Real World Couples and Breakups

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Real World Couples and Breakups
Hi there all...this certainly isn't a current RW topic, but I'm curious to know... if the following couples are still together: 1.Wes and Johanna 2. Melinda and Danny 3. Alton and that new girl he was living with 4. CT and that girl with cancer... 5. that *****y loud mouthed girl who is oddly athletic from some Road Rules season and Randy or, if these people are attached at all: 1. Johnny Bannanas. Dude. 2. Coral 3. David with the two different colored eyes from Seattle
This is a really good thread idea as I would like to know the answers to many of these questions as well. Looks like I am going to have to do some research. I know that Johanna still has Wes plastered all over her myspace page which would seem to be a good indicator that they are still going strong. I have also heard that after a break, CT and Diem where back together on the Gauntlet 3 in Mexico, although that was filmed a while ago I am not sure where they currently stand. Randy and Kina were still together last time I asked her (back in February) and her myspace page is still showing that she is in a relationship. That gossip nag over at E!, Kristen, reported that Danny and Melina when splitsville last summer, although I never did follow it up. All indicators point to David and Johnny being single. Hopefully someone else has more input! :D
Ahh, Diem is her name. I felt bad calling her the girl with cancer...I didn't mean to be rude, it's just the only defining quality I could think of for her at the time. "the peppy one" would've worked too. Bacchus, you emailed Kina?? :flame: You don't have a problem with her? Does she seem nice enough over email?
Not sure if he had a problem with her, but he liked to poke fun at her Jersey makeup! ;) He ran a site for Road Rules Viewers Revenge so emailing all cast members on the show was kind of part of his job. Although, I will say, I still don't know why so many people hate her, I kinda liked Kina! Danny and Melinda broke up???? There's a shocker. Danny is such one of the most uninteresting castmates in recent memory. As for CT and Diem, I know they were on Made with Diem trying to be a ballroom dancer a few months back and seemed very much together. I will go do some myspace stalking and see what I can find... Here's another one... are Road Rules Holly and Chadwick still married??
[quote=proper noun;2450]Bacchus, you emailed Kina?? :flame: You don't have a problem with her? Does she seem nice enough over email?[/quote] I was in contact with most of the cast of [B]Road Rules Viewer's Revenge[/B] and actually did sanctioned interviews with a bunch of them through MTV reps (and even more unsanctioned.) I personally can't stand people like Kina. I spent all my time making fun of her. She only responded to me[B] [I]BEFORE[/I][/B] she knew what I was writing about her. :D [B][COLOR=Red]Cl[/COLOR][COLOR=Navy]ow[/COLOR][COLOR=Orange]n[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Mak[/COLOR][COLOR=Navy]eu[/COLOR][COLOR=Orange]p![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Ahah[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]ah[/COLOR][COLOR=Orange]aha! [/COLOR][/B]
Hooooly crap, have you guys seen Johanna's new haircut??? [url][/url] [IMG][/IMG]
Doesn't she just have her hair up there? Under her "new pics" on myspace her hair looks quite the same...
Fair enough. I can forgive you for that. Katiedid, I remember not liking her because I thought she isolated that blond girl (who I've since learned to DISPISE) on one of the challenges much in the same way Trisha and the gana have done to Parisa. damn...I forgot who that blond chick's name is...religious, hated Toya, BFFs with Cara? Holly and Chadwick! That's it! Please tell me she's committed a mortal sin and gotten a divorce. (That's the one with the very angular face who didn't stop preaching/judging the whole time, right? I never got to see the end of that. Pls. tell me she didn't win that one.)
Hey look at that! I'm a junior memeber already! Teehe!
Hello prom hair! yeah, her hair is up there. I don't think she's cut it...
[quote=proper noun;2456]Fair enough. I can forgive you for that. Katiedid, I remember not liking her because I thought she isolated that blond girl (who I've since learned to DISPISE) on one of the challenges much in the same way Trisha and the gana have done to Parisa. damn...I forgot who that blond chick's name is...religious, hated Toya, BFFs with Cara? Holly and Chadwick! That's it! Please tell me she's committed a mortal sin and gotten a divorce. (That's the one with the very angular face who didn't stop preaching/judging the whole time, right? I never got to see the end of that. Pls. tell me she didn't win that one.)[/quote] Oh Jesus! You mean Susie...
Oh I didn't really look at the rest of them maybe Johanna does have it up. I can see where you're coming from with Kina but I still like her for the most part. Not sure why. Aaaand no, Chadwick got sent home mainly by Emily on that challenge and while Holly and Theo kicked ****, they lost the final challenge I believe. I wonder how we can check up on those two, doubt they have myspaces. OH... and either Kristin was wrong or they worked it out... I checked Melinda's myspace and her default pic is her and Danny and her status still says 'In a Relationship'.
yes, Susie. she's a bothersome gal. I guess I can't hate Kina because a) Randy seemed like an OK dude and b) I think she lives in my old city of Boston
[quote=proper noun;2461]yes, Susie. she's a bothersome gal. I guess I can't hate Kina because a) Randy seemed like an OK dude and b) I think she lives in my old city of Boston[/quote] Susie makes my skin crawl. I disliked her during both Seasons of Road Rules and absolutely hated her on Inferno III! Cara might be a hot playboy playmate but together with Susie, the entire season was ruined for me. If I had to choose between Jersey trailer trash clown makeup gal Kina and or the religious self righteous heathen Susie, I'd choose Kina any and every day!
Oh Lord, not another Bostonian. ;)
[quote=Katiedid;2464]Oh Lord, not another Bostonian. ;)[/quote] Back to the task at hand! :D Katie, you going to hit up your sources for us and get us the goods? I bet if you ask Beth nicely about who is still with who she'll spill!
Who should I ask about?? We already figured out pretty much everyone, and I doubt that she knows much about Alton and his girlfriend.
I agree, I'd choose Kina anyday over Susie. But now Holly was in a league of her own, as I recall. I wouldn't want to share a bus ride with that woman. Theo!! I forgot about him! Oh how I love Theo! I'm glad Holly didn't win...but man, Theo is such a breath of fresh air every time he's on...wish he'd come out on top one of these go rounds. He's not on this upcoming Gauntlet is he? I think you all might oust me from the group after I write this...but I kinda like CT! I agree he's a brat and a thug and sometimes unecessarily mean....but I dunno...he doesn't seem evil like the majority of the sydney cast. And I think he treated Diem very well. Let's see...who else do we have from Boston?? Brad...Seattle David (my friend waited on him at a Starbucks once and said he was very cool and down to earth and I still love how into the casting director he was...that's devotion.) and that's it, right? Oh...Arrisa and/or Irilan, right?
yeah! Ask Beth! Can you find out about Coral and Alton and that homophobic cuban girl Rachel who was married to...Sean(?)...and Cara. Is she still single? I don't really care about Julie, but as I recall Beth doesn't like her much, so I bet she would be eager to tell if she's doing badly. And Frank. Please. :-)
OH... and either Kristin was wrong or they worked it out... I checked Melinda's myspace and her default pic is her and Danny and her status still says 'In a Relationship'. I wonder if they are still engaged? Nothing like ******* yourself more than proposing so it can be on the reunion episode. Does anyone remember how annoying Melinda was on the Real world? Walking around in boyshorts and a bra with a whip, lol. I'm surprized Assli hasn't tried that yet with Dummibear
[quote=Italianvix;2479]OH... and either Kristin was wrong or they worked it out... I checked Melinda's myspace and her default pic is her and Danny and her status still says 'In a Relationship'[/quote] I just looked and that would seem to confirm [URL=""]"Watch with Kristen"[/URL] is wrong yet again. Well she is right 3 out of 10 times and I am a sucker for a good bit of gossip. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;2484] I am a sucker for a good bit of gossip. ;)[/QUOTE] Me too...Which is why I love this message board, there are not 1000 people to compete with to get your opinion heard and there is no opinion bashing here which I find refreshing.
Yes this board is awesome!! And there isn't any opinion bashing.... except for mine when I try to talk about the Hills, lol.
[quote=Katiedid;2516]Yes this board is awesome!! And there isn't any opinion bashing.... except for mine when I try to talk about the Hills, lol.[/quote] I don't think that talking about The Hills around here is any more heated then when we discuss other scripted dramas...
Okay, I shouldn't have even brought it up. I am not having this argument again. ;)
[quote=Katiedid;2518]Okay, I shouldn't have even brought it up. I am not having this argument again. ;)[/quote] LOL :D
[QUOTE=Bacchus;2517]I don't think that talking about The Hills around here is any more heated then when we discuss other scripted dramas...[/QUOTE] I am all for the Hills chat...just let me know when, I noticed that your hills message board was a bit of a ghost town, LOL.
Yes yes yes yes!! Another Hills fan!!! I think that SpiceLatte is a Hills fan too! I had given up posting about it as I didn't see many takers, but I am totally game for chatting it up and putting up some posts... AS LONG AS PEOPLE WILL LET US FANS OF THE SHOW DISCUSS THE SHOW IN PEACE WITHOUT INJECTING THEIR UNWANTED OPINIONS.....
[QUOTE=Katiedid;2516]Yes this board is awesome!! And there isn't any opinion bashing.... except for mine when I try to talk about the Hills, lol.[/QUOTE] You have another Hills lover here so don't worry.
[QUOTE=Katiedid;2537]Yes yes yes yes!! Another Hills fan!!! I think that SpiceLatte is a Hills fan too! I had given up posting about it as I didn't see many takers, but I am totally game for chatting it up and putting up some posts... AS LONG AS PEOPLE WILL LET US FANS OF THE SHOW DISCUSS THE SHOW IN PEACE WITHOUT INJECTING THEIR UNWANTED OPINIONS.....[/QUOTE] Okay I am in, I will add some posts tonight when I get home for us to talk about!
[quote=stacee_danielle;2542]Okay I am in, I will add some posts tonight when I get home for us to talk about![/quote] Don't do it! Don't make me have to come to that thread and spread some scripted truth! ;)
