Real World Hollywood's Joey Kovar - Dead at 29

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Real World Hollywood's Joey Kovar - Dead at 29
Developing, but Joey Kovar is now the fourth RW/RR alumni (Pedro Zamora, Michelle Parma, Frankie Abernathy) to pass away. EDIT: TMZ report now up. [url=]Joey Kovar: 'Real World' Star DEAD, Family Suspects Drugs[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Wow. He seemed to be doing well. I had the opportunity to chat with him on facebook from time to time and I had the distinct impression he was breaking away from his past. It's a sad day.
That would make him the 4th RW/RR/FM alumni to pass if my math is right, correct?
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;314933]That would make him the 4th RW/RR/FM alumni to pass if my math is right, correct?[/QUOTE] That sounds about right, assuming you are thinking of Pedro, Frankie, and Michelle Parma.
[QUOTE=molds13;314934]That sounds about right, assuming you are thinking of Pedro, Frankie, and Michelle Parma.[/QUOTE] That is correct. Though if the family's suspicions are correct, this may very well have been the first of the four that could have been prevented.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;314935]That is correct. Though if the family's suspicions are correct, this may very well have been the first of the four that could have been prevented.[/QUOTE] Debatable, because I believe Pedro contracted HIV through unprotected sex.
Very sad. Wasn't he contacted for the upcoming challenge?
Either way I don't think we should assume drug [I]overdose[/I] just yet. It could still be drug related but have been due to tainted drugs and not over-consumption. Not that anyone was assuming but better to be preemptive
That's sad he died. I remember back in 2008 when he was on The Real World back when I was in High School. I guess his mom was one of the teachers I never had her but some of my friends did, and I remember during that year it seemed like everybody I knew either saw him or met him. I guess he used to hang around the Chicago suburbs before he got his 15mins of fame.
Anonymous's picture
I hope Joey, his family, friends, and loved ones find peace through this tragedy. So sad.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;314937]Very sad. Wasn't he contacted for the upcoming challenge?[/QUOTE] No. No one from Hollywood was contacted. [QUOTE=Nightwolf;314938]Either way I don't think we should assume drug [I]overdose[/I] just yet. It could still be drug related but have been due to tainted drugs and not over-consumption. Not that anyone was assuming but better to be preemptive[/QUOTE] It's sad when deaths like this occur, because people automatically jump to conclusions that it was some sort of drug-related overdose based on his past. Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it was drug related, but when the title of the article says that the family is claiming it's's hard to see past that.
Sad news, RIP Joey
[url=]'Real World: Hollywood' Cast Member Found Dead At A Friend's Home[/url]
Always wanted to see him kill his addiction and do a challenge, but sadly it's not going to happen. RIP Joey :sad1:
Aw, how awful. :( RIP Joey, you will be missed. I bet MTV won't even say anything about it...
BMP on twitter already said something.
[QUOTE=arilicious;314948]Aw, how awful. :( RIP Joey, you will be missed. I bet MTV won't even say anything about it...[/QUOTE] And MTV posted something about it which Nightwolf posted two posts before yours...
I meant more like MTV (the channel) won't say anything about it on TV...
[QUOTE=arilicious;314952]I meant more like MTV (the channel) won't say anything about it on TV...[/QUOTE] They aren't obligated to. If anything, he'd get two seconds at the end of next week's Real World episode. I think I remember them doing something similar when Frankie passed away.
They got to at least throw up a rest in peace and give a moment of silence after an episode. They can do that. This is upsetting, I really though Joey was a funny guy. unfortunately his "Ooooops!" will never be the same to me because this is sounding drug related and that came about because he was intoxicated if I recall. I always worry about these cast members who have these addictive personalities. I assumed he was getting better with that youtube video he posted about coming back and being ready for a challenge. That sounds like it would have been a bad idea. RIP Joey.
Aw man. RIP Joey.
Is it true what they say about Joey? :(
Very sad to hear of this news today as I had always hoped he would prevail against his inner struggles. My condolences goes out to his family/friends in their time of need.
Wow I just found out he was found dead at a friend's house in Chicago Ridge which is right in my backyard.
I can't believe this. Rip joey :( I was just watching the hollywood season on mtv the other day and I thought he was doing so well now. So sad to hear!
Wow I can't believe this. He was one of my favorites and I was hoping the best for him. Very sad to hear. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. R.I.P Joey
So sad. My thoughts and prayers are with those close to him, my heart breaks for them. I recently watched the Celebrity Rehab 'Where Are They Now' episode, and saw him with his son and grandparents, he looked so healthy and happy. For anyone who's interested, I'm sure Dr. Drew will be discussing this on his HLN show tonight or Monday.
May he rest in peace. I always hoped he had gotten over his addiction or gotten healthier if he didn't really die because of being back on drugs. This is sad news.
So Sad RIP :(
My heart breaks for him and his family. Addiction kills.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;314968]So sad. My thoughts and prayers are with those close to him, my heart breaks for them. I recently watched the Celebrity Rehab 'Where Are They Now' episode, and saw him with his son and grandparents, he looked so healthy and happy. For anyone who's interested, I'm sure Dr. Drew will be discussing this on his HLN show tonight or Monday.[/QUOTE] That's what I find the saddest about this. When I saw that he really seemed like he was on the right track, I really thought he had turned his life around. :( I'm especially sad for his son, he'll never have his dad in his life, and probably won't even remember him.
