[QUOTE=Calinks;314187]Well this episodes has been pretty entertaining for me because it boggles the mind. Treymenator coming to the club on the boat was gold. Him going crazy had me scratching my head. Laura somehow apologizing to me had my stomach nearly churning.[/QUOTE]
Funny you mention stomach churning cause that how i feel right now (plus, I got a bit of a headache too). Nevertheless, very entertaining episode.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;314188]We ALREADY have another upcoming this season montage?[/QUOTE]
Haha I think it was the exact same one but without clips from episodes that aired since the last one.
Also, Laura was showing SO much potential when she was away from Trey. And then she just has to go and throw that all down the drain. And while Trey is the worst, I'll be ****** if I didn't lol a little bit when he was hammered and ran up to the camera in the confessional.
Also, Marie rocks. So does Robb. 'Nuff said.
Trey is such a ****** and so is Laura she had no reason to apologize to him I'd be like "F*** You Trey you're the one who wanted to slow things down because you have feelings for Chelsea back home and she's coming soon to visit".
Adam Royer better give Robb props for breaking things off with his girl. He has been hating Robb all season and backing Trey. Saying Trey is more real and Robb thinks he too cool for school.
[QUOTE=Calinks;314195]Adam Royer better give Robb props for breaking things off with his girl. He has been hating Robb all season and backing Trey. Saying Trey is more real and Robb thinks he too cool for school.[/QUOTE]
Adam and Trey would like each other. Birds of a feather and all that....
Wow, my thoughts of Trey have really plummeted with the past couple of episodes and how he acts on Twitter sometimes.
It's hilarious, if you're following him, he's retweeting all the "hate tweets" he got during the episode (and there's a LOT). He also got into man argument with some viewer and ended up calling him ugly.
Yeah, I'm anti-Trey now.
Ummmmm I am really looking forward to the challenge now, when the ****** of the SD season calls you a ******, something must be really wrong with you! ha!
Frank Sweeney @MTVFrankSweeney
I. Can't. Even. @mtvtrey. What. A. *******. ******. #NoSavingGraces
Trey is insufferable. He reminds me of the insecure guy who gets obsessed with girls and tries controlling them through manipulation and guilt... and of course Laura, having no back bone, plays right into it.
It's not even entertaining, it's awkward and uncomfortable to watch.
I like Marie! I like that she says what she thinks... she's one of the very few - maybe even the only person in the house who actually does.
And lol at them showing ANOTHER upcoming season montage. Don't they know they showed that already last week or do they just not care?
They obviously showed 2 to remind the users of all the exciting stuff that's still supposed to happen this season so we don't lose interest.
Maybe last week's was a mistake.
Why does it matter if they showed it twice? Pretty sure I see 53742985942386587462 of the same commercial every day...why does 1 commercial/preview twice in 1 week matter? Unless that was all in next weeks episode.
This ep was actually pretty good! Interesting to compare the two relationships in the house...
Marie and Robb: Real relationship. Despite the momentary immaturity of both inviting other people to come visit and refusing to tell each other that that's not what either of them really want, they eventually came to their senses. You can tell these two are really fond of each other and it's a reciprocal relationship where they both take care of each other. It's sweet to watch.
Laura and Trey: Ugh. I agree with everyone who's said that their relationship crossed the line from annoying to totally creepy in this episode. Trey's controlling behavior is completely absurd and shows what a potentially abusive personality he has. And Laura playing into it is sad and frankly a little sickening to watch. She needs to call him out! And when is she gonna find out that not only does he have a girl back home, but she might be PREGNANT?! WTF?!
Also, props to Brandon for being less annoying lately (or to the producers for editing out the annoying stuff).
Alright I'm all aboard on the anti-Trey Hate train. First of all he has a girl back home that's probably pregnant and he has the nerve to get pissy at Laura for trying to hook up with someone else? And the fact that he's putting all of it on her like it's HER damn fault. No Trey YOU'RE the ******* here. YOU'RE the one with the girl back home who probably Pregnant. So you have NO RIGHT to get mad at Laura for ANYTHING because YOU'RE the one that needed to break it off with Laura COMPLETLY when you had the chance and you didn't do it. Grow the hell up and get some self control.
And Laura..Honestly she's just as pathetic. WHY is she apologizing to Trey? She did nothing wrong. He's the one being the ****. Get a back bone.
Robb and Marie....I like their relationship and Robb gets props for breaking it off with Emily. And the whole Swift/Marie thing...Marie was kinda being irritating and I can see why Swift was annoyed with her but I'm glad they made up.
Oh and they need to stop with that coming up thing at the end of the show. That doesn't make this season anymore attractive to watch.
[QUOTE=rachel_28;314205]Ummmmm I am really looking forward to the challenge now, when the ****** of the SD season calls you a ******, something must be really wrong with you! ha!
Frank Sweeney @MTVFrankSweeney
I. Can't. Even. @mtvtrey. What. A. *******. ******. #NoSavingGraces[/QUOTE]
Uhm ok... Frank was the drama queen on the season, a cry baby who threw tantrums, and a ***** to someone who really cared about him. Has he ever heard of the expression, "when you point your finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you"?
Has anyone watched Treys ustream?
I really want to listen to that, before making the final decision about him. In all the interviews from him or the other castmembers, it looks like he really got a very bad edit. But then again, he didnt made a lot of friends on this upcoming challenge....
I watched his Ustream, and he answered a few of my questions too. I'm still bouncing between thinking he's a cool guy and thinking that he's a jerk. Here are some things I noticed.
- Trey thinks that he was meant to be the bad guy this season and is annoyed that Marie looks like the "angel". He says that their roles could have easily been switched
- He still has big problems with Marie that will probably come out during the reunion. He said everyone will probably have a lot to say at the reunion
- As it stands now, it's kind of Marie|Latoya|Robb as good friends vs. Trey|Swift|Laura. And Brandon has kind of befriended them all around
- He had no problem telling the "haters" that they don't understand the full situation and that they would have handled things similarly had they been in the house
- The reason he retweeted the piles of hate tweets to him after the show aired was that he just felt like giving the "haters" their five seconds of fame. He didn't like their judgment either
- During his argument with Laura, he was extremely intoxicated. He asked if anyone else had done/said something they wish they hadn't while drunk
- He said "he wouldn't lie" that he tried to be entertaining for the cameras. He said that everyone was. Things that happened like the pranks wouldn't have happened in regular life.
- He's somewhat bothered by being compared to other real worlders. He mentioned not being like Danny from Austin or Johnny Bananas and that he was still his own self
- He'd like a live reunion or other show because he could show his personality without a bad edit. He said he was interested in doing some sort of documentary so that people could understand him better
- He loves video games
Also, Alexandra from RW San Diego will be interviewing him live tonight. Check out her Twitter for more details. It's sure to be interesting. (This is unrelated but I was surprised by how cool Alexandra was from her interviews. I feel bad that she was on a series-killing season. She was very uninteresting in her season, but that's not really the case)
Well I definitely don't think Marie is as awesome as most. Not to say I dislike her, I just don't like how she thinks she can say/do whatever she wants without regard because as Swift said, nobody will call her out on it. I hate it when people can get away with being jerks because "that's just how they are" but others have to be confronted if they fire back. It's like having a get out of jail free card in your back pocket 24/7.
Trey is the typical abusive partner. It's sad that he has 2 girls wrapped around his fingers like this.
That red-headed nerd is delusional as well. Such a sorry excuse for a season.
[QUOTE=Legend;314294]I watched his Ustream, and he answered a few of my questions too. I'm still bouncing between thinking he's a cool guy and thinking that he's a jerk. Here are some things I noticed.
- Trey thinks that he was meant to be the bad guy this season and is annoyed that Marie looks like the "angel". He says that their roles could have easily been switched
- He still has big problems with Marie that will probably come out during the reunion. He said everyone will probably have a lot to say at the reunion
- As it stands now, it's kind of Marie|Latoya|Robb as good friends vs. Trey|Swift|Laura. And Brandon has kind of befriended them all around
- He had no problem telling the "haters" that they don't understand the full situation and that they would have handled things similarly had they been in the house
- The reason he retweeted the piles of hate tweets to him after the show aired was that he just felt like giving the "haters" their five seconds of fame. He didn't like their judgment either
- During his argument with Laura, he was extremely intoxicated. He asked if anyone else had done/said something they wish they hadn't while drunk
- He said "he wouldn't lie" that he tried to be entertaining for the cameras. He said that everyone was. Things that happened like the pranks wouldn't have happened in regular life.
- He's somewhat bothered by being compared to other real worlders. He mentioned not being like Danny from Austin or Johnny Bananas and that he was still his own self
- He'd like a live reunion or other show because he could show his personality without a bad edit. He said he was interested in doing some sort of documentary so that people could understand him better
- He loves video games
Also, Alexandra from RW San Diego will be interviewing him live tonight. Check out her Twitter for more details. It's sure to be interesting. (This is unrelated but I was surprised by how cool Alexandra was from her interviews. I feel bad that she was on a series-killing season. She was very uninteresting in her season, but that's not really the case)[/QUOTE]
Ugh Trey has future challenge fame***** written all over him.
Also, Robb/Marie/Latoya >>>>> Trey/Swift/Laura. IMO, of course.
[QUOTE=mph922;314385]Ugh Trey has future challenge fame***** written all over him.
Also has wife beatin' fame written all over him too. Disgusting.
Wow - after watching the after show with Marie, LaToya, Brandon and Robb, I was really surprised at the girls reactions to Laura! Lazy, hoe and on and on. Marie just seems so mean and LaToya just rides on her coat tails with the hate! And Marie's answers to Laura are ' I was drunk, didn't I apologize?' geez Marie - when AREN'T you drunk??
[QUOTE=witchywmn;314437]Wow - after watching the after show with Marie, LaToya, Brandon and Robb, I was really surprised at the girls reactions to Laura! Lazy, hoe and on and on. Marie just seems so mean and LaToya just rides on her coat tails with the hate! And Marie's answers to Laura are ' I was drunk, didn't I apologize?' geez Marie - when AREN'T you drunk??[/QUOTE]
Yeah, they were pretty ruthless. I didn't realize that they had so many problems.
It's crazy, my thoughts of all the castmembers have pretty much flipped since the first episode. Marie is looking less like a strong willed, fun girl and is becoming and drunk who thinks she can say whatever she wants. Trey's looking less like a nice, cool guy and is seeming more like a gigantic jerk. Robb also doesn't seem as cool and just looks spineless.
[QUOTE=Legend;314440]Yeah, they were pretty ruthless. I didn't realize that they had so many problems.
It's crazy, my thoughts of all the castmembers have pretty much flipped since the first episode. Marie is looking less like a strong willed, fun girl and is becoming and drunk who thinks she can say whatever she wants. Trey's looking less like a nice, cool guy and is seeming more like a gigantic jerk. Robb also doesn't seem as cool and just looks spineless.[/QUOTE]
It's funny you say that about Marie because I think for me she's done the opposite. In the first episode I found her to be kind of obnoxious because she was so "I party!!!!" and I was kind of like "okay, shut up", and even though she still has that party girl personality, I think she's cool because she says what needs to be said, but isn't a ***** about it. And she had the heart to apologize to Laura when she felt like she crossed the line. Someone had to tell Laura that she looks like an idiot, and I think Marie was coming from a good place.
[QUOTE=Legend;314440]Yeah, they were pretty ruthless. I didn't realize that they had so many problems.
It's crazy, my thoughts of all the castmembers have pretty much flipped since the first episode. Marie is looking less like a strong willed, fun girl and is becoming and drunk who thinks she can say whatever she wants.[/QUOTE]
That would just be yet another time my original judge of character ends up becoming the standard.
Previous victims include Jenn from RW Denver and Hope Solo.
[QUOTE=mph922;314441]It's funny you say that about Marie because I think for me she's done the opposite. In the first episode I found her to be kind of obnoxious because she was so "I party!!!!" and I was kind of like "okay, shut up", and even though she still has that party girl personality, I think she's cool because she says what needs to be said, but isn't a ***** about it. And she had the heart to apologize to Laura when she felt like she crossed the line. Someone had to tell Laura that she looks like an idiot, and I think Marie was coming from a good place.[/QUOTE]
I felt the same exact way... and now she's grown on me. I like that she isn't afraid to call people out. A lot of people in this cast seem to be very passive but Marie doesn't give a ****... she'll call you out and I like that. She doesn't buy into Trey's BS either and he doesn't like that because he likes being able to manipulate people imo.
According to Laura's ustream the other night she punches someone (I think that's what she said). Maybe it was just a fight, I don't know. My guess is Marie.
Anyway, I asked her if her adoption gets brought up again and she said it doesn't. She said she was on an island and the chances her biological parents were there were slim to none and that she just wanted to have fun at the time. However she did end up finding her biological parents on Facebook when she got home. Good for you Laura.
Also, she doesn't read Vevmo.