is well worth watching. I thought it was both actor's best performances.
[QUOTE=V1man;44326]I watched it twice over the holidays while vacationing (thanks Netflix). It is well worth watching. I thought it was both actor's best performances.[/QUOTE] How did you view it on Netflix!? I want to do that too! haha
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;44337]How did you view it on Netflix!? I want to do that too! haha[/QUOTE] Easy, own a PR and production company and Netflix's execs want to be your friend. They sent it to me along with a few others. They do not yet have it for general release. My take on it is that it is the same cut that was sent out to Oscar voters and I probably am not supposed to talk about it; but, frankly, I didn't read the fine print.
[QUOTE=V1man;44346]Easy, own a PR and production company and Netflix's execs want to be your friend. They sent it to me along with a few others. They do not yet have it for general release. My take on it is that it is the same cut that was sent out to Oscar voters and I probably am not supposed to talk about it; but, frankly, I didn't read the fine print.[/QUOTE] haha fine print sucks anyways! I'll see this movie within a week. I must.
I saw this a few weeks ago with a friend. When asked about it later by other friends, I told them that it was one of the most intense movies I've ever seen and it has stuck with me, even now, a few weeks out form seeing it. I started reading the book a few nights ago and so far the movie has followed the book pretty closely. I was hoping that Kate Winslet would win for her role in this film, Leonardo DiCaprio, too. Both were... wow. I thought they gave amazing performances. And Kathy Bates' character... I don't know. I tried to look for hope in the supporting characters' lives, and I think there [I]was[/I] some on the surface, but underneath they were all trapped in their picturesque suburbia lives... I'm looking forward to reading through the book.
I really liked it too. Michael Shannon was amazing also. I really don't get why a lot of the critics were bashing it. Granted I haven't read the book, but I thought it was a great movie.
Glad to hear more good reports!
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;50293]Glad to hear more good reports![/quote] Have you seen it yet?
[QUOTE=roomie;50298]Have you seen it yet?[/QUOTE] Nada. I really want to though! I was going to check it out in the theater but then I found out it was 3 hours long and I made one excuse after another and it never happened.
[quote=tatertots;50067]I really liked it too. Michael Shannon was amazing also. I really don't get why a lot of the critics were bashing it. Granted I haven't read the book, but I thought it was a great movie.[/quote] I finally got around to seeing this and I have mixed feelings. The acting was [I]amazing[/I] but the story was a little too far on the hopeless side for me. I understand that there were hints of redemption in the final frames, but it wasn't enough to make me walk away feeling satisfied.
I also saw it since last posting. The acting was AMAZING, but yeah...the story left a little bit to be desired. I wouldn't watch it again, but I'm glad to have seen it.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;97501]I also saw it since last posting. The acting was AMAZING, but yeah...the story left a little bit to be desired. I wouldn't watch it again, but I'm glad to have seen it.[/QUOTE] The acting was really good. So good in fact I put The Reader down as my next flick and it came in the mail today. Can't wait for more Kate!
[quote=Bacchus;97504]The acting was really good. So good in fact I put The Reader down as my next flick and it came in the mail today. Can't wait for more Kate![/quote] I have the biggest girl crush on Ms. Winslet. :girl_sigh: I still haven't seen The Reader, so let me know how you like it!
The Reader. Again, great acting...but who is the movie fanatic that should be out in front protecting me from these endings? I need your help next time if you are around! Let's just say the Reader was an artistic masterpiece (the cinematography was especially good) with an artist's finish. There was no Hollywood to be found.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;98960]The Reader. Again, great acting...but who is the movie fanatic that should be out in front protecting me from these endings? I need your help next time if you are around! Let's just say the Reader was an artistic masterpiece (the cinematography was especially good) with an artist's finish. There was no Hollywood to be found.[/QUOTE] I have to see The Reader still. It's in my Top 15 or so on Netflix.