Real World: Brooklyn Bridging - Recap

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Real World: Brooklyn Bridging - Recap
[B][U]Meet Ryan[/U][/B] The show starts off with Ryan saying, "I'm Ryan, I'm twenty-three, and I'm from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania." It then takes us to Ryan's Home Tape, "This is Gettysburg in 1863, as you can see, nothing has changed for over 145 years. This is where I got my first, and second kiss, in that barn; both on the same day." [I]Then home tape is over. [/I] Ryan then tells us, "I have never been to Brooklyn before, I have been to New York City on like a day field trips, so I am totally psyched for it." It then takes us back to Ryan's Home Tape, "So what separates me from everyone else? I am a three and a half year veteran, for the United States Army. I deployed to Iraq and was there for one entire year." It then shows Ryan playing his Guitar and singing, "You suck, Iraq. You suck Iraq." He then takes his guitar and beats it against the ground. "I like to think I can figure out any person, within the first five minutes of knowing them. Guarantee." [B][U]Meet Katelynn[/U][/B] It then shows us some scenery of Missoula Montana. After that is shows us Katelynn saying, "My name is Katelynn, I am twenty-four, I'm from West Palm Beach Florida." It shows her and her boyfriend walking and holding hands. "I recently moved to Missoula Montana to be with my boyfriend." It then shows us that her boyfriends name is Mike. "Mike is the guys that, whether he knows it or not, I am going to marry." Katelynn and Mike talk. Katelynn, "I am not looking forward to my flight tomorrow." Mike, "You can cry about it for a while, it will make you feel better." Katelynn, "Actually if I made you cry about it for a little while, if that would make me feel better." It then takes us to Katelynn's Home Tape, "I guess I am your every day, ordinary, average girl next door; minus the fact that I am transgender, but whatever. We all have to have our qualities that make us special." Katelynn then tells us on her home tape, "So the first time that I cross dressed, I had this cute little leather skirt, and this cute top and I looked it the mirror and I am like, Holy sh** that worked! I am like, this is what was missing from my life. This is what was wrong. I actually realized that I was female rather than male, I identified as female." [I]Home tape is over. [/I] It then shows Katelynn and Mike talking again. Katelynn, "So are you going to miss me while I am gone?" Mike, "Of course." Katelynn then tells us, "I recently went to Thailand to have my surgery. I am still the same old me, it's just physiologically there is some things moved around, and little some little things different." It then shows Katelynn and Mike, going to the airport and getting her ticket. It shows them holding hands and they kiss before she leaves. As she gets on the plane you hear Katelynn's voice saying, "I live for experiences. I have always been more curious then cautious, and it's served me well thus far." It then shows the plane take off for Brooklyn. (Music is playing in the background.) [B][U]Meet Chet[/U][/B] The show then takes us to Brooklyn, New York. We then see Chet on a boat. As we watch Chet ride on the boat you hear his voice saying, "I am Chet, I am twenty-three years old, and I am from Salt Lake City, Utah." It then shows us Chet's Home Tape, "Well right now I am just working hard on my sewing machine. It's kind of one of my goals to have the most original outfit. You pop the collar, and it's got this nice little pink back." [I]The home tape is over.[/I] Chet then tells us, "Brooklyn is usually spoken of a place that you don't want to end up. I just don't want to get shot down here." [B][U]Meet Devyn[/U][/B] It then shows Devyn walking to meet up with one of her new roommates. As she is walking you hear her voice saying, "Hi my name is Devyn, and I am twenty years old, and I am from Kansas City, Missouri. It then shows us Devyn's Home Tape, "I was Miss Missouri Teen 2004, and Miss American Teen 2005." It then shows her wearing a bathing suit, "People with ***** are not bimbos. I am highly educated and sophisticated." It then shows her sitting on her couch, "I mean you have a better chance at getting into heaven than getting into Devyn."[I] The home tape is over.[/I] [B][U]Devyn and Chet Meet[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] It then shows Devyn and Chet meet, to go to the Real World House. Chet: "Wow. How are you doing?" Devyn: "Good. How are you?" Chet: "I'm doing amazing." Devyn: "O my God, you are wearing my favorite color, so you are awesome." [I]They Hug.[/I] Devyn: "Hi, I am Devyn." Chet: "Devyn, I am Chet." Devyn: "Nice to meet you! Where are you from?" Chet: "Salt Lake City, Utah." Devyn: "Oh Cool!" Chet: "What about you?" Devyn: "Kansas City, Missouri." Chet: "Ahhh Devin, it honestly is a breathe of fresh air to meet you." Devyn: "Thank you!" Music starts playing, and it show Devyn and Chet go to their cab. Devyn and Chet talk in the cab. I think Devyn says, "What is your dream career?" Chet: "My dream job would be to host MTV's TRL." Devyn: "Really?" Chet: "Yeah. How about you?" Devyn: "I want to pursue the whole acting, music thing. They are both my loves." Chet: "Good for you. This is going to be a trip. I don't know, what are we going to do next?" Devyn "You seem like you could be the naked type." Chet: "I do, but I'm not. I'm a Mormon." Chet says in the Confessional, "I am a very religious person, but I want to show people that Mormons are fun." [B][U]Ryan and Baya Meet / Meet Baya[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] It then shows Ryan and Baya meet. Ryan is walking and Baya stops him. Baya: "Hey. I think you are with me." Ryan: "How are you doing?" Baya: "How's it going?" Ryan: "Good. How are you?" Baya: "What's your name?" Ryan: "Ryan." Baya: "Hi, I'm Baya." Ryan: "Baya, I have never met a Baya before." Baya: "Nice to meet you Ryan." Baya says in the Confessional, "While I'm in Brooklyn, I hoping to start dancing professionally." [I]It then takes us to Baya Home Tape of her dancing. [/I]Baya continues, "I love dancing because I really feel passion in movement and really connecting with the music." [I]Baya is 21 and is from Salt Lake City, Utah.[/I] Both Baya and Ryan, then get into a car to drive to the Real World Brooklyn House. Ryan and Baya talk in the car. Ryan: "What is there to do in Salk Lake City, with it being flat and boring." Baya: "It's not flat." Ryan: "Are you a Mormon?" Baya: "No, I'm not." Ryan: "What?!?!" [I]Baya Laughs.[/I] Ryan: "I've never met anybody out there that is not a Mormon." Baya: "That's the first question I get when I go anywhere, but I know a lot of them." Ryan: "I'm sure you do." Ryan says in the Confessional, "Baya seems like a really cool girl that I can Absolutely just chill with. I can tell that she gets me, so I know things are going to be good with me and her." [B][U]Meet Sarah[/U][/B] It then shows Sarah, "Hi, I'm Sarah, I am twenty-two, and I am from San Francisco, California." It then takes us to Sarah's Home Tape, "Other people have called me, you know, the weird girl, or the crazy girl; Oh that's just Sarah." It then shows Sarah who is about to get a tattoo, "I am about to go get another tattoo to add to my collection" [I]It shows Sarah getting the tattoo. [/I]As Sarah gets her tattoo you hear her voice saying, "Even when I go into a department store, I get followed around by security guards, because they think I am going to steal something because I have tattoos. But I am totally not, I am like the opposite." [I]The home tape is over.[/I] [B][U]Meet JD [/U][/B] It then shows us JD walking. As he is walking you hear his voice saying, "My name is JD, I am twenty-two years old, and I am from Miami Beach, Florida. I am a very independent person, I put myself through school. I am going to a private university. Growing up, I had a rough childhood. Part of the reason why I came to this experience was to leave with the family I never had before." [B][U]Sarah and JD Meet[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] It then shows Sarah and JD walking and talking. JD: "Sarah, that is my sister's name. Is it S-a-r-a-h?" Sarah: "Yes. JD, right?" JD, "Yeah. Like Jack Daniels." [I]Sarah Laughed.[/I] They both sit down, waiting for the water taxi to come get them. Sarah: "So what do you do?" JD: "I train dolphins and whales." Sarah: "Shut up!" It then shows JD's Home Tape. It shows him training Dolphins. "I've worked at Sea World, and Miami's Seaquarium. Some people think that I am a little arrogant. I think it is because I am a confident person, but that's, I guess a chance I am willing to take." [I]The home tape is over. [/I] It then takes us back to Sarah and JD. JD: "So what do you do?" Sarah: "I am going to school to be an art therapist or specializing in helping victims of sexual abuse. I am not training dolphins, but... So do you have a girlfriend back home? Or a boyfriend?" JD: "I actually don't, I am single. And yourself?" Sarah: "I have a man at home." JD: "You have a man?" Sarah: "Yes. He is the one, so... Yeah." They then get into the water taxi. JD: "We are in NYC! Can you believe it?" [I]Sarah Claps.[/I] JD: "The Statue of Liberty!" JD says in the Confessional, "I see the Statue of Liberty, and I feel completely liberated. I think it is going to be a great experience." Sarah and JD continue talking. Sarah: "I'm sure this will come out eventually, but the boyfriend that I have now is the first guy I have ever dated. I've spent the majority of my relationship dating women. He is all worried, about what if there is some really hot guy.." JD: "He has nothing to worry about. Because I don't like chicks." [I]Sarah screams with enthusiasm and hugs JD. [/I] Sarah: "Thank God!" JD: "I think we are going to get along great." [B][U]Meet Scott[/U][/B] It then shows Scott who is at an airport. You then hear his voice saying, "My name is Scott, I am twenty-three, and I'm from Salem, New Hampshire." It then takes us to Scott's Home Tape, "I work at a Gym, I am a personal trainer. I've been working at a gym since I was fourteen years old. I do have iron abs" [I]He lifts up his shirt. [/I]"I am going to be in Men's Health next month." [I]The home tape ends. [/I] "I've wanted to pursue modeling and acting for a very long time now. This is going to be the ultimate experience for me to see what is out there for me, and what I am going to best fit in." [B][U]Katelynn and Scott Meet[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] It then shows Katelynn heading down the escalator to meet one of her new roommates. As she goes down the escalator you hear her voice say, "Landing in New York, I am kind of nervous about my roommates, you know like, what they are going to be like. Is anyone that I befriend, immediately going to know that I am transgender?" Katelynn and Scott finally see each other. Katelynn: "Hey." Scott: "How are you?" Katelynn: 'I am good. So you are either my roommate, or you're the cutest stranger ever?" Scott: "Ha-ha, I am your roommate." Katelynn: "Ok. Scott: "How was the plane ride?" Katelynn: "It was alright." Scott says in the Confessional, "My first impression of Katelynn was she was a cute girl. Not really my type, but she is someone I could definitely be friends with." Katelynn: "So, I'm Katelynn." Scott: "Nice to meet you. My name is Scott." Scott says in the Confessional, "Katelynn my be a little bit shy, because when she said her name, she had her name kind of down. I am thinking, alright, well lets see how the car ride goes." [I]They get in the car.[/I] Katelynn: "So what do you do?" Scott: "I've actually worked in a gym since I was fourteen." Katelynn: "Oh that's pretty neat." Scott: "I'm getting more into the modeling and the acting." Katelynn: "Oh that's pretty cool. Uh, I did martial arts from the time I was yay big. So one of my dreams is to always to like own a dojo, so..." Scott: "That's really cool." Katelynn says in the Confessional, "Scott and I bond instantly, and it seems like we have such a really great report right off the bat." [B][U]The First Roommates to Arrive at the House[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] The car arrives at the house, and the first roommates to go inside are Chet and Devyn. Chet says as he gets out of the cab, "Alright, I think this is it... Wow." Devyn: "Now where the gate key will come in handy." [I]Devyn takes the key and opens the gate.[/I] Chet: "There you go. This is honestly like unbelievable." Devyn: "Isn't it pretty? I just hope there is no big storms." [I]They both laugh.[/I] Devyn: "Oh look, the Statue of Liberty! Oh this is so cool!" [I]They walk up the steps and open the door to the house.[/I] Chet: "Oh my gosh!" It then takes us to the opening credits, after that we get commercials. When the show comes back on, it shows Chet and Devyn look at the sliding doors. Chet: "One, two, three." [I]They open the doors to look inside.[/I] Devyn: "Oh cool!" Chet: "We're hear!" [I]They Hug.[/I] It then shows us all of the house. Chet: "It is like the ultimate bachelor pad." Devyn: "Bachelorette pad, thank you." Devyn says in the Confessional, "We walk into this huge kitchen." [I]It then shows Devyn and Chet looking in the fridge. [/I]"And there is dishes everywhere, and cheese cake, and food." Devyn gets out some of the food. Devyn: "Oh cool bedrooms." Devyn walks into a bedroom. "Oh this one is pretty." Devyn says in the Confessional, "There are four different sets of rooms, and they all have there own different themes." Devin walks into a bedroom called [I]Promenade. [/I]"This one feels like home."Chet walks into a bedroom called [I]Grand Army. [/I]"I like this one. It is really cool." It then shows us another bedroom which is called [I]Car-ousel. [/I] Chet and Devyn appear to be touring the house together. Chet: "There is eight beds." Devyn: "Yeah, because it's a guest bedroom, or a guest bed." Chet: "Really?" Devyn and Chet are in the Kitchen. Chet: "Devyn, lets get personal." Devyn: "What?" Chet: "I want to know what you first thought, when you laid eyes upon me." Devyn: "The first thing I was thinking, you were wearing purple. I am not going to lie, when I first met you I was wondering if you were gay or straight." Chet: "That is so funny. Because, you know, lately people have been asking me, what do you think they will think of you? I'm like, probably that I am gay, but I'm not." Devyn: "You're not bi either?" Chet: "No. Straight and narrow." Devyn: "Ok. The lines are clear. That's cool." [B][U]Baya and Ryan Arrive at the House [/U][/B] It then shows Baya and Ryan walking to the Real World Brooklyn House. Baya is excited. Baya: "This is incredible." Ryan: "It's kind of cool." Baya: "Look at this, we are right on the ocean!" Baya says in the Confessional, "I am so nervous to get into this house and meet my roommates." It then shows Devyn is the kitchen. Devyn: "Oh wait, wait, wait. Look, look, look." Ryan opens the gate. Baya sees the house and gets excited. "Oh my God!" It then shows Devyn and Chet looking at a screen in the hallway that shows what's going on outside. Devyn: "I just saw people, I wonder if they are coming. They've got to be coming soon." Baya opens the door and walks in, "Hello?" Devyn: "Hi!" Baya: "Hi!" Baya then starts dancing. [I]Devyn and Baya hug.[/I] Baya: "Hi I am Baya." Devyn: "Nice to meet you Baya!" [I]Baya and Chet Hug.[/I] Chet: "What's up?" Baya: "Nice to meet you." Chet and Ryan Shake hands. Ryan: "What's your name?" Chet: "Chet." Baya tells Devyn that she is from Salt Lake City. Ryan says in the Confessional, "I've never met a Chet before. I am just looking him up and down... Definitely got to be gay." The roommates continue to get to know one another. Baya: "Devyn?" Devyn: "Devyn." Baya: "Ok. Where are you from?" Devyn: "I am from Kansas City." Baya: "H*** Yeah!" Chet: "Salt Lake City, Utah." The roommates think it is cool that both Chet and Baya are from Salt Lake City. Devyn: "They are taking over!" [I]The conversation is taking place is the hallway where the fish tank is. [/I] [B][U]Scott and Katelynn Arrive at the House[/U][/B] It then shows Scott and Katelynn at the door of the Brooklyn House. It is night time in Brooklyn. Scott: "Are you ready?" Katelynn: "Oh yeah!" They walk in the house. Katelynn: "Hey!" They all cheer and say Hi. Scott: "Hi guys!" Katelynn and Chet hug. Chet: "I'm Chet, what's your name?" Katelynn: "I'm Katelynn." Chet and Scott shake hands. Scott: "Hey what's going on man?" Chet: "What's up buddy?" Scott: "I'm Scott." Chet: "I'm Chet." Scott: "Nice to meet you." The girls introduce themselves. Devyn and Scott hug each other. Devyn: "Hi Scott, I am Devyn." Devyn says in the Confessional, "Scott comes in, well he is pretty attractive." Ryan says in the Confessional, "Scott looks like a really chill guy, but he looks kind of like me sort of. I mean not ripped or anything. He's a lot smaller than me." [I]Ryan then laughs. [/I] The roommates show Scott and Katelynn around the house. Katelynn says in the Confessional, "The whole house is just... Wow; and it's big, and it's expensive." Katelynn and Devyn walk in the Bathroom. Devyn: "Now the bathroom is not very modest." Katelynn: "I hope everyone is ok with seeing me naked." Katelynn says in the Confessional, "The Bathroom set up, there is no privacy. There is your naked body like right there in the shower." Chet: "Scott lets get you down in the weight room. You've been typecast as the tough guy." Scott grabs Katelynn, "No she is the tough guy." [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Ryan says in the Confessional, "My first impressions of Katelynn... There is definitely something different about her." They all then go outside and go to the weight room. As they go in, the cameras show us what is inside the room. A bar, and some work out stuff. The cast tries out some of the things in the room. They have fun with the punching bag. [B][U]JD and Sarah are the last to arrive at the Real World Brooklyn House. [/U][/B] It then shows Sarah and JD arriving at the house. Sarah: "Lets go!" JD: "I hear voices." Baya says in the workout room, "Wait! It's the other roommate!" JD and Sarah come in, and the cast is shocked that there is eight of them this season. Katelynn says in the Confessional, "They are like, two, four, six... Hey there are eight of us!" They all introduce themselves. Baya says in the Confessional, "What's happening? Are we going to have to like, eliminate somebody?" Devyn: "Hey JD, where are you from?" JD: "Miami." Ryan says in the Confessional, "JD, he seems like a well kept guy. Maybe a little metro. I don't know." The roommates give JD and Sarah a tour through the house. Sarah is very excited. Sarah says in the Confessional, "Ok. So, I really wouldn't say there is much to confess at this point, but our house is wonderful; and I feel like my book of life has such dynamic new characters. It is going to be the best story every written. [B][U]The Roommates Choose Their Roommates... Haha.[/U][/B] The roommates then begin to pick rooms and choose who they will room with. Scott and Baya are roommates and stay in the room called ________ Scott says in the Confessional, "Baya says, I need a roommate. I said sweet. I have a girl roommate, that is what I wanted. I kind of prefer having a girl roommate just because they are a little cleaner, a little neater." Katelynn and Devyn are roommates. They stay in the room called [I]Promenade. [/I] Devyn says in the confessional, "Katelynn is my roommate. Initially from the moment she walked in I just felt like we clicked." JD and Sarah are roommates. They stay in the room called [I]Car-ousel [/I] Sarah: "Cleanliness level?" JD: " I am very clean." JD says in the Confessional, "Sarah, she is an amazing human being. She is very unique, and outspoken, and I am very happy to be in the same room with Sarah." Chet and Ryan are Roommates. They stay in the room called [I]Grand Army.[/I] Ryan shows a picture of his girlfriend to Chet. Ryan: "That is my girlfriend." Chet: "Really? What's her name?" Ryan: "Well her name is Michelle, but I call her Belle because I am a big Beatles fan." Ryan says in the Confessional, "Chet... He is going to be pretty cool. I am glad he is my roommate." Ryan and Chet continue to talk. Chet: "Do to my religious background, I am a virgin." Ryan: "Dude, you know what, that is incredible." Chet: "I am saving myself for marriage man." Chet says in the Confessional, "I have the same temptations that everybody does, I just for my religious purposes, I choose not to submit to those." [B][U]Scott Is On Men's Health[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] Scott, Ryan, Chet, Devyn and Baya are in the _______ bedroom talking. Baya: "Oh my God! You are in Men's Health?" Scott: "I know it's cool. It just came out like two days ago." Baya: "It did? I am going to tell my dad to look at it." Ryan: "How did you get in this man?" Scott: "In November, I won The Best Abs on East Coast Contest." Devyn says in the Confessional, "I'm just really captivated by Scott. He is the attractive one in the house. I could just fall head over heals for him." The roommates continue their conversation. Chet: "Can we see those abs again?" Scott lifts up his shirt and shows them his abs. Chet: "Gosh, you do have great abs." Devin Smiles. [B][U]Ryan, Chet, JD, and Sarah Get to Know Each Other[/U][/B] Ryan: "You date girls?" Sarah: "I did. Yeah. I don't right now because I have a wonderful boyfriend." Ryan: "I am just wondering how you converted back." Ryan says in the Confessional, "I am still trying to get to know everybody. I'm still trying to see who everyone truly is, and it's taking a little bit longer than I thought." They continue their conversation. Chet: "Katelynn, so I hear is ********." Sarah: "Yes." Ryan: "Is she.." Sarah: "What?" Ryan: "... like a transgender?" Sarah: "A what?" Ryan: "Transgender?" Sarah: "Nooo! What?!?!" Katelynn walks in. They stop talking about it. Ryan: "Everyone's just keeping their mouth shut, everyone's being too nice. I am not trying to be mean, I just want to know. I am curious." It then takes us to commercial. [B][U]Hot Tub Party[/U][/B] When the show comes back on, all the roommates except JD and Ryan get in the hot tub. (Ryan and JD stand beside the hot tub.) They see a water taxi go by. Sarah: "That's what I came over here in!" Katelynn: "When I went to Thailand, that was like the best way to get around." Ryan: "Hey to those things like float different?" Devyn: "They're normal." Ryan says in the Confessional, "I am trying to look at Devyn and her eyes, but something else is just dragging my attention. So maybe I will look at her eyes some day." Chet gets out of the hot tub, "I am going to go with you guys." [B][U]Chet, Ryan, and JD Talk About Katelynn[/U][/B] Chet, Ryan, and JD are in the kitchen talking. Chet: "If you have that big of *****, you know you want everyone to see them... Touch them a little bit. One of you will probably. Katelynn... She also could be guilty of that." Ryan: "Of what, touching hers?" JD: "I think she is different. I don't think there is a difference between thinking and knowing... I just didn't want to say anything." Ryan: "I wouldn't be like, Oh my God! Are you transgender?" Chet: "She's a boy?" Ryan: "Are you serious? You can't tell?" JD: "Oh that's right, you're from Utah." Chet says in the Confessional, "I really don't think Katelynn was born a guy. There are girly looking guys, and there are manly looking women. You know?" Chet: "Dude. She played with my ******." JD: "I don't know if she is a post-op, or a pre-op." JD says in the Confessional, "I have been around enough drag queens and transgendered people, that I could tell immediately that Katelynn is transgendered." [B][U]Sarah, Katelynn, and Devyn Talk about Scott[/U][/B] It then shows Scott get in the hot tub. Sarah says in the Confessional, "Scott takes his shirt off, and he's got muscles for days." Devyn says in the Confessional, "Oh my God. Absolutely amazing." Katelynn says in the Confessional, "Scott is absolutely gorgeous. I don't plan to hook up with anyone, but if I did it would be him." All of the roommates are out of the hot tub. It shows them in the Kitchen talking, then it shows them playing Rock Band. It then shows them doing kart wheels and handstands. It then shows (again) some of the roommates in the Kitchen talking. Katelynn: "I believe in polyamorous and open relationships." Chet: "Why do you refer to it as polyamory?" Katelynn: "Poly meaning multiple and amory meaning love." Chet: "Oh, I understand poly." Scott or Ryan: "Are you going to have a foursome?" Katelynn: "Foursome are so uptight, anything more than three is like a jigsaw puzzle." Chet: "She's thought this one through." Katelynn: "I have dealt with this experience." Chet: "You've had a five some?" Baya: "A five some?" Katelynn: "Yeah. With five people, you have to figure out what goes where, and there is always someone left out, and it's just a mess." Katelynn says in the Confessional, "I don't mind sharing the fact that I have had quite a few sexual experiences in my past." They continue there conversation. Ryan: "It looks like a drunken chess match." Katelynn: "Night to N-5. Take that piece." [B][U]Katelynn Talks on the Phone [/U][/B] It then takes us to the phone room, where Katelynn is talking on the phone to her Mom. Katelynn: "There is not seven of us, there is eight of us." Katelynn's Mom: "Eight of you?" Katelynn: "Yeah, four and four." Katelynn's Mom: "So how are your roommates?" Katelynn: "I love everyone here. Everyone here is like, you don't have one of those dumb blondes in the house. Everyone is very intellectual, and everyone brings something to the table in there own right. I am sort of the only LGBT person in the house. There is a girl named Sarah, she was a lesbian for a really long time, but she is now, for the first time in her life, in a relationship with a man." Katelynn's Mom: "So know do you feel a little better about your decision to go?" Katelynn: "Yeah. Honestly now that I am here, I am glad that I am here. I know that I was kind of on the fence about it, but the thing I am concerned with is that I haven't come out to anybody." [B][U]Ryan Talks On the Phone[/U][/B] It is morning in Brooklyn. The roommates wake up. It shows Scott working out, Sarah taking a shower, and Chet brushing his teeth. Baya and Katelynn are in the Kitchen. It then shows Ryan in the telephone room talking to his girlfriend Michelle "Belle". Michelle: "Hello?" Ryan: "Good Morning." Michelle: "Hi! How are you?" Ryan: "Good." Michelle: "So how is everybody?" Ryan: "Everyone is actually pretty cool." Michelle: "Good." Ryan: "They're all eccentric in their own way, I guess. Get this, there is eight of us. " Michelle: "Eight? Really?" Ryan: "Yeah." Michelle: "Is it split four girls, four guys?" Ryan: "Sort of." Michelle: "What does that mean?" Ryan: "There is this one person that walked in; I'm like, that's a man." Michelle: "Ohhhh." Ryan: "You know what I mean?" Michelle: "Ok. I get it now." Ryan says in the Confessional, "I am very curious about her. I want to know more." Ryan tells Michelle, "I've never met anybody like that." Katelynn and Baya talk in the Kitchen. Katelynn (talking about Ryan) "He seems like a really cool guy, but at the same time it seems like he could have some issues with something." Baya: "Like what?" Katelynn: "I don't know. He just seems like the kind of guy that has a lot on his mind, and a lot to say even though he is very soft spoken." Ryan is still talking to Michelle on the Phone. Ryan: "I haven't told a single soul that I was in the Military. I don't want people to think that I am some like..." Michelle: "Hey, that is fine. Because then they will get to know you." Ryan: "It will come out in time, but I'd rather have them get to know me for me." Michelle: "That's probably smart." Ryan: "Because if they knew I was like, in the military and like in Iraq they are going to be thinking, Oh this guy probably has problems. This guys is probably quiet and dealing with things or something." Michelle: "You are not the quiet guy whatsoever." Ryan: "Yeah. It's the calm before the storm." [B][U]The Roommates Get Out and See Brooklyn[/U][/B] It shows some clips of the Real World House. Then it shows all of the cast leaving together. Chet says in the Confessional, "I am really excited to get out and see Brooklyn." The roommates walk down the streets of Brooklyn and talk. They stop and eat at [I]Spumoni Gardens Pizzeria Restaurant. [/I]It shows Baya shopping at [I]Made in Brooklyn.[/I] Baya says in the Confessional, "I am soaking it all in, and loving Brooklyn." They play baseball on a street. It is night time in Brooklyn. The cast members are at what seems to be a concert. It looks like they are having a really good time. Chet says in the Confessional, "I am most impressed at this point at how much pride there is in Brooklyn. Every time they mention the name Brooklyn, everybody is screaming. It is really nice to be involved in that right now." It shows Devyn dancing beside of Scott. Devyn says in the Confessional, "Scott... I do kind of have a crush on him. He is obviously attractive and he's such a sweetheart, and to find such a combination is something I was not expecting in this experience." It then shows Ryan who is Drunk. Devyn says in the Confessional, "Ryan gets pretty intoxicated." It then shows the cast going upstairs to the VIP lounge. JD says in the Confessional, "We get invited to go upstairs to the VIP Lounge. We are all drinking water, and Ryan is still drinking alcohol." JD: "Ryan are you ok?" Ryan: "I am fine." JD: "Do you need water?" Ryan: "No." JD pulls Sarah to the side. JD: "I love Ryan to death. He doesn't handle his alcohol very well, and that is my concern and I want it to be everyone's concern because at the end of the night, we all leave together." Sarah: "Right." JD says in the Confessional, "We're all capable of taking care of ourselves. We are all adults, but at the same time it is just an instinct of mine to be responsible, and to take care of everyone in the house." Sarah: "Cheers to a good night." JD: "Cheers." Ryan: "Wow I am drinking water." JD: "That's good." [B][U]Ryan Tells Sarah About Being In the Military[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] It is morning in Brooklyn. Sarah and Ryan are eating and talking outside. Sarah: "Did you have fun last night?" Ryan: "Yeah." Sarah: "Yeah. So how does your family feel about you coming out here?" Ryan: "They don't care. I've always done whatever I wanted to do in life?" Sarah: "Yeah." Ryan: "I didn't go to college right after High School." Sarah: "What did you do?" Ryan: "I joined the Army." Sarah: "What, I didn't know that! Did you like, serve and do all that?" Ryan: "Yeah." Sarah: "Where did you go?" Ryan: "Iraq." Sarah: "Oh. Wow! You have so many interesting things to.... I just got to pull them out of you. Get you to open up. So tell me about that. What it tough?" Ryan: "Yeah. If I summed it up it was like the best of the worst." Sarah: "I bet it taught you a lot about yourself." Ryan: "Yeah. Now you know why I am so like, Mellow." Sarah: "Did you ever shoot your gun?" Ryan: "Mmm Hmm." Sarah: "At someone?" Ryan: "Mmm Hmm." Sarah: "How was that for you?" Ryan: "I was going to do anything to get home." Sarah: "Yeah. Coming home, how was that transition for you?" Ryan: "Light switch. That's just me though. Everything I did over there is over there." Sarah: "No night mares or anything like that?" Ryan: "No. Every now and then I see like a bag or something that is just like Oh, America. Like your heart just goes do-do-do-do-do-do and then you're fine. Sometimes there is a problem and it eats certain people." Sarah: "Like PTS afterwards?" Ryan: "PTSD? Yeah. One of my buddies just shot himself last month. I guess things were eating at him. Nobody knew it. He was at a baseball game or something like that with his girlfriend and his friends, and they said that he just snapped, and then he ran home, grabbed a gun, and blew his head off." Sarah: "That is so sad." Ryan: "What I do, write about it. That's why I have nothing in me... Get it out of here, get it on paper, push it away. That is my miracle cure. Come inside, I will show you." Sarah: "Yeah... Oh you brought it!" Ryan: "Mmm Hmm." Sarah says in the Confessional, "Ryan totally surprised me, and shocked me, and I am glad that he really opened up to me and really shared. Because I would have gone this whole time thinking he was just some like, you know, kid from a small town. Sarah: "Oh my God. You are going to write a book. That is a best-seller right there." Ryan laughs. Sarah: "I want the first copy autographed. Ryan laughs, "Ok." Sarah: "Not even kidding." Ryan: "Mainly I wrote it so my grandkids will read it. Because my grandparents were in World War II and my grandfather died before I was even interested about that stuff. So I never even got to hear him." Sarah: "That is awesome....Really cool!" It then takes us to a commercial break. [B][U]Baya and Chet Talk to Ryan About Being in the Military[/U][/B] When we come back from commercial break, we see Chet, Baya, and Ryan talking. I don't know what room they are in. Chet: "He was in the Army. Did you know that?" Baya: "You were in the Army Ryan?" Ryan: "I served three and a half years." Ryan: "Would you ever date a guy that's been in the Military?" Baya: "Maybe I would. Who knows?" Ryan: "Does that look like me?" [I]He shows her a picture of him.[/I] Baya: "No. That is not you." Chet: "You look pretty decorated man." Baya: "Really are you sure?" Ryan: "You don't think that's me?" Baya: "I believe it's you, but it don't look like you at all." Chet: "What was your position?" Ryan: "I was an Infantryman." Chet: "You were in Infantry?" Ryan: "Yeah." Chet: "Geeze" Baya: "Why did you do it in the first place?" Ryan: "9-11." Baya: "That's awesome." Chet: "I wanted to be in the Military. I just never manned up to it." Ryan: "It's not for everybody." Chet: "I think it's great man. I respect that and I appreciate that, for what you did for me." Chet says in the Confessional, "I really am proud that Ryan is my roommate. I think he's got a lot more to him than meets the eye." [B][U]Chet and Ryan's Song[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] It then takes us to Chet and Ryan who are going down the steps. Chet has a guitar. It is evening time in Brooklyn. Ryan says in the Confessional, "Chet tells me he likes to play guitar, and he is interested in hearing some of my musice. There is this one spot in this house that I actually like to play music." Chet and Ryan sit in the boat that sits in front of the house. Ryan: "What kind of music do you want to hear?" Chet: "Anything." Ryan: "Want one about a wreck?" Chet: "Uhhh, Yeah." Ryan sings and plays the guitar, "I have come, far from home. To a place, bitter and unknown. Days are hot, and nights are cold. My grip is tight, on the weapon that I hold. I'm singing, I hate this life I live. My life is the gift, I give it to you. Just wave, Red, White, and Blue." Chet: "Wow. Great song man. That was actually really good. You might want to pursue a career in song writing." Ryan: "Now I know what I want to do in Brooklyn. I want to record my music." Chet: "I think you are great." Ryan: "Really?" Chet: "I think we are having a moment." Ryan: "You want another moment? A more funny moment. Lets break the tension." Chet: "We need to write a song about the ocho in the house. What would Scott's song be?" Ryan begins to play his guitar and make up lyrics: "Lets work out. Lets eat." [I]The song ends.[/I] Ryan: "And then we just repeat." Ryan sings another song about Scott while playing the Guitar: "Scott ate a roast beef." Chet joins in: "And he didn't cut off the fat." Ryan: "Then he went to the gym." Chet: "Then he worked on his Abs." Ryan: "I really think he's starving." Chet: "And I think he's cute..... Wait what?" [I]The song ends. [/I] [I]They laugh.[/I] Ryan sings and plays the guitar: "I knew my roommate was gay all along." Chet joins in: "He's not gay. He's not gay. He's not gay." Ryan: "Yeah you are." Chet: "No, I'm not. I may be metro sexual, but it's not a sin. Not a sin." [I]The song ends.[/I] Chet: "First song." Ryan: "That is Track 1." Chet: "I could sail away with you anyday." [I]Ryan Laughs.[/I] [B][U]Ryan and Chet Make it Hard For Katelynn to Come Out[/U][/B] It then shows Katelynn, Ryan, JD, and Chet in the Kitchen. Katelynn gets up to put her bowl in the sink. Ryan says in the Confessional, "Everytime I see Kat walk around the house, I am curious. When she wears the short shorts, I am looking for some buldge." Chet: "Ryan is starring at your panties." Ryan: "What?" Katelynn Laughs. Ryan: "I was looking at that book over there." Chet: "Sure." Katelynn: "That book over there." Chet: "The hypnotics of pink underwear Ryan." Ryan laughs. Katelynn says in the Confessional, "It's not easy for me to just come out, specifically with the way Ryan and Chet are behaving. That is not behavior of someone who is excepting or open to alternative or different lifestyles." It then makes us go on another commercial break. [B][U]JD Asks Katelynn to Dinner[/U][/B] When the show comes back on, it takes us to Katelynn and Devyns Bedroom, where we find JD and Katelyyn talking. JD: "I wanted to actually take you to dinner." Katelynn: "Really?" JD: "Are you down with that?" Katelynn: "Yeah, that would actually be great. What kind of place do you have in mind?" JD: "I wanted to go to Elmo. It's one of my favorite restaurants." Katelynn: "Yeah you were telling me." JD says in the Confessional, "Katelynn is awesome. We get along great. I think it's just a matter of time, you know, before she opens up." They continue with their conversation. Katelynn: "Yeah definitely, I could definitely go for that." JD: "Awesome." Katelynn: "Oh my God. What am I going to wear?" [B][U]Ryan and Chet Think That JD is Gay[/U][/B] JD walks by Ryan and Chet. Ryan: "He's Gay. Do you see it?" Chet: "I kind of do." Ryan: "My gaydar is going waa-waa." Chet says in the Confessional, "It is like weird to me how I don't pick up on this stuff. People refer to this stuff as gaydar, I definitely don't have any of that." Chet and Ryan continue with their conversation. Ryan: "Come on. Specifically he wants to go out to dinner with Kat." Ryan says in the Confessional, "JD and Kat are going to dinner by themselves, so I know that they have a common bond. I know Kat was born a Man, and I know something as always been up with JD. Ryan and Chet continue their Conversation. Ryan: "He goes, 'We have some things to talk about.'. They have something specific to talk about." [B][U]Chet, Ryan, and JD Talk[/U][/B] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] It is night time in Brooklyn. JD, Chet, and Scott are talking on the staircase outside. Ryan: "Why are you taking her out and not inviting everybody?" JD: "Because this is between me and her. There is an issue that needs to be addressed, and I think you guys know what that issue is." Ryan: "It shouldn't be an issue, and you shouldn't say anything, and you should let her do what she wants to do." JD: "I feel different about it." Ryan: "Me too, but I'm not going to do anything about it." JD: "Well I have experience with it. I have friends that are transgender." Ryan: "Are you gay?" JD: "Am I gay? Yes." Ryan: "Ok. I mean that's why I think you are dragging her along." JD: "Because, we are different than anyone else in the family." Ryan: "That's fine." JD: "You know, I feel that I can be an outreach to her." Ryan says in the Confessional, "I knew JD was gay. Not a problem. Now we are all on the same page." They continue on with their conversation. Ryan: "Now I know. I knew you were gay, I was waiting for you to tell me, and I wasn't going to ask you. But I did technically. When you said yes, then everything made sense and we are totally on the same page. Because then I go, now I know why he's taking it to dinner." JD: "Well it's not it. It's she. Ryan: "Well I know, but I don't know what she goes by. I am not trying to sound ignorant, but I am ignorant." Chet: "Whatever you tell her, tell her to be straight with us. I would like to know." JD: "Oh yeah. All I am going to say is, I'm cool with it, I have her back..." Ryan: "Don't think I've got nothing against her. Make sure that she knows that I've just never been exposed to that type of stuff, and I don't get it." JD: " I don't. I think everyone likes everyone in the house. I've never lived with a transexual myself." Ryan: "I just don't get it. I would like for myself to learn more, but seriously, I don't get it." JD: "To me, she is a girl." Chet: "I still think she is girl. I think she has *****. I almost saw them today." JD: "When she is ready to talk about it, until that time, like don't mention it." Ryan: "That's Fine." Music plays in the background and it shows Katelynn getting ready. It then takes us to commercial break. [B][U]Chet Tells Scott About the Conversation on the Staircase[/U][/B] When the show comes back on it is still night time, and Katelynn and JD make their way out of the house and into a cab, to go to Dinner. Scott is getting ready in the bathroom and is talking to Chet while he is in the shower. Chet: "They are going out to eat tonight. Because JD is going to ask her straight up, and just say look, I know you are a boy. I am gay, and let it out of the bag, you know." Scott: "Do you think it is going to happen?" Chet: "I know it is going to happen. I just heard it." Scott: "I missed the whole stair case convorsation. What the h***." Scott says in the Confessional, "Katelynn is not a boy. They shouldn't say that. Maybe they've never seen a tomboy before." They continue their conversation. Chet: "I am telling you. I thought the same thing, until five minutes ago. Until a guy just recently told me he's gay said, look she is a boy, and I trust him. He is gay. He has the intuition that gay people have." Scott say in the Confessional, "Alright, I am never going to tell Chet anything about my personal business or my life. Because he is going to tell everybody else like it is no big deal. Scott then says to Chet: "I don't know. We will see what happens." [U][B]Katelynn and JD Go Out.[/B][/U] [U][B][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/B][/U] It then shows Katelynn and JD in the cab, talking. JD: "I had a rough childhood. I moved out of home when I was 13 years old. I was in foster care for a little while. My father would beat on me and my brothers, and on my sister, and on my mom. I mean my father would be me so bad, there was like blood gushing out of my head. I put my father in jail on a number of occasions, for assault and for domestic violence. Those situations, I feel have made me a stronger person. My philosophy in life is, you can be in dirt, but you don't have to be dirty. You know, you choose your own path in life. Everyone's different, and it took me a long time to accept who I was. I was sixteen years old when I came out to my parents." Katelynn: "Before you came out to me, I sensed that there was something that you had to say, and I am sure that you sensed this about me too, but I am transgendered. So you know, it's been tough for me." JD: "Are you like a post-op?" Katelynn: "I am post-op. I am actually recently post-op, when I went to Thailand, I went for my surgery." JD: "Oh, Wow." Katelynn: "It was done this year. Like two mother ago. So... I mean I was very conflicted as a child. Like no one was there for me to talk to. There are days I would wake up and be like, how the h*** am I still here? At times, I wanted to die. My family and I weren't speaking, and the only thing that saved me was community outreach. I would go and volunteer at the community center and I would do stuff. Just knowing that I was making an impact with other people." JD Hugs Katelynn. Music Plays in the background. JD says in the Confessional, "Katelynn, I have her back. She's been through a lot, and I am going to be there for her. It then shows JD and Katelynn arriving at the restaurant. As they are setting at their table, they talk. JD: "This is going to be an amazing opportunity, you know, for self growth." Katelynn: "I kind of felt like I over did it a lot being my sexuality. Just like talking about sex. I regret that I went that far that fast. Even to this day I have a very low self image and low self esteem. So like, sexuality is something I have to offer. Like what Katelynn can bring to the table." JD: "You talking about doing a five way or whatever, you know it's like, she has so much more potential. JD says in the Confessional. "I can see Katelynn being an amazing advocate helping transgendered people come out and just being comfortable with their sexuality, and also being comfortable around people that are close minded and helping them become open minded." JD: "We are different from everyone else in the house. I feel like God puts people in our lives to help us along the way and every relationship that you encounter, every person that you meet, is there for a reason." The show closes by showing all the cast members at the house and the two at the restaurant. Music is playing in the background.
Phoenix, thanks for taking the time to write the transcript. This reminds me of how fan fiction for the Real World used to be.
Woah, did you type that all yourself? If so congratz and very nice work.
[quote=Flamen;43977]Woah, did you type that all yourself? If so congratz and very nice work.[/quote] Phoenix was a court recorder in a past life. :D I am actually picking up on a bunch of things that I missed (as usual.) I am a passive viewer and generally spend more time commenting on the episodes as they unfold then watching, lol.
Thanks for posting that! It was so neat and organized and I also picked up on some stuff I didn't catch the first time!
Nice job Pheonix! That was some great details and I even saw some stuff I missed!
Anonymous's picture
Bravo, Phoenix! Nice work. It's like I just watched it again!
Thanks for your comments! When I was doing this recap, I picked up on some things as well that I missed in the episode. I think this is going to be a good season. :)
[QUOTE=Phoenix;44097]Thanks for your comments! When I was doing this recap, I picked up on some things as well that I missed in the episode. I think this is going to be a good season. :)[/QUOTE] Dang Phoenix, that was a great re-cap...Props man :) I too read a bunch of stuff that I missed, thanks!
Wow, that's impressive. I could never get myself to do such a
That was cool, thanks.