Real World: St Thomas - LaToya Jackson

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Real World: St Thomas - LaToya Jackson
22 years old from Petersburg, VA. 2007 graduate from Petersburg High School. 2011 graduate from Virginia State University, where she was a mass communication/tv/radio major. She currently works as a PA at a local news station. Her favorite movie is Titanic and her idol is Trey Songz. She loves her dog, the New England Patriots, country music, chocolate covered strawberries, men in uniform and nice smiles, but hates broken English, guys who spit in public, and grills. She's 5'4, according to her [url=]ModelMayhem[/url] profile. In her own words: [quote]I’m LaToya J Jackson a fun, bubbly, intelligent, and ambitious young woman from Petersburg, VA. I’m currently a senior Mass Communications major at Virginia State University. I consider myself a very goal oriented person. I know what I want out of life and I know exactly how I’m going to go about getting it. Modeling for me is a form of expressing my personality and individuality. I love the glamor, fashion, and the photo shoots. It’s all amazing.[/quote] [quote]My name is LaToya Jackson..alter ego Toi Tabloid. I consider myself to be a small town girl..with big time dreams. I aspire to one day become a world renown televison broadcaster for a major televison network. I am currently enrolled at Virginia State University majoring in Mass Communications with a concentration in Radio & TV. I am a very talented, creative, spontaneous, adventurous individual. I enjoy dressing up and posing for the camera! I'm looking to help build my portfolio, with hopes that it would be the key to enhancing my career in television and radio. I'm a fun and easy person to work with, and i work well with others. Feel free to shoot me a message.[/quote] I have been told from a very reliable source that LaToya (who also goes by Toi) is very eccentric and likable, but also very guarded - more guarded than our two [strike]least[/strike] favorite lovebirds from the most recent season. Should be interesting to see what she's like in front of the cameras. An extremely regular Tweeter, LaToya has not tweeted since February 27th, around the time the cast left for St. Thomas (for comparison, [url=]Marie's[/url] last tweet was on the 28th), and her Facebook account has been deleted. Here are a few Tweets I found interesting: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] And proof she was in LA during finals week: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=!/LittleMsToibox]Twitter[/url] [url=]Facebook[/url] [url=]LaToya J Jackson: The Beautiful Book Worm | iPower 92.1[/url] MTV Bio: [quote]Don't let the name fool you. LaToya Jackson is not a member of that Jackson family, but this self-proclaimed "Head ***** in Charge" still has plenty personality to spare. Bubbly and energetic, Toya, as her friends call her, worked in local TV news but soon realized that she is meant for something greater. Toya grew up, went to school and spent her entire life in the same city. But her outgoing personality cannot be contained and she is desperate to experience life outside her little town. A recent graduate of Virginia State University, where she was an RA, LaToya was admired on campus and even considered herself and her then-boyfriend to be the Michelle and Barack Obama of VSU. Full of sass and style, what kind of drama and mischief will Ms. Toya bring with her to St. Thomas?[/quote]
Damn I was hoping for a "not that LaToya" snip. LOLL. She's hot and she loves country music as well, ding, ding ding.
I had some good friends from Petersburg High School and they all were kinda boring nerds, lol. Well I really hope she is wild girl who brings some drama.
[QUOTE=mizwood;302085]I had some good friends from Petersburg High School and they all were kinda boring nerds, lol. Well I really hope she is wild girl who brings some drama.[/QUOTE] Lol that made laugh. I want her to bring the drama as well. I can totally see her and Marie kickin it.
Shut up that is not her name. Hahahaha. For a minute I had to remember if it was April Fools Day or not. That's too funny. She hates broken english? Hahaha. Also, I assume by grills it means like teeth, because otherwise that's a little odd. Then again, Frankie was afraid of boats...
Frankie forever just saying. Anyway, grills can be sexy depending on the right person.
I laughed a little at her name but I hope she is not as guarded as Ashley because that would be a serious waste.
I hope she has half the crazy in her that the other Latoya Jackson has!
[QUOTE=Npresh24;302112]I laughed a little at her name but I hope she is not as gaurded as Ashley because that would be a serious waste.[/QUOTE] I agree with this though I like to think that Ashley just acted guarded because she knew she was boring otherwise.
She retweeted Joel Osteen shortly before she left and mentions god in another one of her tweets - seems kind of religious, no? I wonder if that's part of the reason she comes off as guarded. Also, I wonder if she and Brandon will bond over their mutual love for god...
[QUOTE=CzarEric;302358]She retweeted Joel Osteen shortly before she left and mentions god in another one of her tweets - seems kind of religious, no? [B]I wonder if that's part of the reason she comes off as guarded.[/B] Also, I wonder if she and Brandon will bond over their mutual love for god...[/QUOTE] I should probably clarify. When I said guarded, I meant guarded about hooking up on camera (like Zach)...not in all aspects of her life.
[QUOTE=molds13;302365]I should probably clarify. When I said guarded, I meant guarded about hooking up on camera (like Zach)...not in all aspects of her life.[/QUOTE] Oh, okay. Never mind then.
[QUOTE=molds13;302365]I should probably clarify. When I said guarded, I meant guarded about hooking up on camera (like Zach)...not in all aspects of her life.[/QUOTE] Oh that really changes my opinion on some things about her.
[QUOTE=molds13;302365]I should probably clarify. When I said guarded, I meant guarded about hooking up on camera (like Zach)...not in all aspects of her life.[/QUOTE] As long as she's not guarded (like Ashley), I'm interested in seeing what LaToya's all about.
LOL man, would suck to have that name but she is a beauty.
LOL I am loving the tags.
I mean get real she had to state she “Hates broken English”? a lot of people do SO WHAT!, what’s next is she gonna state she wants to date white men LOL!. And she’s 5’4 that is shorter then life and she has the audacity to want to be a model lol……… be honest I don’t like her already.
[QUOTE=OfficerHolla;305373]I mean get real she had to state she “Hates broken English”? a lot of people do SO WHAT!, what’s next is she gonna state she wants to date white men LOL!. [B]And she’s 5’4 that is shorter then life[/B] and she has the audacity to want to be a model lol……… be honest I don’t like her already.[/QUOTE] The [url=]average height for women in the United States[/url] is about 5'4. I don't understand what you mean when you say 5'4 is "shorter then (sic) life".
For some people anything shorter than 5'8 is short for them yet they would bang Snooki (who is 5'2) and Latoya if giving the chance. Average aside. I mean I don't see it a problem. That's why they have high heels right?
[QUOTE=molds13;305380]The [URL=""]average height for women in the United States[/URL] is about 5'4. I don't understand what you mean when you say 5'4 is "shorter then (sic) life".[/QUOTE] True, but models aren't average, and most modeling agencies in the US wouldn't look at anyone who's under 5'8-5'9.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;305508]True, but models aren't average, and most modeling agencies in the US wouldn't look at anyone who's under 5'8-5'9.[/QUOTE] Yes. Most models are anorexic. I think it depends on what kind of modeling she is looking to get into. I don't think she is attempting a career at runway modeling, but she could probably do some local print work.
[QUOTE=molds13;305512]Yes. Most models are anorexic..[/QUOTE] Says who. I think that's just a generalization, Molds.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;305697]Says who. I think that's just a generalization, Molds.[/QUOTE] Yeah. Just look at these Dove models [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;305697]Says who. I think that's just a generalization, Molds.[/QUOTE] [url=]Most Models Meet Criteria for Anorexia, Size 6 Is Plus Size: Magazine - ABC News[/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;305512][B]Yes. Most models are anorexic.[/B] I think it depends on what kind of modeling she is looking to get into. I don't think she is attempting a career at runway modeling, but she could probably do some local print work.[/QUOTE] Oh, I am aware. It's pretty common knowledge. But what did that have to do with my comment? I was talking about their height, not their bmi.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;306052]Oh, I am aware. It's pretty common knowledge. But what did that have to do with my comment? I was talking about their height, not their bmi.[/QUOTE] You said most models are not average. I agree. I do not find anorexia to be average.
I just can't get over her name. I wonder if they'll mention it on the show.
[QUOTE=molds13;306053]You said most models are not average. I agree. I do not find anorexia to be average.[/QUOTE] Oh ok ok.
I love her voice

Bring her back now please and thank you. and bring Marie with her. and if there's room on the cast Laura too.

i want a season with Marie & LaToya where they both last awhile. We got screwed so many times cause one would always go home early.