Real World: New Orleans - Episode 6

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Okay, maybe it's misleading editing, but Ryan is ****ed!
Anonymous's picture
WHOAA!! Did you guys see Eric going crazy?! Ryan must have done something awful to get him to that point!
[QUOTE=SPK713;197558]I love that Loretta is the proto-typical lunch lady. Big, deep voice, black hair. I lol'd at that.[/QUOTE] LMAO yea she reminded me of the lunch lady from grade school that had that annoying hairy mole:D
However, the rest of the season looks good!
[QUOTE=T0714;197564]WHOAA!! Did you guys see Eric going crazy?! Ryan must have done something awful to get him to that point![/QUOTE]I know, that was insane
Ryan is fake as hell. All the people on here that like him are praising him for his honesty? BULL ****! He has told more lies than anyone in the house. Dude has no balls. On that note, cant wait to see Eric freak out at him.
Anonymous's picture
[PHP][/PHP]Ryan seriously is Bi-polar and he doesn't know it smh. The rest of the season looks amazing...Eric blowing up would never have thought! I hope to see a Mckenzie vs Jemmye <3 (even if Mckenzie is still one of the hottest girl EVER!)
If Eric freaks out you know there's something wrong with Ryan. As if we didn't know already. But to those who like him, this dude has mental problems and is a menace to society.
[QUOTE=morris614;197568]Ryan is fake as hell. All the people on here that like him are praising him for his honesty? BULL ****! He has told more lies than anyone in the house. Dude has no balls. On that note, cant wait to see Eric freak out at him.[/QUOTE] Who has been praising him for his honesty? I think he's the best one on this season but like other roommates too this season, he does lie. Everybody lies, it's natural
Good episode, yay for more Sahar! Ryan...I can't even comment about him. On the good side, I like Jemmye a LOT more this episode :D It's taken me a few episodes, but I really like her. I actually really like everyone except Ryan and Preston. Also, omg at Eric blowing up! O:
Really good episode. Ryan calling the cops made me view him as a little tattle teller. UGH! not liking him. If they showed a preview of the next half of the season, does that mean there will be 12 episodes, or 13?
Ryan has got to be the [COLOR=black]biggest[/COLOR] pain in the *** I have ever seen on this show.
After Josh and Erica last season, my standard for the "singers" on this show was kind of lowered. I was actually relieved when I heard her sing.
Did Jemmye's mom really answer the phone "well well well, little **** Puppy"?
Well isn't she a self-proclamed sl*t?
[QUOTE=Dida_D;197582]After Josh and Erica last season, my standard for the "singers" on this show was kind of lowered. I was actually relieved when I heard her sing.[/QUOTE] Same, but I wish there would be one ******* season without someone singing! Sydney had Parisa, Hollywood had Brianna, Brooklyn had Ryan and Devyn, Cancun had Joey, DC had Josh and Erica, and now we have Sahar. Take a break and stop casting the same sort of people, BMP!
[QUOTE=morris614;197553]HAHA BEST QUOTE OF THE SEASON!!! "He is a weird kid, and weird kids freak me out"[/QUOTE] NO WAAYY!! Best quote of the season: " right...for the white...TONIGHT!"
[QUOTE=kdub90;197592]NO WAAYY!! Best quote of the season: " right...for the white...TONIGHT!"[/QUOTE] That was the best quote!!!!! I loved it. Tonight's episode was very intense and I love watching stuff like this happens.
Ryan is officially the biggest hypocrite in Real World. He kept saying how Preston needs to apologize for what he did, which okay Preston should have, but Ryan shoved his cigarettes in his ***, cut up the hat, threw the debit card out the window. He's such a little *****.
[QUOTE=Zereaux;197590]Same, but I wish there would be one ******* season without someone singing! Sydney had Parisa, Hollywood had Brianna, Brooklyn had Ryan and Devyn, Cancun had Joey, DC had Josh and Erica, and now we have Sahar. Take a break and stop casting the same sort of people, BMP![/QUOTE] And Denver had Brooke. Oh wait, no. That was when she was yelling her lungs out at Jenn. My bad.
[QUOTE=T0714;197564]WHOAA!! Did you guys see Eric going crazy?! Ryan must have done something awful to get him to that point![/QUOTE] If you are talking about the next episode sneak peek, he wasn't mad at Ryan, Ryan was backing him off Knight. If you listened carefully Eric was screaming at Knight ready to fight him.
Ryan is the ish!! Love it. Preston is a little *****; however I lost some respect for Ryan.. He is a *****. I would have ****ed preston up.
[QUOTE=enigmaticharmx;197614]And Denver had Brooke. Oh wait, no. That was when she was yelling her lungs out at Jenn. My bad.[/QUOTE] HAHA that was funny!!
Did anyone else die laughing at the opening scene with the cockaroach and Eric talking about staring at it with toliet paper in your hand? I thought that was hilarious, it made me love him so much more. My respect for Ryan dwindled a lot this episode. Granted, peeing on someones toothbrush is a sign of extreme disrespect, but he's being doing equally revengeful things right back at Preston and now trying to act like he's completely innocent. The only thing I did find funny about it was the irony of Preston talking about how when usually he does things to people, they don't find out... looks like Ryan got him beat there. Also, I kept thinking to myself, "I wonder if Preston is just finding out now what happened to his hat," since it didnt seem like Ryan told anyone in the house about what he did, lol. I think the debit card thing in the end was clever editing on MTVs part... I have a feeling Ryan threw the debit card out BEFORE Preston apologized to him. However, it could just be that Ryan is the perfectly casted Real Worlder, because thus far, he has partaken in the most drama and has been quite entertaining (to me at least). This show wouldn't be interesting if it was filled with all well-mannered, respect and perfect people, hence why they need characters like Ryan to keep the show going. Btw, does anyone here follow the drama that goes on on Ryan fb page, or his GFs formspring? Hilarious.
Seems like Ashlee is the one with almost no air/storyline. In every season you have 1 person that has the least airtime. Austin: Lacey Cancun: The gay guy i forgot his name. D.C: The singer forgot her name. Denver: Stephen. Key west: José
This show is basically about Ryan and Preston with a little on Jemmye and Knight. I think things are going to calm down between Ryan and Preston soon and focus will shift to someone else. No one wants to watch the same crap over and over again all the time so they have to switch it up.
Ryan is, without a doubt, the biggest LOSER in RW history! What ********** cannot believe the police actually wasted their time coming down there. & honestly, he pushed Preston several times on camera. Why didn't Preston tell the police??? Ryan: You are a disgrace and an embarrassment to the gay community & I hope someone knocks you out by the end of the season. Has anyone ever seen his Twitter page? He feels the need to mention his "girlfriend" in every other if to disguise the fact that he's gay. We get it Ryan-you pay some chick to pretend that she is with you!! Sorry, I don't mean my first post to be so harsh. I just can't stand morons who feel the need to hate on the gay community simply because he is afraid to admit that he is one of them. It's so obvious that it's painful to watch such a pathetic loser :(
[QUOTE=stellablue;197656]Ryan is, without a doubt, the biggest LOSER in RW history! What ********** cannot believe the police actually wasted their time coming down there. & honestly, he pushed Preston several times on camera. Why didn't Preston tell the police??? Ryan: You are a disgrace and an embarrassment to the gay community & I hope someone knocks you out by the end of the season. Has anyone ever seen his Twitter page? He feels the need to mention his "girlfriend" in every other if to disguise the fact that he's gay. We get it Ryan-you pay some chick to pretend that she is with you!! Sorry, I don't mean my first post to be so harsh. I just can't stand morons who feel the need to hate on the gay community simply because he is afraid to admit that he is one of them. It's so obvious that it's painful to watch such a pathetic loser :([/QUOTE] This is coming from... who...? Who exactly are you to be judging him? You've never met him, you don't know anything about him aside from what MTV wants you to believe. Ryan is awesome for three reasons; he is a straight hairdresser, how often do you see that? He gets the gay community so upset they feel the need to post on hate his twitter/facebook. And last but not least, he skateboards. Oh yeah and his chick is hot. What's kind of sad is that you actually think he pays a girl to be his girlfriend, are you that niave?
[QUOTE=fantasytijge;197650]Seems like Ashlee is the one with almost no air/storyline. In every season you have 1 person that has the least airtime. Austin: Lacey Cancun: The gay guy i forgot his name. D.C: The singer forgot her name. Denver: Stephen. Key west: José[/QUOTE] Nahh, I would say that Erica [DC] got too much air time. I would pick Josh as getting little to no air time.
[QUOTE=stellablue;197656] Ryan: You are a disgrace and an embarrassment to the gay community & I hope someone knocks you out by the end of the season. Has anyone ever seen his Twitter page? He feels the need to mention his "girlfriend" in every other if to disguise the fact that he's gay. We get it Ryan-you pay some chick to pretend that she is with you!! Sorry, I don't mean my first post to be so harsh. I just can't stand morons who feel the need to hate on the gay community simply because he is afraid to admit that he is one of them. It's so obvious that it's painful to watch such a pathetic loser :([/QUOTE] If you're such an advocate for the gay community, as I am going to assume you are, you should know that its really rude to go around talking like you know what someones sexuality is when you clearly don't. Once again I will say this, no one has to right to say what Ryan's sexuality is EXCEPT FOR RYAN. The end. It doesnt matter how 'gay' or 'feminine' he acts. It wouldnt even matter if he was bringing home guys and sleeping with them. If he says hes straight, who are you to say otherwise? People define their own sexuality, and no one has the right to tell anyone else what their sexuality is. I don't go around telling straight people they are straight just like no one should go around telling Ryan he's gay when he says hes straight. The end.
