The Real World Cancun Reunion: Episode Discussion

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[QUOTE=mellow;121549]Don't get me wrong i'm a fan of Aiiiya, but I thought it was a lil weird she'd still be carry a letter like that around with her lmao[/QUOTE] I'm not saying I believe either one (even though I find it odd that Jonna got pretty quiet after the note was mentioned) but I assume, if a note does actually exist, Ayiiia brought it as some type of insurance and not because she's still into Jonna.
imo Bronne and Derek didn't talk much i hoped for. Emilee got alot of spot time, so did Ayiia and Jonna. It was a good reunion, Emilee snaping on Joey was so funny. CJ fooling everyone on tv about his so called game. lol ahaha CJ. Shocking moments but it came out good. IM SO GLAD Joey agreed on Pat being a *********, and confirming that he didnt treat Jasmine right. I mean she really opened up to him and was a total tool. So what if your canadian and a DJ. I know good friends that dj at the night clubs down here in south florida. And aren't ********** like you. ****** and they gave him air time FFS...awful. Im glad he wasnt there. The best moment was when ***** came on...imo they could of gotten more airtime then PAT. Wow MTV way to drop the the host and the live performance did a great job. Now off to see the Ruins and no not the hills (boooooo! lol)
Pat's self-esteem should be at an all-time low right now. Joey, of all people, called him a D bag on tv. :sarcastic_hand:
[QUOTE=mellow;121549]Don't get me wrong i'm a fan of Aiiiya, but I thought it was a lil weird she'd still be carry a letter like that around with her lmao[/QUOTE] I think it was brilliant on her end to bring the letter. I HIGHLY doubt she carries it around with her everywhere, I took it as she brought it to prove her not being a liar. I WISH she did bring it out and read it just the way Jonna read Aiiyas letter in the confessional.
[QUOTE=Blurr;121500]bunch of random thoughts in my mind 1. Emilees tampon comment was ******. 2. Joey was right about the whole pat thing. 3. Emilee you're like a broom cuz u swept me off my feet ;) 4. Ayiiia has grown on me, now I feel bad for having a negative view on her. 5. Jonna is a strange girl...there was no way Jonna was sincere in that apology. At that point it seemed she was just mocking and agreeing with anything said about her. Because earlier it seemed she was trying to defend herself but then she switched over to shut up and agree with anything. 6. lol love the guy by cj is a tool 7. never mess with anyones zombies and game magazines and lol @ him and his friends playing the n64. Don't get me wrong the n64 was the best system ever but come on its 2009. I enjoyed this season the only thing that was unbearable was the pat situation, which everyone agrees on, however this was 10 times better than brooklyn.[/QUOTE] I agree with u on everything. But dont hate on the N64...I still play Goldeneye with friends when im bored be honest. Emilee and Ayiia grew on me....MTV made them something the opposite of what they really are. Jonna blah being PAT made me not like you anymore as a cast member...I wish u the best. Emilee your soo when medieval on his *** lol...ahaha good laugh i got.
[QUOTE=ElectraWoman;121553]I'm not saying I believe either one (even though I find it odd that Jonna got pretty quiet after the note was mentioned) but I assume, if a note does actually exist, Ayiiia brought it as some type of insurance and not because she's still into Jonna.[/QUOTE] I don't know, the whole thing was kinda confusing. Either Ayiiia is a damn good liar or she actually had the thing with her.
I think I believe Ayiiia. Maybe she somehow thought Jonna would back down and act like she didn't encourage Ayiiia's liking of her. Maybe she was conscious of the fact that they were filming a TV show and things could be edited a certain way, so she wanted to be able to prove something like that if it was denied or shown the wrong way. And/or maybe she keeps letters from friends for a while. Some girls do stuff like that. There could have been other things as well in the letters, and maybe she just wanted to hold on to them as keepsakes. But the having them in her purse thing - if she did, it seems like the first scenario I mentioned could be more likely. Something might have been telling her that Jonna was suspect. Either way, I think it's great Aiiiya brought that up since Jonna likes to spin things a certain way.
[QUOTE=mellow;121549]Don't get me wrong i'm a fan of Aiiiya, but I thought it was a lil weird she'd still be carry a letter like that around with her lmao[/QUOTE] I highly doubt she carries it around with her all the time. She probably just saved it, I know that I had notes all the way back from middle school before my house burnt down. A lot of my friends (at least my girl friends) save things like this. She probably brought it to the reunion because she knew it was a subject that was going to be brought up and that Jonna would deny pursuing Ayiiia and say it was Ayiiia going after her.
Anonymous's picture
The fact that Ayiiia said she would bring it out and Jonna shut right up proves that she's not lying. Ayiiia has no reason to lie, she's 100% real.
Anonymous's picture
I sound like Team Ayiiia, god help me.
[QUOTE=lalalamilf;121557]I think it was brilliant on her end to bring the letter. I HIGHLY doubt she carries it around with her everywhere, I took it as she brought it to prove her not being a liar. I WISH she did bring it out and read it just the way Jonna read Aiiyas letter in the confessional.[/QUOTE] She even said as much on [URL=""]Twitter[/URL]. "i will not be seen as a liar on national television. I brought it for backup baby. you can't **** off a puerto rican and get away with it :)" Go Aiiiya, that's thinking ahead! Oooooooh, got over the hurdle of making my first post, here...
That reunion special was seriously just an hour of one large awkward moment. It was hard to watch. Even Maria had a look of "get me out of here!" I'm ready for D.C. Not that I don't like this cast, because I do like most of them, this season just didn't do it for me. Oh, and about the Ayiiia bringing that letter in her purse from Jonna... I like how she goes "I don't want to say what it said, because I don't want to call you out, but basically she asked me for a threesome." Isn't that calling her out haha? I didn't mind it, I just thought that was funny she'd even say that she didn't want to call her out when clearly that's what she was doing.
Just watched it and all I can say is much respect for Ayiia..she kept her cool and I love that she brought the note. That was the nail in the coffin for Jonna's integrity. I guessed the girls would rip her, but I was surprised that with the exception of Derek, the boys did too. This really was the girls reunion...the guys all could have left when Joey left...we really didn't hear much from them unless it was to comment about the girls. Maria did a good job as usual. I really like her hosting.
I need clarify some things real quick! I was not crying cause i was so hurt by PAT! So whoever made the comment it happend months ago get over it, BOO i got over to 2nds seconds after it happend! THey edited out before hand the reason going into the crying. You see MAria says before commerical that she is going to discuss the whole love square, the cams went in on my face I WAS NOT HAPPY to once again be talking about this PAT person! Im over him been over him! She started asking me questions and I was just like im over this whole situation I just want to be able to move on with my life and forget that ever met DJ name f**** PAT!! I remember Emilee grabbing my leg and rubbing it saying its going to be ok! Ems did walk off stage , I found out afterwards cause she thought I was talking **** but me and her discussed that situation right after it happend and its done and over with. So we are taking over Ny soon!! With Jonna, nobody was trying to be mean to her, we were all expressing our opinions about the different situations that went about. Also we were down there in NY day or 2 before so other things did go on, thaty may have made things seem weird to you guys. Also everyone wants to know ME and JR are no longer together! We are friends or whatever and thats all it would ever be! Me and PAT,dont talk and more than likely never will unless it deals with Studentcity spring break! Like Ayiiia said he was always rude to me and i was nothing but nice to him. Even after the show, he has always had a problem with me expressing my feelings on things and telling the truth. In my honest opinion I feel like he is mad that he not getting the good feedback he thought he was going to get, and blames it on me or something. Well if you would have told me at first you werent feeling me, then maybe you wouldnt get bad feed back. PLus your not roommate so dont worry about it! But yet goes and talk **** about me on interviews! So thats the type of person he is! Hope he reads this too!!
[QUOTE=Jasmine;121595] With Jonna, nobody was trying to be mean to her, we were all expressing our opinions about the different situations that went about. Also we were down there in NY day or 2 before so other things did go on, thaty may have made things seem weird to you guys. ![/QUOTE] I think my use of the word "rip" regarding Jonna may have added to your wanting to clarify. I could, and should, have probably just said 'told it to her like was' and it would have been no different. It was clear no one was trying to be cruel to her, but give her an honest assessment of who her actions were perceived.
The funniest part of the reunion was when Maria asked Emilee if she left the show with close girlfriends and she said "**** no". Then Maria asked Jonna the same question and she said "yes. i consider emilee to be one of my bestfriends" ***** what kind of ******* is that?
[QUOTE=VRevis;121581]She even said as much on [URL=""]Twitter[/URL]. "i will not be seen as a liar on national television. I brought it for backup baby. you can't **** off a puerto rican and get away with it :)" Go Aiiiya, that's thinking ahead! Oooooooh, got over the hurdle of making my first post, here...[/QUOTE] Did anyone see the link she posted on Twitter about an interview Jonna and pat did... Its a really great interview now that we know who really asked for it.
Also I have a question thats been bugging me... We all saw how mean Pat was to Jasmine... But he was in one of her video blogs, after everything went down with Jonna...JAsmine if you read this can you clear up if you and Pat are friends...
Anonymous's picture
I think Pat's been running his mouth, not only in interviews, but I also saw a couple of questionable tweets on twitter. Jas was in Canada for awhile so maybe thats why he was there. I think she was visiting JR. Best thing about Cancun being over, no more Patrat.
[QUOTE=cystic;121419]I thought that title was reserved for Mommy. :D[/QUOTE] Careful with the mommy bashing
[QUOTE=tjhallow;121632]I think Pat's been running his mouth, not only in interviews, but I also saw a couple of questionable tweets on twitter. Jas was in Canada for awhile so maybe thats why he was there. I think she was visiting JR. Best thing about Cancun being over, no more Patrat.[/QUOTE] I think a better name for him is ******
[QUOTE=tjhallow;121632]I think Pat's been running his mouth, not only in interviews, but I also saw a couple of questionable tweets on twitter. Jas was in Canada for awhile so maybe thats why he was there. I think she was visiting JR. Best thing about Cancun being over, no more Patrat.[/QUOTE] But the thing with the video is that she is in some type of an apartment with Pat and another DJ not JR.. and they were joking about the whole High five thing. They seemed to be frends.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=jem3772;121635]But the thing with the video is that she is in some type of an apartment with Pat and another DJ not JR.. and they were joking about the whole High five thing. They seemed to be frends.[/QUOTE] Maybe they didn't show JR because he wasn't shown on TV yet. I know what video your talking about, that was awhile ago though. If Jasmine just posted here that they are not friends, I would take that as they are not friends.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;121636]Maybe they didn't show JR because he wasn't shown on TV yet. I know what video your talking about, that was awhile ago though. If Jasmine just posted here that they are not friends, I would take that as they are not friends.[/QUOTE] Oh I wouldnt question if Jasmine said they werent friends..then they obviously arent, I guess I am just curious because, he was so mean to her on the show, and they were pretty cool with each other on the video.
This is off topic but I just wanted to say that Cancun is definitely one of my, if not my, favorite Real World seasons.
[QUOTE=jem3772;121624]Did anyone see the link she posted on Twitter about an interview Jonna and pat did... Its a really great interview now that we know who really asked for it.[/QUOTE] Yes! I saw that video...the body language on Jonna completely tells me she's lying and uncomfortable. She makes me nuts so I'll say no more. [url=]YouTube - The Real World Cancun Threesome[/url]
I was disappointed with the reunion as the insider posts seemed to make it more explosive than it was. Maybe the good stuff got edited out. Who knows.
[QUOTE=jem3772;121624]Did anyone see the link she posted on Twitter about an interview Jonna and pat did... Its a really great interview now that we know who really asked for it.[/QUOTE] YEAH! I saw Jasmine's tweets about it, then Joey's responses and started sleuthing until I found the video, because I hadn't seen a link to any "interview", yet. I watched it and *kinda* figured that was what they were referring to... I don't blame her for being upset. I wondered how Aiiiya was going to feel, too,and she discovered it later that evening, and started posting on Twitter. She was not happy. Jonna and Pat totally threw them under the bus with that, and whatever remaining respect I had for them (which was virtually nonexistent by that time), dissolved after watching that interview. I wanted to stand up and cheer when Aiiiya brought up the note, but since I was alone in my room, I would have scared my cat. But, seriously, that Canada interview was done AFTER the reunion show was taped, so that was a pretty stupid move on Jonna's part to lie, knowing full well she'd be busted in a couple weeks. Or did she think that would get edited out? Ha. Right. I know Joey's not exactly popular, here, from what I've read, and I hated him at the beginning of the season, but I REALLY like the guy, now. He says it like it is, even if it's not gonna win him fans, and that earns my respect. I'll take an honest "jerk" over a two-faced "sweetheart" any day.
[QUOTE=VRevis;121703] I know Joey's not exactly popular, here, from what I've read, and I hated him at the beginning of the season, but I REALLY like the guy, now. He says it like it is, even if it's not gonna win him fans, and that earns my respect. I'll take an honest "jerk" over a two-faced "sweetheart" any day.[/QUOTE] I second that statement. I actually thought Aiiya and Joey both would be on my hate list by the end of the season, but <3 them.
I think that the ***** time should have been used to talk about Joey spitting in Ayiiias taco and the cutting.
