Real World DC: Andrew Woods

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Its a shame he never got a fair shot at the challenges. He would have been fun to see. Right? 

we had enough twink first-boots during this era no?

He is one of those people that actually disappeared after doing real world

in terms of Reality Television most of the cast from RW DC vanished lol. but in all seriousness Andrew was the one who was the most silent. i think the only time i heard from him on social media was in 2014 when he posted a tweet in memory of Ryan Knight. 


Its a shame he never got a fair shot at the challenges. He would have been fun to see. Right? 

we had enough twink first-boots during this era no?

He would've been much more bearable than Chet though.

What happenned to him? What he is doing now days?

What happenned to him? What he is doing now days?

Alive. Living low though!


What happenned to him? What he is doing now days?

Alive. Living low though!

You found him? You are better than the CIA ☕️


What happenned to him? What he is doing now days?

Alive. Living low though!

We want Raquel, Marybeth, and Cara Z interviews!


What happenned to him? What he is doing now days?

Alive. Living low though!

We want Raquel, Marybeth, and Cara Z interviews!




What happenned to him? What he is doing now days?

Alive. Living low though!

You found him? You are better than the CIA ☕️

Are you doing a podcast with him Mike? 

Are you doing a podcast with him Mike? 

Negative at the moment. But we text here & there and he watches some of the ones i do with people he knows and thinks they’re good, he said he just likes to be anonymous for now but the door isn’t entirely shut.

would love to hear what he's up to now a days. hopefully he changes his mind!!

Anonymous's picture

His LinkedIn says that he is a production assistant but it may be outdated

Ty throwing from a balcony was always one of my favorite moments 
