Wow this seasons look really good.
Mike- Looks like Mike Mizanin..creepy how they even have the same name.
Ryan- this year's Frankie from what I see.
Jeymme(sp?)- will hook up with Mike.
The rest I could barely get a glimpse, except the guy who may get arrested, this season looks good.
[QUOTE=Entropy;182549]Wow this seasons look really good.
Mike- Looks like Mike Mizanin..creepy how they even have the same name.
Ryan- this year's Frankie from what I see.
Jeymme(sp?)- will hook up with Mike.
The rest I could barely get a glimpse, except the guy who may get arrested, this season looks good.[/QUOTE]
Yeah...there's no guy named Mike. You're thinking of Knight.
What I got out of the trailer:
1. Knight ate a bug...EW!!! and then Ryan threw up disgusted...hahahaha
2. McKenzie was asked if she killed someone and she said "What do you mean by somebody??.....seriously...she didn't just say no...OMG!!!
3. Drinking will play a key role as will the sex...seems like this plot line always play some key role
4. I can't wait to see Knight fall into the tub...hehehe
5. What's with the blow dryer?? I thought that was for hair.
6. Ooooo a possible arrest...interesting, but I don't think it will be as good tv as the Brad and Robin arrests because those were downright hilarious
7. I officially can't control my excitement for this season, seems way way way better than DC, which was only ok.
[strike]am glad somebody from dc is on this season. Lets see if another dc or D.M.V person be on the real world[/strike]
I am glad somebody from DC is on this season. Let's see if another DC or DMV person will be on the Real World.
I don't know. Nothing pops out to me. Like there's no stand out member. I didn't even see fights , but there seems to be a serious tone this season. Trailer is better than DC, and I'll give the first episode a chance. I don't know, since Cancun I don't see any excitement on the last two seasons. I want tons of fights, and tons of deep dark serious topics.
[QUOTE=producer88;183075]I don't know. Nothing pops out to me. Like there's no stand out member. I didn't even see fights , but there seems to be a serious tone this season. Trailer is better than DC, and I'll give the first episode a chance. I don't know, since Cancun I don't see any excitement on the last two seasons. I want tons of fights, and tons of deep dark serious topics.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I love the deep dark serious topics. :)
1. Ryan Knight is my preseason favorite. Don't know why, he's def not the best looking RW'er, but still super cool and laid back AND i thought it was adorable when he said "you're a messtest" lol
2. Sahar and I met at weird lol
[strike]XOXO MISS PRETTY XOXO[/strike]
We have 2 college-level athletes this season-
Knight (scholarship to ASU for hockey, hurt his shoulder though) and Ashlee (Northwestern basketball captain)
Hopefully we can see them on a challenge before the challenges stop
because they can make the level of competition better.
[QUOTE=ballinbroken;183112]We have 2 college-level athletes this season-
Knight (scholarship to ASU for hockey, hurt his shoulder though) and Ashlee (Northwestern basketball captain)
Hopefully we can see them on a challenge before the challenges stop
because they can make the level of competition better.[/QUOTE]
I find it interesting that Knight got an athletic scholarship to ASU for hockey when hockey isn't a varsity sport at ASU.
And Ashlee went to Northeastern, not Northwestern.
"Recently his life was turned upside down after a severe shoulder injury cost him his athletic/academic scholarship at Arizona State University and left him unable to play the sport"- MTV
There u go (who knows if the people that are writing the bios are correct tho)
[QUOTE=ballinbroken;183128]Recently his life was turned upside down after a severe shoulder injury cost him his athletic/academic scholarship at Arizona State University and left him unable to play the sport- MTV[/QUOTE]
Oh I know, I read it. I just found it interesting that MTV continues to [strike]flat out lie[/strike] extend the truth about people and their collegiate sport levels. This is the third one now.
[QUOTE=molds13;183129]Oh I know, I read it. I just found it interesting that MTV continues to [strike]flat out lie[/strike] extend the truth about people and their collegiate sport levels. This is the third one now.[/QUOTE]
Who'd they do it to before?
[strike]The Extented Trailer for this season makes me super exicted Im falling in love with this season.[/strike]
The extended trailer for this season makes me super excited! I'm starting to fall in love with this season.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;183482][strike]The Extented Trailer for this season makes me super exicted Im falling in love with this season.[/strike]
The extended trailer for this season makes me super excited! I'm starting to fall in love with this season.[/QUOTE]
Extended trailer?!
ok, granted, the trailer looks good. But really, what are they bringing to the table thats new? A possible alcohol problem, or a fight, or possibly getting arrested, or oh wait, an outcast. I know i've said this before, but really, what is so special about this cast?? I do agree with you guys that the trailer looks promising...but....
[QUOTE=katd26;183504]ok, granted, the trailer looks good. But really, what are they bringing to the table thats new? A possible alcohol problem, or a fight, or possibly getting arrested, or oh wait, an outcast. I know i've said this before, but really, what is so special about this cast?? I do agree with you guys that the trailer looks promising...but....[/QUOTE]
A Muslim-Middle Eastern breaking the norm,Drugs being taking on camera and a white girl who only dated black guys...just to name a few
[QUOTE=Npresh24;183519]A Muslim-Middle Eastern breaking the norm,Drugs being taking on camera and a white girl who only dated black guys...just to name a few[/QUOTE]
hmmmm.....have you seen RW: DC, and RW:Hollywood....just to name a couple?? Oh, and which one was Parisa on??