23 years old, originally hails from Edison, New Jersey, but may be currently residing in Philadelphia, where he went to Temple. He goes by Swift. He is a Pisces, so he would have celebrated his birthday in St. Thomas.
Brandon used to wrestle while at Edison High School in the 140 and 145 lb weight classes. He also played football and was a running back. [url=http://www.maxpreps.com/high-schools/edison-eagles-(edison,nj)/football-fall-05/roster.htm]Listed as a junior on the 2005 roster[/url] at 5'7, 155, he would have graduated in 2007.
This video below from MTV gives his name as Brandon S, and we know from other posters that he goes by Swift.
Friends retweeting the videos give their area as Philadelphia and say he is a TU alum.
I could give you his cell phone number, but that'd be going a little too far.
I would also say, based on his friends tweets, that he does not have a Twitter account, as they have always called him "Swift", not "@_____".
MTV Bio:
[quote]Brandon Swift, who goes by Swift, recently graduated from Temple University with a Business Administration degree in legal studies. In addition to having entrepreneurial aspirations, he also wants to become a sports and entertainment lawyer, a career he may be ideally suited for. Swift will argue his point endlessly and he's easily fired up when he feels disrespected. But there's another side to him, one that is charming, charismatic and drives the ladies wild. A strong sense of loyalty he has for his friends and family also causes people to gravitate towards him. Currently, Swift is working as a VIP host at a popular local club. He is conflicted about relationships. Girls tend to get obsessed with him and while he's not exactly ready to settle down, he finds the player's life shallow and empty. Will he find depth with one of his female roommates or will he just end up playing her?[/quote]