The show starts off by showing us a preview of what happened last episode. Then it takes us to the opening credits.
[U][B]XL Condom[/B][/U]
It then takes us to JD and Sarah's Room, where we see JD, Sarah, and Chet.
Chet looking at some of JD's things
Chet: "Personal lubricant. What's this for? You are planning on doing the dirty."
Sarah: "Rules number one, always be prepared."
Chet: "That's true."
JD says in the Confessional, "Chet, I don't think he has ever been exposed to like, a gay guy before."
Chet: "I am just really intrigued by this XL Condom."
[I]Sarah laughs.[/I]
JD: "Why?"
Chet: "Because, I really want to know what equates an XL condom."
[I]JD takes the condom from Chet's hand.[/I]
Chet: "I mean are we talking about a 6 by 7."
JD: "I don't talk about..."
Chet: "By seven, I am talking about circumference. Give me a radii."
Sarah: "Oh Lord!"
JD doesn't say anything and walks away.
Chet: "Why JD? We are roommates. We are suppose to discuss this type of thing."
JD: "Yeah, but we're not boyfriends."
Chet: "Exactly. Well then, anyway; Congratulations for being able to fill up an XL condom. Huge ******* are a rare commodity... they really are."
JD: "You think?"
Chet: "I think they are. I've been around enough people, in a fraternity house to know that they are a rare commodity."
Chet says in the Confessional, "Magnum condoms are for the men who is large and in charge. This is either one really arrogant guy, or he is as big as he thinks."
Chet walks into the kitchen wear Ryan is.
Chet: "He's rockin an XL condom."
Ryan: "He's Latino."
Chet: "XL though?"
JD walks into the kitchen.
Chet: "There he is. Latino heat!"
JD: "That's right."
Ryan: "Mr. Miami."
Chet: "Make us proud bro."
[U][B]Katelynn Comes Out To Sarah[/B][/U]
It then takes us to the bathroom, where Sarah is fixing Katelynn's hair.
Katelynn: "I would have never in a million years guessed that, anyone in the house I have connected with levels, with like you and JD."
Sarah: "I think it is just that comfort level. Like I feel like I could talk about anything."
Katelynn: "Exactly."
Sarah: "And people aren't like, Oh Sarah."
Katelynn says in the Confessional, "Sarah seems like this very open and compassionate person, and I feel comfortable enough with her to come out to her."
Katelynn: "I hate my op scars from when I was in Thailand. That is why I was in Thailand."
Sarah: "Oh yeah?"
Katelynn: "Yeah, it was where I was having my surgery."
Sarah: "How did that go for you?"
Katelynn: "Um.... That was a very weird experience."
Sarah says in the Confessional, "Katelynn tells me that she's transgender, and to me it's no big deal. I don't think that being a transgender defines her as a person."
Sarah and Katelynn Continues their conversation.
Sarah: "Was it expensive?"
Katelynn: "It was insanely expensive. Like, I couldn't..."
Sarah: "How did you afford it?"
Katelynn: "There was a point and time in my life when I was goal oriented, it was for that, it was for my surgery."
Sarah: "That's good. You wanted it, you went out and did it, and you did it for you; and I can tell and that is what I really love. You saw what made you happy and what you felt like you needed in your life, and you did it."
Sarah says in the Confessional, "Katelynn, no matter what she was before, she is a woman now. So that is all that matters to me."
Sarah: "It's such a good feeling when you finally feel like, Oh I am me. Oh thank God."
Katelynn: "It really is, and I really hate it because a lot of people who umm... they think what I am doing is unnatural or wrong."
Sarah: "It's biological. All you are doing is fixing what was wrong."
Katelynn: "Exactly."
Sarah: "That's it. No big deal."
Katelynn: "I agree."
[U][B]The Alarm Clock Prank[/B][/U]
It then shows us the outside of the Brooklyn house, and you hear a ringing sound.
It then shows Chet and Ryan in their room with an alarm clock.
Ryan: "Is somebody going to get that?"
It then shows JD searching for the "phone" that is ringing.
JD: "What phone it that?"
Ryan makes the alarm clock ring some more. Chet is laughing.
Chet: "Please, will you get the door!"
JD goes outside to get the door.
Ryan: "This is a mind game."
Scott: "It is somebody's alarm clock."
Scott goes into their room and catches them.
JD comes back into the house.
JD: "I checked the entire house. I don't hear where it is coming from, I really don't know."
Scott: "It's their alarm clock."
JD: "You're kidding me!"
Scott: "No I am not kidding. It really was their alarm clock... They got you."
[U][B]Ryan Finds Katelynn and Sarah's Conversation Boring[/B][/U]
It then shows Katelynn and Sarah sitting in the Kitchen, talking.
Katelynn: "Were in a very male dominated society."
Sarah: "I hope that we enter a modern renaissance where we can appreciate life the way it should be, and not repress things like human sexuality."
It shows Ryan in the Kitchen listening to their conversation.
Ryan says in the Confessional, "So the lame bus just pulled into our kitchen and dropped off yet another discussion.
Katelynn and Sarah continues their conversation.
Sarah: "How about the Egyptians and all of their beliefs, and those Egyptians were so far ahead of their time."
Katelynn: "Like, the polytheists knew how to get down. As soon as monotheism comes through society it's like bye-bye fun good times."
Ryan says in the Confessional, "My head is going to explode."
Sarah and Katelynn continues their conversation.
Sarah: "We can not come from two people. Hello?"
Chet: "Popcorn?"
Sarah "No."
Katelynn: "No thank you."
Sarah: "You know, I know, why doesn't everybody else know this! God!"
Ryan says in the Confessional, [I]Gasp [/I]"I think it's over..."
Katelynn and Sarah continue to talk.
Katelynn: "Everyone wants to save the proposes, no one gives a ***** about the tuna."
Ryan says in the Confessional, "Nope."
Sarah: "Clearly we need to teach a class."
Katelynn: "Clearly!"
Sarah: "We should write a book."
[B][U]The Condom Prank [/U][/B]
It is night time in Brooklyn.
Scott walks by the fish tank.
Scott: "Is that a banana... in the fish tank? Who put the banana with the condom on it in the fish tank?"
Ryan and Chet walks up to the tank and laughs.
Ryan: "Way to make everything look trashy here."
JD walks into the room.
JD: "Was it mine?"
Ryan: "No, it's his little New York condom things."
JD says in the Confessional, "I don't know if it was Chet and Ryan, or if it was just Chet."
JD goes to the Bathroom and tells Sarah what happened.
Sarah: "What?"
JD: "There is a condom in the fish tank with a banana in it."
Chet says in the Confessional, "JD really doesn't do well with jokes or pranks."
JD and Devyn are talking in the Kitchen.
JD: "He can't be taking off with my condoms, and putting them in, come on."
Devyn: "He did that? Oh he did that."
JD: "I don't know, but you can't do that. You don't ***** go through people's drawers and take their *****. You know?"
Devyn: "Yeah, I agree."
JD says in the Confessional, "Chet goes through all of my stuff. It is apparent because the drawers are open in my room, and my backpack is open. That's not right, you don't go through people's stuff at all."
It then takes us on commercial break.
When we come back from commercial break it shows us Scott, JD, Devyn, and Sarah talking.
Scott: "I think, him going through JD's stuff..."
Sarah: "That is the one thing... How do you think is the best way to address that problem?"
Devyn: "He did say, he was like, but out of everybody in the house I like Sarah the most."
JD: "That's why he hasn't pulled a prank on her."
Devyn: "Yeah. Sarah also has a way of getting a point across, but in a compassionate way."
Baya joins them.
Sarah: "I'll try to talk to him tomorrow."
[U][B]Sarah Talks to Chet[/B][/U]
It is morning in Brooklyn.
Sarah and Chet are outside on the deck talking.
Sarah: "I guess what people are really concerned about is there personal space, and personal property and stuff like that. Some things are funny, but some things like are not funny. You know, you went in JD's drawer and pulled out like the condom."
Chet: "I didn't go in his drawers and just pull it out."
Sarah: "He's under the impression that you had gone through... Like his backpack was open and..."
Chet: "I didn't go through his backpack."
Sarah: "You didn't"
Chet: "I never went through anything."
Sarah: "Do you want to cause a divide in the house? Or do you want..."
Chet: "Give me a break Sarah. As nonjudgmental as everybody claims to be, that's pretty judgmental."
Sarah: "Well I just wanted to talk to you about it."
Chet: "No I appreciate that Sarah. You are a good person."
Chet goes inside.
[U][B]Chet Confronts JD[/B][/U]
Chet walks into the computer room. Sarah, Baya, Scott, and JD are in the room as well.
Chet: "JD."
JD: "Yeah."
Chet: "May I have a word with you outside please."
JD: "Yes."
Chet says in the Confessional, "I just want to nip this thing in the butt. I want to discuss it with JD. I want to clear it up."
Chet and JD go outside on the deck.
Chet: "There was a banana in the fish tank yesterday, wrapped in a condom and hung by a string."
JD: "Mmm Hmm"
Chet: "It was my condom. It wasn't yours."
Chet says in the Confessional, "I had all these condoms given to me, by random people in the clubs. Condoms in NYC are given out like candy."
Chet and JD continue their conversation.
Chet: "Why is it that you find yourself accusing me to other people that I took your condom, and put that around the banana?"
JD: "Because all my stuff was open yesterday."
Chet: "I didn't open your stuff. Are you just going to smirk and try and stir the pot."
JD: "No, we all had a talk last night."
Chet: "Cool. You guys all had a talk."
JD: "You've been pulling pranks, and we thought that..."
Chet: "Oh my gosh, it is a prank dude!"
JD: "Are the pranks going to stop?"
Chet: "I don't know yet."
JD: "You don't know? Well I am telling you write now, they need to stop with me."
Chet: "They need to stop with you? Why? What are you going to do?"
JD: "I am just telling you, they need to stop."
Chet: "You need to quit being so sensitive."
JD: "I need to quit being so sensitive? Dude you need to be a little bit more mature. I understand the whole pulling pranks thing sometimes, but you know, I am just telling you don't go through my stuff."
Chet: "If I am telling you right now, looking into your eyes, I didn't go through your things; you should be a friend enough to me to actually believe that."
JD: "Ok, then I believe you."
Chet: "Do you?"
JD: "Yeah."
Chet: "Ok well that's great. If you have a problem, take it up with me. I don't want to hear about it from the whole house."
JD: "Ok."
[U][B]Katelynn, Sarah, and Baya Go Dancing[/B][/U]
It then shows Katelynn, Baya, and Sarah going into a dance studio.
Baya says in the Confessional, "I moved to New York to pursue dance."
Katelynn says in the Confessional, "Baya finds this Afro, Caribbean dance class. She is like, hey do you guys want to go? So Sarah and I, being good sports, we're like sure."
The class begins to dance.
It shows Baya, Katelynn, and Sarah dancing.
Baya says in the Confessional, "Dance is something that I am so passionate about. To me, dancing is about performing and letting somebody see your story through movement."
Sarah says in the Confessional, "It is so hard, I don't know why I thought... It looks easy."
Katelynn says in the Confessional, "I personally have got no natural rhythm what so ever. So I feel so goofy footed and uncoordinated."
Sarah says in the Confessional, "Baya does a great job, and she loves it and it seems like she really is a dancer. Because a true dancer, I think can pick up on any kind of dance."
[B][U]Katelynn Comes Out to Baya[/U][/B]
It then shows us Baya, Sarah, and Katelynn in the car. Sarah is driving.
Sarah: "Don't judge a book by it's cover, for every single one of us."
Baya: "By looking at Chet, I bet you wouldn't guess that he was a really, really strict, conservative, republican, straight."
Katelynn says in the Confessional, "So far the people I am out to as transgendered in the house, are JD and Sarah."
Katelynn: "I was kind of hoping for some alone time because, I wanted to come out to you."
Baya: "What do you mean?"
Katelynn: "I am transgendered."
Baya: "Ok so... I don't know a lot about..."
Katelynn: "That's fine. I've got no problem with being like, the mentor."
Katelynn says in the Confessional, "Every time something becomes personal in friendships, or romantic relationships you know, you feel that there should be a sense of honesty, trust, and confidence."
Katelynn and Baya continue their conversation.
Katelynn: "As far as everything was concerned, I was a genetically, perfectly, healthy male. But mentally, my brain was of a female. Every since I was a little kid I knew that I identified more as female then as male. So... It was really kind of hard for me because growing up in a very ridged catholic family, it was very hard for me to express myself. So I hid it and I suppressed it, and it was just something that was very... I was very depressed as a kid. Because my body didn't fit the way that I saw myself, and when I was a teenager, I started cross dressing . So the first time that I saw myself, like all dressed up, I looked in the mirror and I am like, this fits! This works!"
Sarah: "Awww, that is such a good feeling for you to have."
Katelynn: "It was the first time that I ever felt comfortable in my own skin. So far you, Sarah, and JD are the only ones that I've told."
Baya: "Well I won't say anything obviously."
Katelynn: "Yeah. I've got not intention of telling Chet and Ryan."
Sarah: "They don't know how to control their jokes, and they don't know what's funny and what's not funny; and what's funny to them, is not funny to the rest of the world."
Katelynn: "That's the exact reason."
Sarah: "Well to me you are 100% female."
Katelynn: "That's how I see it too."
Baya: "110%"
Sarah: "And you got the receipts to prove it."
[U][B]Baya and Sarah Talk About Katelynn[/B][/U]
It then takes us back to the Real World Brooklyn House. Baya and Sarah are in the Bathroom. It is night time in Brooklyn.
Baya: "Her story, it was just so touching."
Sarah: "Mmm Hmm, it's powerful. The majority of the time, when you come out for something like that, someone is going to beat you up, someone is going to threaten your life, someone is going to try to kill you for who you are... Could you imagine someone trying to kill you for who you are? It is so taboo and people don't talk about it. If you choose to live.... Like it's their choice, it is not. The same way, you don't choose what color hair you have, you don't choose what sex you are. I didn't choose to be a girl."
Baya says in the Confessional, "I just hope so badly that she feels like she has a support group here. Because I think she is taking all the right steps to go in the direction her life deserves to go."
It shows Katelynn sitting in a chair on the deck.
It then takes us on commercial break.
[U][B]Baya Calls the Hip Hop Dance Conservatory[/B][/U]
It is day time in Brooklyn. It shows Baya in the Phone room calling the Hip Hop Dance Conservatory.
HHDC: "Hip Hop Dance Conservatory
Baya: "Hey. Will I need to submit a 400 word essay for the audition on Saturday?"
Baya says in the Confessional, "While I'm in Brooklyn I am hoping to start dancing at a place called the Hip Hop Dance Conservatory."
Baya: "What do I need exactly on the day of auditioning? I need a picture, and a resume?"
HHDC: "You need a picture, and you need a resume. If you have your essay by that time, then bring that as well."
Baya: "When will we need to have letters of recommendation?"
HHDC: "As soon as possible."
Baya says in the Confessional, "All the sudden, it is crunch time, and I have to get all of these things ready for the audition."
It then shows Baya on the Computer. JD comes in the room.
JD: "Can I sit next to you?"
Baya: "Yeah, I am just looking at stuff for this audition on Saturday, and I am freaking out. I need to make a resume."
JD: "I can help you with that, do you want to see mine?"
Baya: "Well, it's just a dance resume and I don't have one. You know what I mean? Like I really haven't... I don't even know why I am going to this audition. There is absolutely no way I am making this."
Baya says in the Confessional, "I am really nervous, because I don't feel like I am up to par to be auditioning somewhere like New York for something like a dance conservatory."
Baya walks into the kitchen where Chet and Ryan are.
Baya: "I really don't think I have a chance in h*** in making this."
Ryan: "Dude, I don't have a chance in h*** in making it on that dance team. You kinda do."
[B][U]Ryan Kisses a Drag Queen [/U][/B]
JD, Devyn, and Sarah are in the Kitchen.
JD: "Do you think Chet and Ryan would go with us too?"
Sarah: "You can't offer it until you try it."
JD says in the Confessional, "So tonight, we decide all to go out, and I tell my roommates, you know lets go out into the city; this bar in Chelsea."
It is night time in Brooklyn. It shows the roommates getting ready. Sarah puts eyeliner on Chet.
Chet says in the Confessional, "I don't know why I've started to wear eyeliner. I am finding that the girls at the clubs with whom I wanted to interact, tend to like it."
Ryan: "Dude, do you know what Chelsea is?"
Chet: "Is it the gay community?"
Ryan: "The gay district. And you are looking like that, dude they are going to eat you alive."
Chet: "No."
Ryan: "Yeah, they are."
Chet: "Girls are."
Ryan: "No."
[I]Ryan whispers something.[/I]
Chet: "What? This bar?" Well I am going. I have nothing else to do"
Ryan: "I am going. I am down for different things but... I am just letting you know."
It then shows Ryan, Chet, JD, Sarah, and Baya in a car.
JD: "You've never been to a gay bar right?"
Ryan: "No."
JD: "Ok."
Chet: "So this is a gay bar."
JD: "Well no it is mixed. If you're not comfortable, I know it is your first time, and if you are wanting to leave I am cool with that."
Ryan: "Dude that is why I'm coming, because I never been around that type of stuff, so I am trying to expose myself."
Chet: "I hit on by gay people all the time."
Ryan: "Do you know why though? It's the way you dress dude!"
Chet: "I know, but I'm not gay."
It then shows them walking to the bar.
Chet: "I'm not nervous. Are you?"
Ryan: "Yeah, I am nervous."
They go into the bar.
Chet says in the Confessional, "I walk in the door, and there is nothing but homosexual men."
It then shows Peppermint (who is a drag queen), the entertainer talking on the microphone.
It then shows two guys making out.
Ryan says in the confessional, "I see two guys making out... Oh God, I need a drink if I am going to survive here."
The roommates are all gathered together.
Roommates: "Cheers!"
Chet: "To our first gay bar."
It shows them hanging out at the bar.
It shows JD whisper something to Sarah.
Sarah says in the Confessional, "JD says that he would give 100 dollars to Ryan to dance with the drag queen, Ms. Peppermint.
Ryan: "You'll give me 100 dollars if I dance with her?"
It then takes us to Peppermint who is on the microphone.
Peppermint: "I heard there was a straight boy in here."
Ryan walks up and Peppermint begins to dance with him.
JD says in the Confessional, "Ryan doesn't really dance with her, so she decides to kiss him on the cheek, and he's like ok just a kiss for 100 dollars on the cheek..."
It then takes us back to Peppermint and Ryan.
Peppermint: "We have a straight boy in here, and he is a sweety pie, and I just want to get a kiss on the cheek. We need complete silence yall, complete silence."
Peppermint then gives a countdown, "1, 2, 3!"
Ryan leans in to kiss her on the cheek. As he is leaning in, she turns her head and kisses him on the lips."
Ryan wipes his lips. You can tell he didn't want that to happen. Lol.
The cast members laugh. Ryan continues to wipe his lips.
It then takes us on commercial break.
[B][U]The Roommates Come Back From the Gay Bar[/U][/B]
When the show comes back on, we see Baya, JD, Chet, Sarah, and Ryan walking back from the gay bar.
Chet: "I loved that too. That was a fun place."
Baya: "That was such a good, good night."
Ryan: "There was only one way to find out what it was like."
The roommates arrive at the house.
Sarah goes crazy and goes into the computer room where Scott and Katelynn are.
Scott: "What?"
Sarah: "JD paid Ryan 100 bucks to kiss a drag queen on the cheek, so he downed a bunch of alcohol..."
Ryan is in the bathroom stall with the door shut.
Chet: "Are you alright Ryan?"
Ryan: "Yeah."
Sarah continues telling Katelynn and Scott what happened.
Sarah: "He kissed a drag queen on the lips, and now he is like, Oh my God that was so gay. He had to go wash his mouth off with soap and water."
Scott and Katelynn laugh.
It shows Ryan brushing his teeth.
Ryan goes into a room where Sarah, Devyn, and JD are sitting.
Ryan: "It was a first time experience.."
Sarah: "We love you. Come sit down."
Ryan sits on Sarah's lap.
JD: "If you were at a straight bar, do you think you would have thrown up?"
Ryan: "No."
Devyn: "Probably because you wouldn't have been as big of a hit. Girls aren't going to buy you drinks like gay guys are."
JD says in the Confessional, "My first impression of Ryan was that he was close minded, and now he has definitely opened up and seems to be more open minded."
Devyn: "And look, now you've had a tasty chocolate too. You've killed two birds with one stone."
JD: "We were there for you and it was awesome."
[B][U]Ryan Tells His Girlfriend That He Kissed Someone Else[/U][/B]
It is morning in Brooklyn. We see Ryan on the phone with his girlfriend, Michelle.
Michelle: "Hey what's up?"
Ryan: "Hey. We need to talk."
Michelle: "Ok."
Ryan: "I kissed somebody."
Michelle: "You what?"
Ryan: "I kissed somebody."
Michelle: "I hate you."
Ryan: "Ok well, let me explain it. We went to a gay bar, and this place is like gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay. And there is like this drag queen that was like singing, and one of my roommates gave me 100 dollars to kiss her on the cheek; so I am like, Ok. For a hundred dollars? Alright. At the last second she/he like snapped around and touched my lips."
Michelle: "So you kissed a dude/girl?"
Ryan: "Yeah. I think." [I]Ryan Laughs. [/I]
Michelle: "That is disgusting! By the way, if you ever scare me like that again I will seriously hurt you."
Ryan Laughs.
[U][B]Baya's Audition At HHDC[/B][/U]
It then shows us Devyn, JD, and Sarah going with Baya to watch her audition. They are outside going to the car.
JD: "Baya."
Baya: "Yeah."
JD: "Look at Peppermint."
Sarah: "Oh wait, the one on the back is even better. I like that one."
One of the cast members says, "Oh hot mamma."
Baya: "No those ***** are fake."
Baya says in the Confessional, "I can't even believe that JD, Sarah, and Devyn are going to come with me to an audition. It feels so good to have people totally support what I am doing."
They get in the car to go to the audition.
Sarah: "So what are you thinking right now? What's going through your head?"
Baya: "Oh I just have butterflies."
Sarah: "It is 70% how you act, 20% how you look, and 10% the way you actually do."
Baya laughs.
Baya says in the Confessional, "I am going to audition for a place called the Hip Hop Dance Conservatory in Manhattan. I don't have any idea what the audition process is going to be like. I am really anxious and really nervous."
It then shows Baya stretching in the Dance Studio.
The dancers go into a room to audition.
Safi S Thomas walks into the room. He is the Founder/Artistic Director of HHDC.
Safi: "Welcome. How is everybody doing today?"
[I]The Dancers Respond[/I]
Safi: "Are you sure? Ok. I am not looking to be surprised, and shocked, and awed by your dance skill, because I know you don't really have any. Your mind is more important to me than your dance skills."
Baya says in the Confessional, "The one thing that I didn't expect was for it to be so strict, and so sort of militaryesk."
Safi: "What are you doing here?"
Random Dancer: "I came to get a proper education. Things that will help me take my dancing to the next level."
Safi: "Ok. How about you? Why are you here?"
Baya: "I am ready to gain a breathe of knowledge that I don't feel like I have been able to obtain in a dance studio."
Safi: "And why do you dance at all?"
Baya: "I love the way it makes me feel."
Safi: "You love the way it makes you feel? So let me ask you a question. After about a six or seven hour rehersal, you haven't be allowed to take a break to get a water. Will you still love what you do?"
Baya: "I hope. I have never been pushed to that kind of extreme level."
Safi: "Do you have values?"
Baya: "Yes."
Baya says in the Confessional, "I am so bad a being put on the spot like that. What the h*** does he expect me to say? I don't appreciate the intimidation factor.
The lady tells them, "Bring your arms out to your side."
[I]They spread their arms out.[/I]
Safi: "50% of this audition process is meaning to see who you are as a person. It's kind of like a introduction into life as a dancer. This is a 10 minute exercise. Being able to endure, being able to preservere, and being able to focus."
Baya says in the Confessional, "I am getting dizzy. I close my eyes, and I am literally preparing myself to fall down and pass out."
The lady tells them to put their arms down.
They begin dancing.
Baya says in the Confessional, "I don't feel like I am connecting with the music and the movement. I am messing up all over the place, and it just progressively gets worse and worse."
Safi stops the music and says 100 off. That is Baya's number. Baya leaves.
When Baya goes outside she sees her roommates waiting for her in the car. Baya gets in the car.
Sarah: "How did it go?"
Baya: "I sucked it up. I love hip hop, but being there six days a week, I think I would fall out of love with it."
[U][B]Chet's Mom Comes To Visit Him In Brooklyn[/B][/U]
It is still day time in Brooklyn. It shows us Chet sitting on the steps.
Chet says in the Confessional, "My mom, and my sisters, and my brother are all headed over the house."
Chet gets up to greet is family.
Chet: "Hello." It shows us that Chet's mom's name is Sally.
Chet says in the Confessional, "I really want my mom to be at ease. She's probably got all these nightmares going in her mind about who the people are, what the dynamic is. So I just want her to see, it's not as bad as you could probably imagine."
Chet takes his family into the house.
Chet: "Hey guys."
Sarah says in the Confessional, "In marches all these blonde haired, blue eyed perfect little packages. There are so many of them."
Sarah: "Well you've done a good job raising this guy over here."
Sally: "He looks so cute today in his normal clothes..."
Baya: "We hope he stays looking like that."
They laugh.
Sarah: "Is this normal?"
Devyn: "He wore eyeliner yesterday."
Chet: "Shhhhhh."
Scott: "It wasn't like crazy, it was a little..."
Devyn: "Yeah, it wasn't creepy, like..."
Chet: "What is crazy is that I wore it the night before too. Lets go check out the other rooms."
Chet shows his mom around the house.
Chet holds up a picture of JD, "This kid is a dolphin trainer."
Sally: "Wait. Whose eyeliner were you wearing? Did you take some of mine?"
Chet: "Sarah's"
Sally: "Ok, you do not wear eyeliner."
Chet: "No I had to. We were going to a hipster joint."
Sally: "No."
Chet: "Have a seat. What do you think? You look a little nervous mom. Hey JD come here man."
JD: "Hi."
The Family: "Hi."
JD: "Nice to meet you. So what's up? It's an amazing house right?"
Chet's Sister: "We saw a picture of you, in the bedroom, with the dolphins. That is awesome."
JD: "I was on the phone with one of the trainers. A couple of whales had babys this past week. A lot of people think it is a fun job, and it is. But it is 80% hard work, and 20% fun."
It then shows Ryan, Chet, and his family eating at a resturaunt.
Chet: "As open minded as everybody is, they're very close minded with fraternity boys."
Sally: "Did you tell them that you got kicked out of your fraternity a few times?"
Chet: "No."
Ryan: "You got kicked out of your fraternity? Chet you are not telling me the full story of your life."
Sally: "Oh you know. He lit somebody's hair on fire, he got mixed up."
Ryan: "Shut up."
Chet: "I didn't light it on fire. I held the lighter next to it."
Chet says in the Confessional, "I've got a big family. Do I like attention? Yeah, I think I do. Probably too much. So I am going to go to great lengths to get it."
It is night time in Brooklyn. Ryan, Chet, and his family are in the car.
Chet's Brother: "Is JD Cuban?"
Chet: "Yeah his dad is Cuban, and his mom is Puertorican."
Sally: "His eyes are awesome, like they are so deep."
Chet: "Ryan asked him if he was gay."
Ryan: "And I nailed it. I have really good gaydar"
Sally: "Wait, that animal trainer?"
Ryan: "Yeah."
Chet: "See, I didn't pick up on it either."
Sally: "Well that's why he's so nice."
Chet: "Because he's gay."
Ryan laughs.
Ryan: "I like your mom."
Sally: "Well like, nurturing you know."
It then takes us back to the Real World Brooklyn House.
JD is talking to Chet's family.
JD: "How was dinner?"
Sally: "It was good. We heard that you are a good care giver."
JD: "This will be like his second family for the next four months."
Chet's Sister: "Exactly."
JD: "Everyone gets along. We are going to have our little arguments and stuff. But we are going to look back at this experience and we are going to be like, Oh my gosh can we do it again?"
Chet says in the Confessional, "My family just all really loves JD. We embrace everybody reguardless of what your religion background is. We just like people who are good."
Chet's mom is getting ready to leave.
Chet: "Ok, I love you mom."
Sally: "I love you too."
[I]They hug.[/I]
Chet: "I'll be ok Mom."
Sally: "You remember who you are, and don't wear eyeliner again."
Chet: "Maybe just once."
Sally: "No. Goodbye."
[I]She hugs JD. [/I]
Sally: "You take care of Chet."
JD: "I will."
Sally: "Like if he gets sick or anything... You know."
JD says in the Confessional, "Chet's Mom hugs me, and she tells me, make sure my son's going to be ok, you know look out for my son; and then she starts crying. I wish my mother was like that..."
As music plays in the background it shows Chet's family leaving.
[U][B]JD Talks About His Dad[/B][/U]
It then takes us to the Kitchen where we see JD, Scott, Sarah, and Devyn.
JD: "I put my father in jail last month. He took my social security number. He opened up a whole bunch of like, accounts under my name and I was checking my credit report; and I called and I had it investigated and it turned out that it was him. And the only way to get it cleared from your... all that stuff... I called and I put faud alert on all the accounts and stuff."
JD says in the Confessional, "My father is a little bit of an a**. He's used my social security number and my name to open up accounts. My father doesn't have very good credit."
JD: "I called him out on it and he was like, it wasn't me. It was so obvious that it was him, and I might have to go to court. It is federal offense, you know. You can't steal someone's identity."
[B][U]Baya Turns Down The Hip Hop Conservatory[/U][/B]
It is day time in Brooklyn. It shows Devyn in the Kitchen and we hear the phone ring. Baya answers the phone.
Baya: "Hello?"
Safi: "Hello, Baya?"
Baya: "Hi."
Safi: "How are you doing? This is Safi Thomas calling from the Hip Hop Dance Conservatory."
Baya: "Hi Safi."
Safi: "How are you?"
Baya: "I'm good, how are you doing?"
Safi: "I have a copy of your evaluation, and I am going to send that over to you via email. To give you an idea of the things that we all saw from you during the audition."
Baya says in the Confessional, "I am expecting to not get accepted, I don't feel like I did great, I don't think the conservatory needs me right now, and I don't think that I am the candidate that they are looking for."
Safi: "So the decision of the board was to actually accept you as a student."
Baya: "Umm, well as much as I appreciate that and I'm completely flattered. I want to be able to commit my heart and my soul to this, and right now I just don't this is that time."
Safi: "Not a problem."
Baya: "Thank you so much. I appreciate your time, really."
Safi: "Your welcome."
Baya: "Ok. Bye Safi."
Safi: "Bye."
Baya goes into the kitchen.
Baya: "I got accepted into the conservatory."
Chet: "Did you really? Nice!"
JD: "Congrats."
Baya: "Thanks."
Chet: "Are you going to do it?"
Baya: "No."
Chet: "No?"
Baya: "I just declined it."
Chet: "Alright then."
Baya says in the Confessional, "I really appreciate what Safi is doing at the conservatory. For me, I just don't think it is going to be my thing. I would be stuck doing a program that I felt totally uncomfortable doing, and didn't feel like was me."
Chet: "But you still want to dance, correct or no?"
Baya: "Oh absolutely. I think it's kind of their way of instilling fear and that is kind of like their method of working, but I get to intimidated with those kind of things."
Chet: "Well congratulations none the less."
Baya: "Thank you."
[B][U]JD Talks With The Detective[/U][/B]
It is night time in Brooklyn. It shows JD talking on the phone with the detective.
JD: "Hello, Detective?"
Detecive: "Yeah."
JD: "Hey this is JD."
Detective: "JD. I was calling to give you and update on the whole thing."
JD: "Yeah. So what's going on?"
Detective: "Your dad came down, set up an interview time with me, and he showed up like he said he was going to, and he actually ended up confessing to me everything that he did. He started crying about five mintues into the interview. Anyway he was pretty remorseful. I said, your son seems like a good kid. He said, yeah he is, and that's what really got him crying."
JD: "Thank you so much. The thing is like, he has ruined... You know I've worked so hard and I put myself through school, and for him to take my social security number, and my identity, and open all these accounts..."
JD says in the Confessional, "Everything has gone way out of hand."
[U][B]Chet and Ryan Argue[/B][/U]
It then shows JD going into a bar. It takes us back to the house.
Sarah: "I wonder where JD is? Does he have the car?"
Katelynn: "No, Chet has the car."
It then shows JD come back in the house. (Drunk) He goes into the computer room where Scott is.
JD: "I am so tired of these **** people, that don't speak English. I am so **** tired of this *****. I go to get chapstick."
Scott: "You're drunk."
JD: "And the **** behind the counter goes, which one? Marlboro Lights? Marlboro, Marlboro. I said, ***** I need some chapstick!"
Scott: "Did you get your chapstick?"
JD: "No!"
Scott Laughs.
JD: "I walked out and said, you are going to lose your **** job."
JD is telling Baya his story and Chet walks in.
JD: "I was like pissed off. I mean my parents came on a ***** banana boat. You know? Cuba, you know? But I was just pissed off."
Baya says in the Confessional, "JD, is obviously wasted. He starts telling me how he had gone to some drug store for chapstick, and the woman couldn't speak English so he goes into something about immigrants."
JD continues his conversation with Baya.
JD: "I'm like, I know times are tuff and ****. I said your job has gone..."
Chet: "That is pretty rude."
JD: "No but I was pissed off. If you were in my shoes you would tooooottaly understand."
Chet: "Because somebody didn't understand you perfectly?"
JD: "No. They didn't understand me at all."
Chet: "It's not funny to make fun of and immigrant just because they can't speak well."
JD: "Ok first of all, my parents are immigrants, and if you were in my shoes you would totally understand."
Chet: "Ok first of all, I don't care if your parents were immigrants."
JD: "Like I said, this is an A-B conversation so I can see you later."
Chet: "Why do you have to get loud?"
JD: "Why are you getting in my face?"
Chet: "Why are you getting in mine?"
JD: "I'm not getting in your face, you are getting in mine."
Chet: "You started yelling."
JD: "Why?"
Chet: "Because I think you are pretty ignorant." (Baya is trying to break it up.)
JD: "I'm not ignorant dude, you're ignorant dude!"
Chet: "Because somebody can't understand you make fun of them? You're pathetic man."
JD: "I'm pathetic? No you are."
Chet: "You are."
Chet says in the Confessional, "I just want to make a point to JD. We don't make fun of people because they don't understand us."
JD: "All I am doing is venting, and he gets in my face. Next time, it's not going to be pretty."
Chet: "It's not going to be pretty?"
JD: "Yeah, it's not going to be pretty."
Chet: "A threat from you? You little insignificant."
JD: "Prettyboy"
Chet: "Prettyboy. Come on. Come on tough guy. Like you pose as a threat?"
JD: "Go read your Bible. Good night."
Chet: "I probably will go read my Bible."
JD: "Perfect."
JD goes in his room.
It then takes us on commercial break.
[U][B]Sarah Talks to Chet Part 2[/B][/U]
When the show comes back on it shows JD in the Kitchen. It then takes us to Sarah and Chet. They are in his bedroom. It is morning time in Brooklyn.
Sarah: "We were trying to make, a clearly intoxicated JD go to bed, so that this didn't turn into something worse. Because JD might be the kind of person who will throw a punch. We don't know when it will escalate to that. Everyone else in the house knew he was drunk."
Chet: "I didn't know he was drunk."
Chet says in the Confessional, "JD was drunk. You kind of have to bury the hatchet, and the next day say, look I don't care if you're drunk, monitor what you say man."
Sarah and Chet continue to talk.
Sarah: "If you attack him, he is going to defend himself. It's just... It is human nature to do that."
[U][B]Baya Checks Out Another Dance Studio[/B][/U]
It then takes us to a dance studio called Broadway Dance Center. We then see Baya and JD in the Studio. Jeff Amsden is the Dance instructor.
They both say hi to him.
JD says in the Confession, "Jeff Amsden is a Choreographer. He's worked with Paula Abdul, and he travels around the world as a Choreographer. He's a great friend and it was pretty cool to connect Baya with him."
Baya: "I am telling you, my technique is like, boooooooo."
Jeff: "No technique. It's all..." He does a dance move.
Baya: "Fun ok. But I..."
Jeff: "Just fun. If you can do hip hop you can do this."
Baya: "Alright."
Baya says in the Confessional, "I am starting from square one with Jeff, who can teach me the technique I need to be able to audition, and not freak out like I do right now. I know that the reason I'm not confident right now, is because I don't have the technique that professional dancers have."
They begin to Dance. JD watches.
Baya says in the Confessional, "Even though the Hip Hop Dance Conservatory may not be the place for me. I will keep dancing, and I will keep on doing my thing."
After they are done dancing, JD talks to Sarah in the hallway of the studio.
JD: "How do you feel as of right now? Like, How do you feel in the environment here... The difference between here and the Hip Hop Conservatory?"
Baya: "Well it is totally different. I don't know we will see after I start taking classes."
[B][U]Chet And JD Settle Things[/U][/B]
It then shows Chet and JD, they are in JD's bedroom.
Chet: "So what have you guys been up to?"
JD: "What have I been up to?"
Chet: "Yeah."
Chet says in the Confessional, "There is just some things that needed to be cleared up. I want to discuss it with JD."
Chet: "My family had plenty of good things to say about you."
JD: "They are really cool."
Chet: "They were like, that is the nicest kid."
JD: "I don't think I've opened up to you like I have... You know, I came from a really rough childhood. 5 brothers and sisters, all five of us with different fathers. I was the youngest of 5 and everyone dropped out of high school. I was the only one that graduated and go to college. Like I want to have a family."
Chet: "Yeah?"
JD: "Oh yeah for sure. I think part of it was I never had a perfect family, and I was in foster care so I was kind of... But you know what? I am very thankful for my family because that is what's made me a stronger person and that's built part of my character. I mean we lived off wealfare, and it was not easy."
Chet: "It is interesting the paths that two people have to go to write the final product."
Chet says in the Confessional, "There's really not a lot of common ground between us, but I care about people who are genuine with me. He's had to go through h*** and high water just to become the person that he is, and I respect him for that."
Chet: "Whereas we can both be great dads one day. Your path was one way and mine is the other but you're better off either way, you know. I appreciate you opening up. It means a lot."
JD says in the Confessional, "After he got in my face last night and we had an argument, Chet has been apoligetic about his former actions, and I think that he's definitely coming around."
The End.