The Real World Puppy

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The Real World Puppy
[quote=DSsquared;55427]I did leave Baby Brooklyn with the girls at Puppies of Westport... they truly are the nicest people I have met and they really take care of their pups.. they took such good care of Brooklyn....they even put a picture of me by him while I was gone so he could see his mommy!!! I am proud to say that my baby came from Puppies of Westport and so did Scott's dog! Click this link to see all their cute puppies that need a home: [/quote] [B]The dog came from a pet store that sells dogs from puppy mills. [/B]These dogs don't "need" homes. She didn't rescue a purchasing at a pet store she ensured that the mass breeders continue to keep the mothers in tiny wire cages for their entire lives. They breed them every cycle until they can no longer breed. Then they kill them. [U]Google the store and you'll see the true story behind the cute puppies[/U]. I truly thought people were smart enough to know ALL pet stores have their dogs supplied by puppy mills. Oprah has done a ton of work trying to expose this.
I was waiting for someone to point this out ^
[quote=doglover;55467]You're kidding right?[B] The dog came from a pet store that sells dogs from puppy mills. [/B]These dogs don't "need" homes. She didn't rescue a purchasing at a pet store she ensured that the mass breeders continue to keep the mothers in tiny wire cages for their entire lives. They breed them every cycle until they can no longer breed. Then they kill them. [U]Google the store and you'll see the true story behind the cute puppies[/U]. I truly thought people were smart enough to know ALL pet stores have their dogs supplied by puppy mills. Oprah has done a ton of work trying to expose this.[/quote] I don't think it's fair to put all the blame on Devyn. We don't know if she researched the place she bought her puppy from or if she knew the store was being supplied by a puppy mill. However, I do think it is shameful that BMP would edit a puppy store to seem like a pet rescue instead. Either way, I was glad to see an episode that didn't revolve around tantrums and pranks!
[quote=doglover;55467]You're kidding right?[B] The dog came from a pet store that sells dogs from puppy mills. [/B]These dogs don't "need" homes. She didn't rescue a purchasing at a pet store she ensured that the mass breeders continue to keep the mothers in tiny wire cages for their entire lives. They breed them every cycle until they can no longer breed. Then they kill them. [U]Google the store and you'll see the true story behind the cute puppies[/U]. I truly thought people were smart enough to know ALL pet stores have their dogs supplied by puppy mills. Oprah has done a ton of work trying to expose this.[/quote] Sorry, Devyn wasn't kidding. I bought a puppy there as well and I even developed a great relation with the puppy's breeder. I have pictures of my puppy's parents and they certain;y don't look unhappy! But that breeder gave me an earful about all you crazy activists who want no puppy stores and don't even want breeders. She said she wishes she wishes there were more stores like Puppies of Westport because they really won't take dogs from bad breeders. All you want people to do is adopt dogs from rescues and pounds. Adopting is great, but tell me where you are going to adopt a young toy poodle or a young little Yorkie like Devyn's. Most puppies that end up in pounds or rescues are there because their owners abused them or neglected them or just let them run away. That's not necessarily the dog that's right for everyone especially a family with kids. And so many of those rescue groups are so difficult to work with. Remember how they snatched that puppy away after Ellen spent all that money training it and the kids were crushed? Sure there are bad breeders but there are also plenty of good breeders and it makes me sick to hear from people like you who want to impose your will on everybody else. Rather than automatically condemning every pet store, why don't you go after the ones that are really bad. So many stores I've been in have sad dogs and horrible odors. Every time I've been to this store it's been totally clean, no offensive odors and every one of their puppies seem like their smiling! It also looks and smells a lot better than most of the 'pounds' I've visited! The guys at this store really love Puppies. Both Devyn and Scott got puppies from there, Stop wasting your time attacking a good petstore and do something about the bad puppy mills that ought to be shut down. There's no excuse for Real World to have hidden where Devyn got her puppy- maybe they are afraid of having to deal with crazies like you and they just buckled. Shame on them!
[quote=pippyman;55645]So many stores I've been in have sad dogs and horrible odors. Every time I've been to this store it's been totally clean, no offensive odors and every one of their puppies seem like their smiling! It also looks and smells a lot better than most of the 'pounds' I've visited![/quote] And what does that have to do with anything? Puppies of Westport is a STORE that makes money and can afford to hire people to clean. Most animal shelters and pet rescues are run by non-profit groups that rely on volunteers to help out. It isn't very fair to compare the two. [quote=pippyman;55645]There's no excuse for Real World to have hidden where Devyn got her puppy- maybe they are afraid of having to deal with crazies like you and they just buckled. Shame on them![/quote] No, there isn't, and it is just as likely that glossed over the Puppies of Westport segment for other reasons. And just because someone believes in something you do not, it doesn't make them crazy. They are entitled to an opinion too!
Doglover...I am just the same as you...I love dogs to death and I completely agree with you regarding puppymills, however I would not hold that against Devyn because the way I see it is that she probably was not properly educated on the puppymill business before she went to PoW to get Baby Brooklyn so I see it as she actually saved the pup from being in bad conditions for longer than necessary if that is indeed what you are saying PoW is. Not many people who aren't avid animal lovers know that Pet store puppies come from puppy mills but if you approach them with it in a calm and non-condesending way they are usually appalled and shocked and learn a valuable lesson, however when you personally attack someone not knowing all the facts it tends to shut them down and they won't hear anything you are trying to say.
[quote=Zereaux;55700]And what does that have to do with anything? Puppies of Westport is a STORE that makes money and can afford to hire people to clean. Most animal shelters and pet rescues are run by non-profit groups that rely on volunteers to help out. It isn't very fair to compare the two. No, there isn't, and it is just as likely that glossed over the Puppies of Westport segment for other reasons. And just because someone believes in something you do not, it doesn't make them crazy. They are entitled to an opinion too![/quote] I am totally in favor of adopting and supporting shelters. That is not mutually exclusive with saying something positive about an alternate channel for acquiring pure-bred puppies that represents less than 5% of all dogs acquired in the US. If you shut down pet stores, especially good ones, you will be forcing many of those people who want to acquire a certain breed to the internet where there is absolutely no regulation of the breeders who sell via the web. The 5% of dogs that come from pet stores would hardly make an impact on the millions of puppies euthnized in shelters each year. You could go directly to small private breeders but that is often highly challenging. And by the way, most pounds, rescues and breeders would have refused to let Devyn adopt without her being able to show a stable home environment and other onerous requirements. You will also not find a small yorkie puppy in a shelter unless you are willing to wait forever and get behind all the others who'd like to adopt one! You are absolutely right that just because someone disagrees with you that does not make them crazy. However, when people maliciously attack the personal lives of people who adore puppies and are always checking on breeders they use to insure they are not substandard. That does represent a reason to call them crazy. If you knew the tactics of some of these "dog lovers" they would make you far more upset than the worst puppy mill. These activists will say anything, do anything and deny anything in furtherance of the goals that they are certainly entitled to espouse. These groups regularly cite statistics from groups like the Humane Society of the United States which is not a humane society and just a lobbying group. Would it bother you to know that the HSUS raised over $25 million from well-meaning individuals like you by running full page ads asking for money to help save all of the dogs seized from Michael Vick and that the New York Times found that not only did the HSUS give zero to support the Michael Vick dogs- they advocated euthanizing all of them because they said they could not be rehabilitated. Guess what, 32 of those dogs are now in loving homes. The HSUS is against any type of dog breeding whatsoever. To them "the life of an ant is as important as the life of my child!"
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