Real World: Back to Las Vegas - Cast Spottings

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[QUOTE=Youssarian;213310]Yall are so pleasant to this poor girl...[/QUOTE] I know. It'd be funny if she turns out to not even being a cast member.
I said the African American girl was a little thicker, Not Fat at all and not skinny either, just a little thick. I saw her in a bikini and she had a little meat on her, but She is not fat. Thicker than Ashley from this last season though. The Blonde tiny girl, is very skinny, I saw her in her bikini too and she looks like she is about 15 years old, bad posture and little homely looking. And when I say some of the cast members look nerdy, I mean that they just look like they are not fun, not cool and they are just a little dorky.
Can you get pictures :)
OK people. What happens when you get a slow-speed camera is that it exposes for more than a split second, and the lightest things in the picture (i.e. a white person's skin) will reflect light onto the film continuously for the entire time the shutter is open, causing light colored things in motion to look huge. [URL=""]This person's left calf[/URL] is not actually twice as thick as his right. Its a camera illusion. Same with this picture. It was clearly taken with a ****** camera with a slow shutter speed, like an iPhone or a Droid. Its most clearly noticeable in her face, where you can see her face twice separated by about 2mm. The inside one is where her face actually ends vis-a-vis the back of her body. If you look carefully, you can see where her leg actually ended in the initial exposure because a little bit of light is reflecting off of the front of her leg. She's not fat, she's actually got nice legs. Jeezuz.
Thank you CastAStone! :D
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tatertots;213398]Thank you CastAStone! :D[/QUOTE] I second that! At least someone is thinking outside the box. :p
I still say she is larger based upon the photo. He skirt is black and looks big and her legs look consistantly big throughout even though the blurriness in the light spots. She also looks short, which is why I say she is more of a Snookie than a Biggest Loser type build.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;213453]I still say she is larger based upon the photo. He skirt is black and looks big and her legs look consistantly big throughout even though the blurriness in the light spots. [B] She also looks short[/B], which is why I say she is more of a Snookie than a Biggest Loser type build.[/QUOTE] From what I've been told, they're all pretty short.
[QUOTE=molds13;213455]From what I've been told, they're all pretty short.[/QUOTE] Most people on TV I have met are shorter in person than on TV, including reality stars, celebs, and politicians. The exception being athletes.
"Thick" is a compliment. It means a girl is shapely with a little meat on their bones without being overweight/fat. Beyonce and Alicia Keys are considered "thick." So I don't think the black chick will mind the reference. Also, I'm disappointed Real World still hasn't made it to Atlanta yet. They have a new mayor now so maybe they'll eventually make it.
This thread is very misleading, its not even about the cast spottings. More about whether that chick is fat or not.
That's because there hasn't been any new pictures or info that we've been told.
My bad I really did not know that. Thanks for pointing that out. :jerk:
So they moved it about a week ago? It is so fun watching to see how long "who they are" remains a secret. The mods on here are so good that I am sure we will soon start to see pictures of this group! Can't wait!
Anonymous's picture
third pic may be pink and not rw Source: [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
Drama-rama. [url=][img][/img][/url]
This is so exciting. I so can't wait.
Molds, based on what you have heard, do you think this season will be good?
[QUOTE=gamer73;214855]Molds,so far on what you have heard.Do you think this season will be good?[/QUOTE] So far? No.
Maybe this last sentence will clear up the fat/thick issue somewhat :D [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
More Jasmine esque females? Cool, I guess.
[QUOTE=Old Friend;214870]More Jasmine esque females? Cool, I guess.[/QUOTE] That's how they were described to me...
[QUOTE=molds13;214865]So far? No.[/QUOTE] Dang,what a bummer. It is only a week and a half intro filming though.
[QUOTE=gamer73;214875]Dang,what a bummer. It is only a week and a half intro filming though.[/QUOTE] Then why ask the question in the first place? ;)
Do not take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to prove you wrong Molds because it is an opinion question, but when there are two fights at least (somebody flipping out and throwing OJ at Vanity, another dude getting knocked out) and it's only 1 week into filming, isn't that good?
[QUOTE=SPK713;214916]Do not take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to prove you wrong Molds because it is an opinion question, but when there are two fights at least (somebody flipping out and throwing OJ at Vanity, another dude getting knocked out) and it's only 1 week into filming, isn't that good?[/QUOTE] Good question. The word that has seemed to come up a lot to me has been "immature", if that makes my answer any clearer. Personally, I think there's a difference between legitimate drama and drama caused completely out of immaturity and/or camera time.
The Cast is very immature and seem very young. The Guys seem pretty boring, All of the girls are very short and look very young, kind of like Jasmine. the Black girl is not tiny, She is thicker. I have a lot of friends who work at the Hard Rock, and they all say that MTV did a bad job picking the cast.
[QUOTE=molds13;214917]Good question. The word that has seemed to come up a lot to me has been "immature", if that makes my answer any clearer. Personally, I think there's a difference between legitimate drama and drama caused completely out of immaturity and/or camera time.[/QUOTE] Thanks for clarifying. I just hope this season can pull in the ratings
Anonymous's picture
I still think it's wayyyyyyyyyyy to early to base an opinion on anything thus far.
[QUOTE=lvking05;214920]I have a lot of friends who work at the Hard Rock, [B]and they all say that MTV did a bad job picking the cast[/B].[/QUOTE] As usual.


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