Real World Hollywood: Nick Brown

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[quote=maybeshesright;16320]so nick what exactly is it that you want to accomplish in the future? or is that stuff you're saving for your blogs?[/quote] well, nevermind i guess. this past episode answered that question.
Nick just for Sarah saying that you should have just kept snapping pictures.
[CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=""][B][SIZE=5] The Shocker?[/SIZE][/B][/URL] [/CENTER]
HAHA Well you know Matt Hardy(wrestler) use to do that all the time as part of his gimmick...I'll never look at him or Nick the same again for shame! [IMG][/IMG]
the 3 fingers for US...stand for "Tres" in Tres Amigos ( Myself,Will and Dave).. It will make more sense as the season goes on..Theres an explanation for why not the first 3 fingers or the last 3....and why the RING finger doesnt exist ;)..but I'll get into that later.. For now..I remember this night oo too well... [url=]Real World Dailies | Video | "I'm ballin, you're pukin"[/url]
[quote=NickBrownRW20;16861]the 3 fingers for US...stand for "Tres" in Tres Amigos ( Myself,Will and Dave)[/quote] [CENTER][IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER]
LMAO! I don't even know what to say to that one...
[QUOTE=NickBrownRW20;16861]the 3 fingers for US...stand for "Tres" in Tres Amigos ( Myself,Will and Dave).. It will make more sense as the season goes on..Theres an explanation for why not the first 3 fingers or the last 3....and why the RING finger doesnt exist ;)..but I'll get into that later.. For now..I remember this night oo too well... [url=]Real World Dailies | Video | "I'm ballin, you're pukin"[/url][/QUOTE] So umm...yeah, Niche. I have 3 videos from my camera from "Sarah's night" of this weeks episode. Kind of like a Will World Dailies clip. Where ever should I post them?
[quote=Bounce Council;16884]So umm...yeah, Niche. I have 3 videos from my camera from "Sarah's night" of this weeks episode. Kind of like a Will World Dailies clip. Where ever should I post them?[/quote] Interesting. Do we get to see any of the techniques in the above poster performed? I loving training videos! [CENTER][CENTER][IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Brianna Drops "The Shocker"[/B] [B](Freestyle Edition)[/B] [/CENTER]
Brianna went brunette huh??
Anonymous's picture
Nick...that RW Dailies clip was awesome! LMAO @ Bacchus :laugh2: And Will, I hope you know as a Vevmo member I'm sure your ALWAYS welcome to post them here!! ;)
Nick and the Tres Amigos [CENTER] [/CENTER]
Nick rocking Machu Picchu: [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
Wow how gorgeous! And the scenery is great to. ;)
Nick look like a playa haha
[QUOTE=dplayer18;63449]Nick look like a playa haha[/QUOTE] Not "looks like" but "is." He freely admits to it, as he should.
On a side note, Nick says he tried the [URL=""]Peruvian guinea pig[/URL] but it was a bit thin on the meaty payout. :wink2:
That's cool. Good to know he's a playa!
That scenery is absolutely gorgeous, I could just imagine being there now.
Here is an article I found on Nick: [URL=""]From 'Real World' to 'The Ruins'[/URL]
Anonymous's picture
Nick seems like one the nicest person to ever come off the show, but I don't think he's good for reality tv. I think he would be better suited as an actor and he's a good model.
[url=]YouTube - TBS Funniest Commercials of 2009: Nick Brown Cameo[/url]
Come chat live with Nick Brown of Real World Hollywood and RW/RR Challenge: Duel 2 and The Ruins! It will be hosted on [url=]Error: Cookies must be enabled[/url] on January 14th at 5:00pm (Pacific Time). If you can’t make it just come and post your questions ahead of time!
Isn't that his birthday?
[url=]YouTube - MTV Spring Break Panama City 2010[/url]
To answer the question, my spring break was horrible. But this video at least made me smile.
Anonymous's picture
Now that looked fun.
Well I am very very Glad it put a smile on your face! thats what im here for :)
