Real World Hollywood: Ep. 13 - Finale

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Real World Hollywood: Ep. 13 - Finale
[CENTER][IMG][/IMG] [LEFT][B]Synopsis:[/B] Kimberly's Insecurities surface; Joey returns to the house for a visit. Season Finale. The end of the road is here in what was by all accounts an enjoyable reboot of the venerable Real World franchise. The season comes to its dramatic conclusion tonight at 10 PM. I have not watched anything beyond the quick preview offered by MTV at the end of last week's show, but from what I can tell it should be quite a fitting end to the season. Now, looking back, I almost wish they stretched it out over 26 episodes! How did it all go by so quick? It feels like just last week that we [URL=""][I]spoiled the cast[/I][/URL] here on Vevmo and just yesterday that the [URL=""]season premiered[/URL]! Hollywood will go down as one of the better shows produced by BMP in the last 5-10 years and if they continue on this path and not stray into the ways of Sydney, Paris and to some extent Austin we should be in for another treat this winter in Brooklyn. [B]BTW: [/B]We will try and do a [URL=""]live chat [/URL]with the episode airing on the east coast tonight, so join feel free to join in! [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
The end is definately bittersweet. And it did go by SO fast....can't wait for tonight though!! :D
this season turned out very good. hope they dont have anymore internet winners on the RW again. Nick did an awesome job, he deserves an extension... more episodes!!! ahhh, Im in westcoast time, i wanted to chat with yall...[IMG][/IMG]
[quote=mannie_fresh;19771]ahhh, Im in westcoast time, i wanted to chat with yall...[IMG][/IMG][/quote] I am sure people will still be chatting the night away. ;)
It is crazy to see the season over this fast but it was definitely a good run, definitely one of the better seasons I've seen recently. I definitely looking forward to next season and of course some Vevmo styled spoilage
I want to know who leaves the house last an gets to say the "last rights" of the house.
I'm gonna guess Sarah, unfortunately. But I hope it's Bri
[quote=Ashes;19775]I want to know who leaves the house last an gets to say the "last rights" of the house.[/quote] it's bri and/or will (per the dailies)
Anonymous's picture
Kimberly leaves last
It will be one of the girls. Not Brittni or Kim. Most likely Sarah or Bri. [quote=renaldob;19778]Kimberly leaves last[/quote] Have you seen it already though?
Anonymous's picture
well, I was just going by what someone of the crew said on LiveJournal but the page just been deleted when I refreshed the fight with Dave looks ***king fake
[quote=Dartagnan;19779]It will be one of the girls. Not Brittni or Kim. Most likely Sarah or Bri.[/quote] do you know that, or are you just guessing? if it was definitely one of the girls, then it was bri. the dailies show everybody leaving except will & bri.
Anonymous's picture
damn, im wrong again
[CENTER][CENTER][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][U]Episode 13 FINALE[/U][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [/CENTER] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]***This is a long one guys..[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [U]The Fight[/U] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]So we're in Club Area having a great ol time and a girl I had met earlier in the season was there with her friend. I was liked suppose to hook Dave up with her friend but I altogether stopped hanging and talkin to this specific girl cause I just got sketchy vibes and pretty much wasn't going to talk to them much that night because I had those vibes. Im dancing talking to this girl and Will comes up to me and says "we re leaving"...Im like "what!? Why, we just got here!" hes like "Dave got punched in the face". We go outside and Daves, trying to piece to together the story of what happened. We don't know who, what really happened or why it happened. Apparently this dude approached Dave said "You talkin to my girlfriend!?" Dave said. "what are you talkin about" and someone else sucker punched him from the side. Being in Hollywood and on the Real World having cameras following you around there was A LOT of hate. People hated you just because, and looked for any reason to start shit. We made a conscious effort to be extra nice and polite about this cause people naturally thought you had a big head about being on the show and hated you for the attention you got. Im off to side of Dave talking to this girl and out the corner of my eye I see his shoes like airborn I turned around to kinda see what the hell was that and I see a big commotion.. only thing I could think of is swing on whoever wasn't with us. The next thing I know some dude runs up behind me and tries to put me in a headlock..I twist out it, shove him off me and square off ready for whatever...and still wondering what the ***k is going on!? After a lil but more a of fuss we play it smart and get ourselves out the situation. We had a lot more to lose than those losers.. Brianna still had her previous court issues and we definitely didn't want this to worsen that in anyway. Plus..Seriously, we got a lot to look forward to than fighting with some random people at a club trying to make a name for themselves attacking people FROM BEHIND.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]...Come to Find out..[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]We later come to find out those same girls who I thought were sketchy had met the guys that attacked us a few nights prior and I guess one guy took a big liking to one of them and got upset with Dave for doing nothing more than talking to her... see how stupid things can be..??[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [U]Entertainment Tonight[/U] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]I thought it was really cool that we got the chance to be in the studio and see how things worked. Being able to sit and talk with someone like Kevin Frazier whos been in the hosting ball game for so long was an honor. Then Shana walks out and Im like.. ummmmmmmmm Holy Shit... We're gunna be doing what? an Interview? Are you for real?. I was nervous because instead of one camera on me.. there was about 7. And instead of a few people in the background there were dozens. Not to mention she was an actual celebrity who had been interviewed by famous names and I was just Nick Brown from Real World Hollywood..and she was stunning..haha. It actually went better than what they showed..but yes I was nervous. They gave us a list of questions WE COULDN'T ASK and then about 2 mins to read a bio and watch a trailer and come up with questions. So besides trying to come up with your own interesting questions you had to remember the ones not to ask, all the time staying professional. I was doing pretty good until I said something funny/flattering and she laughed and touched my leg and said, "aren't you a charmer"...then I got off track loool.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [U]Last Performance:[/U] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]I was a little nervous but once we got out there and saw how many people came to see us perform I felt like I was in another world. It was sooo crazy, we were doing soo good working together better than times we would look at each other like WTF is going on?? Who are we right now!?! I looked over at Charna and she could not believe how great we were doing as a TEAM. The entire show was a success and everyone brought something to the table.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [U]The Real World 20: Hollywood[/U] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]This was an amazing experience. I was there half the time but came out with the full benefits. I parited hard and worked harder. I found new best friends and inherited qualities from people I would of never met. It was truly a blessing... I thanked God everyday I was there and am still thanking him now. I am bonded with these people for the rest of my life. I was allowed to show the world who I was as a person and I hope that someone will either be inspired or able to find comfort in relating to me in someway. When I say this was a dream come true.. I mean LITERALLY....since I was 12 its been something I knew I was ment for, would always tell my friends one day...It didn't happen for me when they casted for key west, or when I got far during casting for Sydney...but HOLLYWOOD, that was Gods plan.. with these people..and at this time in my life. Thank you to everyone who has watched the few episodes of me and wanted mission has been on to the next task...[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [B][I][U]What I wish they Showed:[/U][/I][/B] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]I totally understand they have a story to tell and short amount of time so they must hit major issues to get their point across effectively. In doing so a few "storylines" get forgotten and viewers aren't really exposed to many other things that went on. But that's what blogs are for [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG][/IMG][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]..........Sibling love[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]One of the things they TOTALLY excluded is how close Brittini and I were. You guys see the Will and Brittini drama which is definitely more entertaining but I think its important to let you guys knows there were many lasting relationships formed other than those that you saw. I was speaking to Brittini last night on the phone about it so figured Id include it in my blog and will prolly mention it at the reunion show. Brittini and I moved into the house literally 45mins apart..almost like twins being born haha. We spent the remaining 6.5 of the 13 weeks together. As a pair and as 7. What viewers don't know is that as a ENTIRE 7 CASTMATES..Brittini and I were there longer. In other words, the Last 6.5 weeks that we were there was the Longest in this season there was 7 people in the house living together all at ya didn't know that![/SIZE][/FONT][IMG][/IMG][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]A lot of important stuff happened while we were there. But who'd wanna see people from all over the country and different back grounds get along and take the best of the a crazy situation to complement one another's personalities and talents??? Haha Brittini and I would often venture off on our own to lunch..we'd shoot hoops (she beat me once in horse, all luck though) and had plenty of conversations about our situation. I knew I would love Brittini from the first day I met her and wouldn't prefer to room with anyone else. We made a deal that first night....when I would bring girls home no if, ands or butts.. she would give me the room, and when Jeremy came to visit she'd have it. We got so comfortable that when I'd have a overnight guest Brittini would just pull the covers over her head and pretend to be sleeping. I say pretend because she would always tell me in DETAIL about what she saw the next morning hahaha.. We had our lil inside jokes... I'd try to play it off like nothing happened in front of the cameras but Brittini would ALWAYS make it a point to blow my spot! She say something like " your right nothing happened, especially with all the moaning going on!" and Id be like YO CHILLL!! Hahahah. It never failed, she would always do that but it was always too funny. The night of the foursome there was actually another girl with me. Tres Amigos got split up from Brittini and Brianna in the club and we couldn't find them. Ima true believer in if you roll with someone you leave with them unless you tell them other wise. We couldn't find Brittini or Brianna to tell them we were leaving and I just didn't feel right doing that so I forfeited action for the night and stayed behind and searched for Brit and Bri. On our last interview we were asked for last thoughts on each roommate..I remember Brittini coming out of hers looking a lil bit upset and I said "so how'd it go" and she gave me a lil punch on the shoulder and said "Of course I had to be the one to start cry when they asked me about your ***!" hahaha. Its unfortunate you guys weren't able to see how much of a little sister she was to me.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]...Girls, Girls, Girls[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]I defffinately wished they showed the hotter girls I entertained while in Hollywood. LOL[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]...TRES AMIGOS y TRES AMIGAS[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]There was this one particular night that Tres Amigos came home with Tres Amigas and had a bit of a bedtime fiesta. I thought FOR SURE this was gunna make it on because it caused a bit of a disturbance for a few the female roommates and a certain someone had Charna speak to us about o that point I wasn't so new to the house so I didn't care anymore.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]TRES AMIGOS![/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]....Nick vs Sarah[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]Sitting home watching Sarahs first words about me really got under my skin, I had NO CLUE she felt or said things like that. Which is prolly why they didn't show me saying good things like "I think Sarah has a innocent vibe to her and comes off as a smart girl" Or show where I would do this arm thing with her that cracked her up.. Or in Cancun where we hung out solo and talked about issues she was having with Kim and people ***ociating there opinions as being joint ones. So when she blew up at me that night, like I've said in my Episode 11 blog It wasn't about anything else other than I didn't understand where it came from and just felt like instead of believing everything everyone else was saying to me about not trusting or think she wasn't talking shit about me, I was looking too much for the goodness in someone.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]......Real World Hollywood Last Dinner..hmm not really:[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]In true Real World Fashion there was a last dinner setup for us by Production as a way of just thanking us for a great season working together. First time EVER dinner was on them so I was excited I didn't have to spend any of the little money I had left and planned on getting plastered on their dollar haha. The Rule is if you drink you can not drive. Even if it's a cap full of alcohol, you must wait 8 hours before you can drive, that's the rule. We needed to take two cars and the only person that wasn't pre-gaming was Sarah. The boys were just gunna walk and let the girls take the car. So Dave suggested to Sarah that she drop the girls off and just come back for us and we'd walk home. I even then said to her We'll even start to walk so you wouldn't have to travel all the way back to get us you can pick us up on the street. The place was literally 5-10mins by car and a couple miles. Instead of keeping it funky and being like umm no I don't wanna turn back around and pick you guys ups, or no I don't like you guys.. We begin to hear every excuse in the book... "The traffic at this time it will be hard to pick you guys back up and take long" (it was 7pm LA traffic isn't that bad at 7pm on a weekday).."Theres not enough gas in the car to make that many trips" name it, we heard it. Dave FLIPS out and is like "R u ***king kidding!? Are you that much of a ***** that you cant do this on our last night?" "I rather you be ***king honest and say you don't want to rather than give us these bullshit excuses!" Dave then refuses to eat at the same table with her and Production said we ALL had to eat at the same table. Instead of going... Tres Amigos went to a different Restaurant and spent our own money and Had a good time. I know my only regret is that we couldn't have our last dinner with Brittini and Brianna there.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]...Host Duo[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]Dave and I started to open and close shows at the IOwest. He's real energetic and Im more cool suave so he took some of my laid back charming approach and I took his amped energetic approach and really started to mesh. We teamed up and Co-hosted our last performance and we ripped it. We had great chemistry and fed well off each other. Look out for us to be hosting shows together in the near future.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]Lastly.. I definitely wished you guys got to see more of me!! Haha But its cool, everything happens for a reason.. and maybe if you did.. you'd explode with admiration and love me waaay too much [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG][/IMG][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]. see you soon guys.. its been seriously [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG][/IMG][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]Nick Brown[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]The Real World 20: Hollywood[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]Tres Amigos[/SIZE][/FONT]
Nick, Thanks for the update and the what really happened.
yeah i think you (Nick) came out as the favorite around here... [I]we like you Nick, we really like you![/I]
[quote=killer_tofu;19816]yeah i think you (Nick) came out as the favorite around here... [I]we like you Nick, we really like you![/I][/quote] We do like you Nick, we would really like you more if you would put a stop to all the rumors and tell us about the tattoo.
Great blog Nick (and awesome move BTW getting out of that headlock!)
[quote=NickBrownRW20;19802][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]We needed to take two cars and the only person that wasn't pre-gaming was Sarah. The boys were just gunna walk and let the girls take the car. So Dave suggested to Sarah that she drop the girls off and just come back for us and we'd walk home. I even then said to her We'll even start to walk so you wouldn't have to travel all the way back to get us you can pick us up on the street. The place was literally 5-10mins by car and a couple miles. Instead of keeping it funky and being like umm no I don't wanna turn back around and pick you guys ups, or no I don't like you guys.. We begin to hear every excuse in the book... "The traffic at this time it will be hard to pick you guys back up and take long" (it was 7pm LA traffic isn't that bad at 7pm on a weekday).."Theres not enough gas in the car to make that many trips" name it, we heard it. Dave FLIPS out and is like "R u ***king kidding!? Are you that much of a ***** that you cant do this on our last night?" "I rather you be ***king honest and say you don't want to rather than give us these bullshit excuses!" Dave then refuses to eat at the same table with her and Production said we ALL had to eat at the same table. Instead of going... Tres Amigos went to a different Restaurant and spent our own money and Had a good time. I know my only regret is that we couldn't have our last dinner with Brittini and Brianna there.[/SIZE][/FONT] [/quote] Nick's prophetic words: "them girls is fo' self" certainly apply here and with the other little Sarah stories. what a B. I know you said you are gonna call her on it at the Reunion show this weekend but now I am really anticipating it. She had no reason to treat you the way she did right off the bat. And wtf is up with tattling to Charna every chance she got, how old is she? Adults talk to each other if they have issues - even ones unwarranted as Sarahs. I have a hard time seeing what she brought to the show anyways. About 90% of her screen time (yes I know editing) she was at the house, in bed or on the couch with a blanket. Seems like everyone else was out there to actually experience life. I know I sound like I am ranting now and I know it sounds trivial considering these are people on tv that I have never met but if you didn't come slum it with us here Nick, you came off as the most, pardon the pun, REAL person on the show, you have a charm and likability that just cannot be faked (I may sound like an *** kisser here but its just my honest opinion) I just don't see how someone could have conflict with you. Her whinings about not being able to sleep, being kept up, rowdiness in the house carry absolutely no weight because its the freakin REAL WORLD! Was she familiar with the goings on of the show in the least? The only time she came off positive in the entire season was the Joey arc and even then she came off fo' self. Did anyone besides Kim and maybe Will come away actually liking her? So please Nick - call her out this weekend. But as previous posters had advised do it methodical, mature way so she'll be exposed for the phony she obviously is. That girl has a lot of growing up to do. /end rant
niche, i definitely think you and sarah had more heavyweight bouts than greg vs me or joey vs set props. what can we say, they had one more season to prove they are worth renewing contracts, so they had to give americans what they think they want. bs great season (the real season) tres amigos will gill ps, at the reunion when im recapping things, nick, instead of saying "back when so and so did this..." we should say "bacchus when so and so did this..." and see if they catch it enough to edit. pss how do you pronounce "bacchus"?
after watching the end of the episode again... i realized that they left that house a mess!
yup I don't think any of them wash dishes lol, on another note I am glad Bri got the last say.
Nick quickly became one of my favorites, I have to agree he broke that headlock easily. I liked the episode but the ending was a bit slow for me but still I will miss this season and am definitely looking forward to the next one. And Will I know flowers are all pretty and stuff but resist the temptation, remember where that path lead Johanna lol
Thanks for the update Nick. It was a great season and you are def one of the favorites =) I wish they would have showed the last dinner drama. That would have been interesting. I was wondering why there was no last dinner/party. I didn't know you guys had to pay for stuff when you went out.
[quote=Bounce Council;19859] ps, at the reunion when im recapping things, nick, instead of saying "back when so and so did this..." we should say "bacchus when so and so did this..." and see if they catch it enough to edit. pss how do you pronounce "bacchus"?[/quote] bækəs or bak'-əs Very good idea Will! Maybe just start suffixing everything to throw them off the scent as well. They'll never catch[I]us[/I] you. They'll just think you are on crack[I]us[/I] while you talk[I]us[/I] about your time bacch[I]us[/I] in hollywood last year.:D
lol @ suffixes ahahahah I'm cracking up!
Wow it has been a long time since I've been this sad to see a Real World season end. Quite the opposite, I looked forward to the end of the Deven and Sydney seasons! This one will go down as one of the top 5 best seasons for sure. The fight - was I the only one lmao at the fact Dave was lying on the ground in the fetal (sp?) position while Bri was on top of some guy trying to beat the hell outta him?? priceless I tell ya!!! It was really good to see Joey on there again...damn I'm gonna miss seeing that guy on tv (I doubt he would do any of the Challenges, although I hope he does). Sarah - I've tried soooo hard to like her but she just makes it so difficult. oh well. Final know who would make a kickass host for the next Challenge after The Island?? Charna!!! I absolutely adore that woman. Do it BMP...TJ is getting boring!!! Ok thats all I can think of for now...back to work I go!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bounce Council;19859] ps, at the reunion when im recapping things, nick, instead of saying "back when so and so did this..." we should say "bacchus when so and so did this..." and see if they catch it enough to edit. pss how do you pronounce "bacchus"?[/quote] Man, that would be the best thing ever!! LoL good idea Will. And I hope you guys don't stop rolling through here just because your season is over and now you'll be moving on to "bigger and better" things ;)
[quote=iamnemesis666;19916]Final know who would make a kickass host for the next Challenge after The Island?? Charna!!! I absolutely adore that woman. Do it BMP...TJ is getting boring!!![/quote] Agreed! Charna is definitely one of the best bosses a Real World cast has ever had! It was so cute to see her come over and make them all dinner :)
[quote=Bacchus;19871]bækəs or bak'-əs [/quote] look at you being all fancy using the IPA
[quote=roomie;19947]Agreed! Charna is definitely one of the best bosses a Real World cast has ever had! It was so cute to see her come over and make them all dinner :)[/quote] for real! she seems amazing! and that would be so funny if she was the next challenge host!
