Nia's a star. She made this season instantly 10 x better and I like that she is a strong woman who isn't afraid to make these disrespectful guys look stupid.
We learned a little bit more about Marlon and Averey now that we have a new roommate. One person I still don't know about is Ana, she needs to break out of her shell. Who are you?
Nia had to beg to be put on? How dumb are the people over at BMP to not put this girl on the show immediately? Yet every season we get at least one dude for females (Ashley SD2, Laura ST, Joi). She has just entered and already it's way more interesting IMO.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;341905]No I mean hated. No one was hated, and I mean hated as the one who should not be named.[/QUOTE]
Can someone give me a hint about the one should not be named...I'm a little confused
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;341995]Please don't bother.[/QUOTE]
As a rare '08 member, you have to admit that **** was awesome. ;)
(I'm rereading that epic showdown as I type this. It never gets old.)
I really wanna know why Nia wasn't put on as an original. She brings life to this season.
I feel like there is more to her fights shown on the previews because she seems so chill and smart
I wasn't sure about Nia but so far I like her. She came at the perfect time because this season's conflict and drama was starting to get boring and kind of repetitive. She's definitely an interesting person who's been through a lot.
So far I don't mind Jordan but Jessica is becoming extremely annoying. And I'm also tired of seeing her wear the same shirt every episode tbh.
Well, I like Nia even more after this episode.
There's something about Averey's face when she's talking, she always looks... tense.
Marlon's more and more likable each week, they initially just presented him as a bro.
It was very uncomfortable watching Nia hit on Jordan in front of Marlon... That must suck. I respect him for getting the hint though. She seems a little too wild for him lol
As much as I don't wanna like Johnny, he's hilarious.
Nia and Ana's convo about being intelligent, outspoken and beautiful... Chill ladies.
Jordan's very cocky in the "big truck, little **** way".
Is it me or do most of Ana's convos revolve around fangirling over her roommates' relationships?
[QUOTE=Calinks;341972]This has to be suck for Marlon is this at all goes down. You got this crush, you put this girl in this image, and she destroys it in your face lol.[/QUOTE]
But then again, when they had their first house convo with Nia, she said she had 3 dudes... She didn't hide anything or create a fake image for herself. When someone tells them they're a player, believe them.
[QUOTE=JL81790;341988]I don't really have much of an opinion on Jessica but Emilee is hilarious. Reading her telling people off on twitter always brings me a smile.[/QUOTE]
Emilee acts like that high school cheerleader trying to stay relevant and relive her glory days.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;341989]I'm tired of the Jordan hate... until he actually does something annoying again. The girls need to let it the hell go![/QUOTE]
There's a lot they don't show, I seriously doubt they were stuck on just one argument. He obviously antagonizes the girls all the time. I like Jordan, but I can see the girls' point of view.
[QUOTE=CherryPie;342004]But then again, when they had their first house convo with Nia, she said she had 3 dudes... She didn't hide anything or create a fake image for herself. When someone tells them they're a player, believe them.
Emilee acts like that high school cheerleader trying to stay relevant and relive her glory days.
There's a lot they don't show, I seriously doubt they were stuck on just one argument. He obviously antagonizes the girls all the time. I like Jordan, but I can see the girls' point of view.[/QUOTE]
It's early but so far Jess brings little tot he table other than things that annoy me. But my question was more with Joi. If she left jsut becuase she had bills to pay at home, why even agree to go on this show? i could have missed why she realy left, but coudln't they have edited her out completely and than have nia come in without any Joi appearance. I mean if her whole goal was to just make an appearance on tv, why give it to her. THey obviously know before it airs she left and how was she planning before she left to pay her bills? Not sure what if any other reason she had but i just saw on social media she had life responsibilities back home and bills etc. So if her goal was to be on rw to promote herself and for apperances, she got what she wanted, but what did mtv get out of it.
Emily does voice her opinion every season, at least she is consistent and not jsut picking on one person ....But she appears to enjoy these back and forth twitter thigns, which are dumb
I'm sorry but to be honest if joi hadn't left and Nia entered, I think the show would have been boring the cast is cool, but the Jessica drama would have gotten old and repetitive. EVERY season needs someone like nia who. Brings out certain things, good or bad, in the roomies.
Anyone else notice how this one is filmed and edited way different from ST? It seems way more real
I think Emilee needs to move on in life. She's still the exact same mean girl from Real World Cancun. The show did nothing for her. She's trying to stay relevant IMO. That jessica stuff was uncalled for.
Okay so after last nights episode I think people are way too judgemental of Nia.
First of all I don't understand how people automatically hate this season for the drama. What do you want? People complain that St Thomas is boring and has no drama, then they say Portland is a wannabe Jersey Shore. You can never please MTV viewers. Then based soley on the previews people hate on Nia so much. Also pre-season when they just show cast photos i've noticed that stupid facebook fans always judge the black girl as the loud obnoxious one when they haven't even heard her speak which I find very annoying and unfair.
Nia came off very kind this episode. Not as sweet as Latoya from last season :'), but she was very kind. I like how she brought out everyone's story. Yeah we know she's feisty, but no one has any right to judge her UNTIL you see how the fights go down later in the season. And i'm glad she told her rape story because I have a better understanding of why Nia is so defensive. Anyways,
I enjoyed this episode & I was literally laughing the entire episode because the editing foreshadowed SO MUCH of what's going to happen later on. At first I thought Avery was too sweet to fight anyone, but this episode I can kind of see how her & Nia end up getting into it..
Oh also someone mentioned they way they're filming this season seems more real. I TOTALLY agree. I also like the webcam diary room they have. And I also really enjoy how they DON'T add music in the background during fights. I think they've improved a lot on confessionals & filming this season. I hope they continue this on The Challenge 2013. =]
Great episode. Also, I'm loving Daisy. I know some people think the footage of her is unnecessary and boring, but in my opinion I think it's hilarious because it's almost like she's treated as the 8th roommate (In the intro, and I mean she got more airtime than Joi did even when she was still there). When Nia gave her cheese and she started to like Nia, it played "resolution" sounding music as if 2 roommates had just made up or something, idk I thought it was funny lol.
Does anyone else think Jordan's excessive exercising is all for camera? I mean if he really did all this exercise at home then why would he be kind of chubby and not very built.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;342094]Does anyone else think Scott excessive exercising is all for camera? I mean if he really did all this exercise at home then why would he be kind of chubby and not very built.[/QUOTE]
Fixed. Oh wait my bad this is Portland not Brooklyn.
[QUOTE=timster3;342035]Oh also someone mentioned they way they're filming this season seems more real. I TOTALLY agree. I also like the webcam diary room they have. And I also really enjoy how they DON'T add music in the background during fights. I think they've improved a lot on confessionals & filming this season. I hope they continue this on The Challenge 2013. =][/QUOTE]
Agree except for the biking scene where they had a song that sounded like it was a elementary school CD.
[QUOTE=Aramm;342191]Just saw the preview for the next episode.. great, another prank gone wrong. Let's hope this one isn't the topic of the entire episode.[/QUOTE]
The last two promos have been the last 5 minutes of the entire episodes. But yeah let's hope not, shouldn't be as Johnny and Avery will have their drama next episode.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;342094]Does anyone else think Jordan's excessive exercising is all for camera? I mean if he really did all this exercise at home then why would he be kind of chubby and not very built.[/QUOTE]
You think Jordan's chubby? I see Johnny as the somewhat chubby one. But I disagree, I don't think Jordan exercises just for the camera. He seems very athletic