After speculation all season, Trisha finally gets sent packing by Parisa!!! Thank God we don't have to see her mug on tv again!
A few quick thoughts on the episode:
Trisha had the most ungenuine apology I have ever witnessed.
Kelly Anne apparantly has decided to try and fill Trisha's shoes as Queen ***** of the house, spitting at Parisa and recruiting Ashli to ostrecize Parisa even more than they already have been.
Dunbar admits to hitting many people in his past. I'm shocked.
It made me dislike Dunbar a little less to hear him talking about how glad he was that Trisha got sent home. Just a little though.
If Cohutta wasn't getting some from Kelly Anne, I think (or at least hope) he would have been on Parisa's side.
Ashli has replaced Kelly Anne as the dumb follower of the house.
I am excited for next week and the return of Isaac! (Who I heart.) From the preview it looks like he celebrates Trisha leaving by blowing a horn and says, "Nobody likes Trisha". He is my hero!!!