The Real World: Ex-Plosion - San Francisco (2013) - Spoilers

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Confirmed by whom and when and where?
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;395151]Confirmed by whom and when and where?[/QUOTE] It was in an interview I read. I'll try searching around for it again.
[QUOTE=Britney;367334]Re Arielle: Wow, judging from her pictures I think it's safe to assume that she's a bit preoccupied with the ideas of power and punishment. Not a fan.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Legend;367254]Ah, thanks. She's the last one! Btw, the pictures on her blog are NSFW. She has an interesting look.[/QUOTE] Dang, can't see the website! What kind of pictures were they?!
Am I allowed to post this when the new episode thread is posted or can I only post this here?: Jenna responded to the latest Real World facebook update showing a preview for the next episode when she watches a video of Jay at the club. Jenna Compono "Well because the video was on the computer and then deleted I had the right to see it so they told me if I wanted to see the video to email them. And me and jay were never exs I came on the show dating him for 2.5 years haha that's why it's a big deal because we weren't exs" Like · Reply · 17 minutes ago And she's liking all the negative comments saying something mean about Jay or that she's better than him. LOL

If y'all only knew what really happened that awkward night I spent in the house/hot tub... Sooooo much awesome footage never made it to tv! LOL! And yes, it's me, Doug.... Like a cartoon, but I'm not a cartoon. Wink
