[QUOTE=CherryPie;280799]Haha glad you do :) And I actually agree with you on most of what you said about the cast, although I'm not a huge fan of Alexandra's yet. I really can't tell why I don't really like her, because the general consensus is that she's the best cast member this season.[/QUOTE]
Probably because the nicest one who doesn't do anything to annoy you doesn't necessarily mean the best one. Sure she's nice and isn't gonna act stupid, but that doesn't mean she's gonna do anything on the flip side. Like Leroy was a nice guy and he did plenty of times to be recognized. Alexandra to me just seems like someone who's going to be the nice one but not have many, if any memorable moments that don't revolve around someone else being an idiot.
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;280771]what are you smoking and can I have some?[/QUOTE]
I don't smoke, but sure you can have some of the Lipton ice tea I've been drinking.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;280816]Ouch, Trees. Was that a burn I smell., XD. I just wasn't trying to be rude by the way. I just think Frank is a 6 as Shauvon would have it and JD a 10+[/QUOTE]
I disagree. Anyways here's a cup of Lipton Ice Tea.:girl_smile:
I completely understand what you are saying. For instance with the person I replied to above that thinks gay people are "weird and annoying"....when he sees someone like Frank getting sloppy drunk and throwing a tantrum like he did that just reinforces the stereotypes he already has in his head about us. It's a shame because so many people who don't know gay people in their real life see someone like Frank and ignorantly assume that we ALL must be like that cause they've never seen anything to the contrary. Either way theres really nothing we can really do about it, people will think what they want to think.[/QUOTE]
THANK YOU! That's exactly what I was saying.
First episode was alright to me. It usually takes me 3-4 episodes to really get into the Real World. I thoroughly enjoyed Vegas and I liked a lot of New Orleans. Right off the bat I am getting STRONG Zito vibes from Frank. Flipping out over a girl you have barely known for a few days. I just don't get it.
From a purely entertainment standpoint, I enjoying watching it though because people getting upset over little things like that can be very funny. Last season, the way Dustin blew up over stuff had me laughing.
Frank though seems sadder, he seems like he has a hurt inside and hopefully he can work that out some this season. Mt friend mentioned this to me today and I thought it was funny, "Zach looks like Sam from Supernatural!"
I thought that was funny. I really hope we see him on some challenges because he looks like a hoss. I don't know if he has the sheer tenacity but he looks like he has the size to contend with the Evans and CT's of the world.
Sometimes I feel like I watch these shows like a scout watches future prospects for a team. I'm always thinking "Hmmmm, would she be good on a challenge? What about him?" What can I say? I love my challenges.
I enjoyed the episode and they have another sick house! Although I think Frank seems uber annoying and like a Camera *****. He needs to chill the **** out!
After a long break from watching Real World, New Orleans semi-sucked me back in and then Vegas got me really back into it. I was hoping for another good season with San Diego, but...meh.
Frank: Is seriously annoying...I agree with whoever said he's like Zito in terms of how unstable he is, but it seems a lot more sad. He doesn't seem like he knows himself at all; who spends a year in a "situation" that totally destroys them? What's a situation? He tries to say he's ********, he doesn't care who he hooks up with, is the chillest guy ever...then he FLIPS on some guy in the club for dropping the f-bomb. He reeks of desperation when it comes to Alex, and his anger about the situation is really creepy. It just looks like he has serious issues; I'd be interested to know what his back story is.
Alex: I disagree with everyone who thinks she's soooo mature. Give me a break. She's obviously intelligent, but she'd have to be an idiot to NOT realize that Frank has a huge crush on her. She didn't handle the whole dynamic with him well at all; she's completely pandering to him, probably because it makes her feel good about herself to have some dude pining over her. She should've been way more assertive with him. I feel bad for her boyfriend. ("Oh, I dunno if it's a serious relationship, but we live together and have known each other for years and....we'll see!" WTF?!)
Nate: I semi-like him, I can't decide. The "PIGEON!" comment cracked me up for some reason. He does seem real though, and I like that. He's also obviously intelligent, studying engineering like Alex. He's a little old-fashioned/traditional and not afraid to say so, and I think that'll create some hilarious moments or some big fights...either of which will be entertaining.
Zach: I'm biased towards him because he reminds me of Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights, who is one of my favorite TV characters ever. So I kinda love Zach just because I can't see new eps of FNL featuring Rigs anymore, ha! Seriously though, he seems pretty chill and might end up being the only logical, even-keeled one in this place. And he will destroy some challenges if he ever gets invited. Also, that T-shirt with the wolves on it he kept wearing was ridiculously hilarious.
Priscilla: Annoyingly un-intelligent. I know she's the youngest one, but seriously. She doesn't stand for anything, seems like she can just be told whatever, and is utterly boring because of it. I can see her getting her feelings hurt by someone and running home to mommy at some point this season. Has there ever been someone in the cast who actually lives in the city where the cast is staying? Seems weird to me. Plus I didn't like how she played that whole Nate-grabbed-my-face nonsense...shut up Priscilla, you hooked up with him because you're stupid and he was there and you were just like "Ha, whatever!" and now you're embarrassed about it and trying to throw the dude under the bus.
Sam: Is confusing. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what her deal is, but I do have to give her credit for the direct and laid-back way she dealt with letting all her roommates know about her sexuality and she was totally mature about that ****** in the club. On the other hand, the way she insists on tagging along with the dudes all the time is kind of annoying. I'm cool with her sexuality and all, but honestly I felt like that's ALL she talked about.
Ashley: She didn't even speak enough for me to have much of an opinion about her. It does seem obvious that she's way more into Zach than he is into her and he'll probably crush her little heart at some point this season.
None of them is a really stand-out member to me...usually everyone has at least one cast member they kinda root for, who they really like. I didn't get that vibe from any of these people. And usually there's one cast member that you absolutely can't stand (like Adam from Las Vegas)...and I got that vibe from multiple cast members this time around. Not sure if that's a recipe for success.
I still think it would be kinda interesting if they put a really fat person in one of the casts. I don't know why!
Priscilla: Annoyingly un-intelligent. I know she's the youngest one, but seriously. She doesn't stand for anything, seems like she can just be told whatever, and is utterly boring because of it. I can see her getting her feelings hurt by someone and running home to mommy at some point this season. Has there ever been someone in the cast who actually lives in the city where the cast is staying? Seems weird to me. Plus I didn't like how she played that whole Nate-grabbed-my-face nonsense...shut up Priscilla, you hooked up with him because you're stupid and he was there and you were just like "Ha, whatever!" and now you're embarrassed about it and trying to throw the dude under the bus.
Ashley: She didn't even speak enough for me to have much of an opinion about her. It does seem obvious that she's way more into Zach than he is into her and he'll probably crush her little heart at some point this season.[/QUOTE]
Ruthie from Real World: Hawaii was from Hawaii. About that whole Zach crushing Ashley's heart I doubt it, I actually think they are dating judging by twitter.
Alex: I disagree with everyone who thinks she's soooo mature. Give me a break. She's obviously intelligent, but she'd have to be an idiot to NOT realize that Frank has a huge crush on her. She didn't handle the whole dynamic with him well at all; she's completely pandering to him, probably because it makes her feel good about herself to have some dude pining over her. She should've been way more assertive with him. I feel bad for her boyfriend. ("Oh, I dunno if it's a serious relationship, but we live together and have known each other for years and....we'll see!" WTF?!)
Zach: I'm biased towards him because he reminds me of Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights, who is one of my favorite TV characters ever. So I kinda love Zach just because I can't see new eps of FNL featuring Rigs anymore, ha! Seriously though, [B]he seems pretty chill and might end up being the only logical, even-keeled one in this place[/B]. And he will destroy some challenges if he ever gets invited. Also, that T-shirt with the wolves on it he kept wearing was ridiculously hilarious.
Alex said she had a boyfriend and loves him and they live together, "he's my soulmate".... I don't think she liked having someone pine over her and I don't think she was leading Frank on or anything. She stated I'm not hooking up with anyone, roommate or otherwise. Doesn't that make it clear she is going to be faithful? I don't know what everyone else was saying but I like her because she is chill and calm. Even after Frank's freakout she was trying to be a friend, like she had been the whole time, nothing more nothing less.
As for Zach, he does seem chill, but how do you figure he might be the only logical even keeled one? Did you see the season preview where he's yelling at someone? Obviously we don't know exactly who or why but it looked like it might have been directed at Sam, and if that's the case I think we all know why that would be (of course they could have just edited it to look that way). Regardless, for the most part I like him right now but the argument could change things.
Frank for sure is taking medication, he has issues and can't control his anger. That's not on top of him being awkward, who asks a girl if they are cute enough? All the guys seem cool, Frank just seems like he'll be the loner/loser on the show who will have problems with the other guys.
[QUOTE=mtlbrad;280950]Frank [B]for sure[/B] is taking medication, he has issues and can't control his anger.[/QUOTE]
Just to clarify, is that your opinion or do you know "for sure" that he's taking medication?
[QUOTE=CherryPie;280956]Just to clarify, is that your opinion or do you know "for sure" that he's taking medication?[/QUOTE]
My personal opinion..and that of my wife who was watching at the same time. Of course, we are not doctors but I'm sure someone with a medical background can comment on Frank's bipolar like personality.
I sort of err on the side of what Sam said about him--he seems confused about his sexuality. I feel like he is probably on the gay side of bi and struggling and the emotions are what make him seem so erratic---the conflict between his brain and his heart could be all there is to it. Just speculation though.
Oh great, another psycho representing the LGBT community (Frank)...lol. I think the last relatively sane one on the Real World was Mike Manning.
I like Sam. I don't know why, but I do.
Zac seems to be holding back, possibly because he realize that future employers may see him on the show and judge him based off of his performance on it. Can't wait to see what happens when he gets really drunk and totally lets go (inevitable on RW).
I quite like Priscilla. I think she's gonna be a lot like Elka from the Boston season and learn a lot about herself - despite being only 20 minutes from home.
Nate - Not sure why, but I don't want to like him. However, I'm getting the feeling that I will.
[QUOTE=cystic;280911]Agreed. Frank takes everything annoying about Ryan Kehoe and amplifies it tenfold.[/QUOTE]
My sentiments exactly. Anyway whatever happens between Alex and Frank doesn't seem to last that long though so he must've gotten over her.
I still can't understand how people black out and act like that when they get drunk. It's foreign to me. Do people honestly not know how they are acting? In that "drunken" time, do they not know they are doing something wrong, or acting immature?
Idk if i am going crazy, but how come the car's plate says "Frank"? Any who I felt bad for how Frank was treating Nate, Ash, and Priscilla in this video o-O especially for Priscilla, she can't go out to clubs or drink but she had to deal with that kind of stuff.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;281139]I still can't understand how people black out and act like that when they get drunk. It's foreign to me. Do people honestly not know how they are acting? In that "drunken" time, do they not know they are doing something wrong, or acting immature?[/QUOTE]
Yeah dude or dudette, shamefully, I have, and know a lot others who have gotten like that (Just finished college)... There are times where you are aware of what's happening but you just [I]don't care[/I], you're like "I know this is stupid/irresponsible, but meh". Then there are times where you last remember taking a shot, then you're waking up next to a stranger/in a hospital/in jail, etc...
Alcohol's a hell of a drug...
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;281139]I still can't understand how people black out and act like that when they get drunk. It's foreign to me. Do people honestly not know how they are acting? In that "drunken" time, do they not know they are doing something wrong, or acting immature?[/QUOTE]
Lol have you not been drunk before? And when you are blacked out you don't know how you're acting because you aren't conscious at that point although you are functioning normally. It's like having amnesia and you wake up the next morning like what the hell happened.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;281139]I still can't understand how people black out and act like that when they get drunk. It's foreign to me. Do people honestly not know how they are acting? In that "drunken" time, do they not know they are doing something wrong, or acting immature?[/QUOTE]
I don't believe that he is blacked-out drunk at all. He is too purposeful in his actions in my limited first-hand experience. Most of my friends who truly had a black-out drunk did absolutely insane things that were without much consistency like insisting on having to get naked before they could microwave a hotpocket; urinating in drawers thinking at the time they were in the bathroom; creating random pieces of "art" out of whatever was at hand; occassionally trying to hit things, and stuff like that. I believe he was just regular drunk based on what I see.
[QUOTE=lulax3;281145]Idk if i am going crazy, but how come the car's plate says "Frank"? Any who I felt bad for how Frank was treating Nate, Ash, and Priscilla in this video o-O especially for Priscilla, she can't go out to clubs or drink but she had to deal with that kind of stuff.[/QUOTE]
It's a dealer plate.