Real World: New Orleans - The S#!@ They Should Have Shown

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Real World: New Orleans - The S#!@ They Should Have Shown
Outakes from the 24th season of the show in the Big Easy.
Actually kind of excited for this!!
[QUOTE=Buck05;210749]Actually kind of excited for this!![/QUOTE] These shows are usually better than the actual season, haha.
I think the picture really captures the essence of Ryan. I'm also really looking forward to seeing Knight run into that pole again.
Last year this episode was all the funny dailies put into one show. Good thing i didn't watch them this year.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;210751]I think the picture really captures the essence of Ryan. I'm also really looking forward to seeing Knight run into that pole again.[/QUOTE] That is my absolute favorite thing to see anybody do. I even laugh like a school girl when I do it nomatter how bad it hurts......
Anonymous's picture
Ill be watching to since I didnt even watch the dailies for this I only watch it for the challenges. The RW dailies havent caught my attention since RW:Brooklyn.
Knight running into that pole gets me every time. Bone through the finger? Yikes, sounds very painful.
Anonymous's picture
Yeah that lookes painful/disgustin and lol the butt shaving part lol groosssssss.
Ashlee drunk is the best Ashlee story we've seen. I couldn't stop laughing at her. They definitely should have shown that side of Ashlee more.
"Knight's balls are not attractive." Um...whose are?
Great, Eric's biggest storyline is that he ****s himself. What a memorable castmate.
This is almost better than the whole season itself :D
[QUOTE=ishot_JT;210839]This is almost better than the whole season itself :D[/QUOTE] I would say this is definitely better than most of the season itself...until it took a turn for the gross.
I want positive pancakes.
I can't believe they say McKenzie is annoying, Sahar is way more annoying.
Was not as fun as the epic San Diego one or even the Cancun one, but Ashlee actually cracked me up. Especially when she said about Sahar's driving "yelling and screaming at parked cars..b you're the one driving!" lol. But I believe Jemmye and Knight. Sorry. lol.
Lol. Sahar was so ticked off about those "positive" pancakes. I love it.
That was sick what Knight and Ryan did to Ashlee's Hello Kitty pillow. I would be furious if I were her.
Anonymous's picture
This was one ****ed up cast.
LMAO! I can't believe I forgot about the positive pancakes!!!!! I thought it was absolutely disgusting that Eric is a "sprayer" Oh...and I totally think Knight, Jemmye and Ashlee had a threesome!
I could understand why someone like Sahar would think McKenzie is annoying. Any "Debbie-Downer" would think someone like McKenzie is annoying. I personally see nothing wrong with wanting positive energy around you in the morning. McKenzie seems a little out there, but sweet nonetheless. Not gonna knock someone for wanting everyone to be happy.
[QUOTE=XxJulieCxX;210869]This was one ****ed up cast.[/QUOTE] Sums up the show nicely.
This show was hilarious! Much better than the reunion.
I was never thrilled with this cast. I am sure they are fine people but it didn't click with me. I think part of it was that it was in NOLA which is not my favorite place in the world. The *** They Should've Shown was not as interesting to me as it was with Cancun for instance--parts of it creeped me out a little. Please, MTV, please have a season without people who just irritate me from the starting gate by virtue of their personalities. Ayiia, Ty, and Preston types just drive me further and further away. As for Knight, WTF? There is no amount of money in the world that would get me to ever shave another guy's ***.