Physically and Mentally Challenged

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Physically and Mentally Challenged
Physically and Mentally Challenged: The 25 Most Unforgettable Challenge Moments will be airing on MTV tomorrow at Noon. Something to look forward to on a quiet Saturday afternoon! Here are the air times: [B]1/19/2007 [/B]- 12:00 PM [B]1/20/2007[/B] - 2:00 AM [B]1/22/2007[/B] - 12:00 AM [B]1/22/2007[/B] - 11:00 PM
What time zone is that?
Eastern. The only time that really counts, right?
[QUOTE=Bacchus;5087]Eastern. The only time that really counts, right?[/QUOTE] if u say so...but I am Central :P
Anonymous's picture
im central time zone too. when will this be up at
[quote=renaldob;5092]im central time zone too. when will this be up at[/quote] To be honest, I am not sure if it will ever be on
I just finished watching and though it was an hour well spent. Brought back a lot of challenge watching memories. [B]Favorite Moment: [/B]Threesome in the hot tub with Veronica, Rachel and Abram! Hot Hot Hot! [CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
When will the Sydney reunion show reair? I guess I could look it up. I never cared for those three, they all three got on my nerves. I do remember Veronica and Abram hooking up but forgot about Rachel joining in.
Anonymous's picture
i think the reunion will reair throught this weekend.
[quote=chopkins;5104]When will the Sydney reunion show reair? I guess I could look it up. I never cared for those three, they all three got on my nerves. I do remember Veronica and Abram hooking up but forgot about Rachel joining in.[/quote] More like Veronica and Rachel hooking up and letting Abram join in. I was never a fan of any of them, I just thought it was a great scene. ;) I am not sure who Veronica is with these days. I see her in all kinds of "sexy poses" with Rachel and I also see her with this other girl too. [CENTER][IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER] As for the Remaining Real World Air Dates: [B]1/20/2007 [/B]- 3:00 AM [B]1/22/2007[/B] - 1:00 AM [B]1/23/2007[/B] - 10:00 AM
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Man, I should get a DVR or TIVO or something, I am so behind the times. I will not be able to see any of those times except maybe on Wednesday while house ridden, oh well I read the recap on this website, I guess that will have to do. Thank goodness for VEVMO!
Anonymous's picture
for the time being can someone give a detailed recap of what was shown besides abram, veronica and rachel thing
I'm watching it right now. It really makes me miss the old challenges, Battle of the Seasons etc. I think Veronica, Miz, Mark and people like that gave the shows a much better dynamic than all the Freshmeat they have on nowadays. Or maybe I'm just being nostalgic, I don't know. Either way, I would love to figure out a way to watch some of the old seasons over again. Anyway, renaldob I will try to list the moments I remember but I have seen it once and don't have a photographic memory, so bare with me. ;) Coral's spider bite in the final challenge on one of the seasons that cost her team the win. Mark/Robin/Tonya love triangle with Beth instigating it and Tonya going crazy throwing all of Beth's clothes in the pool. Robin's racist rant against Aneesa. The time that Syrus and TJ Lavin almost got in a fight when TJ called a penalty on Syrus. The time Tina hit Beth and got sent home... (why was that number one?) The time CT hit Davis a few hours in. The time Julie kept wanting to wrestle Coral. The time Julie was grabbing at Veronica's safety harness when they were hanging on a zipline between two skyscrapers. Veronica and Katie's topless argument. Diem's struggle with cancer... (and Beth actually took some jabs at her about that, I don't know if I would have had the guts to do that even if that was how I felt, lol) When the Miz and Landon gave Brad a wedgie and Brad went nuts. The first time the 'Miz' came out on tv after he lost the car competition and went nuts. The time that Derrik got run over by a gulf cart on his first challenge and got drunk and made friends with a frog. The Mark/Jodie/Robin love triangle coming out on G2 and Mark going crazy on the bus and hitting the wall. The time they wore chicken suits and had to eat meal worm. Timmy peeing himself during the car competition on Battle of the Seasons. The gross ice cream challenge where they had to eat a zillion scoops of ice cream with their hands behind their backs and everyones snot was getting all over and people starting throwing it back up. When someone stole Eric's jumprope that he was so crazy about and how seriously he took it. When Puck spit at David and production tried to send him home and the cast rallied around him and actually got production to change their mind. Ayanna's long dramatic goodbye speech when she was voted off. K, that's all I can remember until I get around to watching it again.
My favorite moment from the physically challenged special was when Beth S. called Diem out for trying to use her cancer to not get voted off. I totally agree with Beth, Diem did do that. She always acted like they can't send her home because she's the cancer girl. And I hated that threesome with Veronica and Rachel and Abram. He is gross, he looks like a rat. Thos two girls are just pigs. I hated Veronica after she stold that other girl's shirt on Semester at Sea. Who does that? That was so low class. I also liked when Julie tried to unhook Veronica from the harness when they were 9 stories up in that challenge.
[QUOTE] I also liked when Julie tried to unhook Veronica from the harness when they were 9 stories up in that challenge.[/QUOTE] That did put a smile on my face too! :D
Anonymous's picture
sydney sucked so bad that they arent even giving them a s*it you should have seen. i guess it would just include shavaun's stupid *** arguing with everyone
[quote=EastNY;5167]sydney sucked so bad that they arent even giving them a s*it you should have seen. i guess it would just include shavaun's stupid *** arguing with everyone[/quote] They used all the shit they had just to keep us from falling asleep, and not even that worked for many of the pointless episodes (especially the first 12 or 15 snoozers!)
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;5169]They used all the shit they had just to keep us from falling asleep, and not even that worked for many of the pointless episodes (especially the first 12 or 15 snoozers!)[/QUOTE] seriously. and suprisingly i liked trisha on the reunion:puke::( shavauns ***** had their own gravitational pull there and dunbar looked suprisingly pale
[QUOTE] shavauns ***** had their own gravitational pull there[/QUOTE] Hahaha....maybe they will collapse under their own mass and form a black hole? ;)
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;5175]Hahaha....maybe they will collapse under their own m*** and form a black hole? ;)[/QUOTE] lmao who said they didnt already i think one of them popped on the reunion cause some air was coming out of her mouth remember? she said to ashli you weren't there the whole time um *** at least she didnt leave for her ********* controlling boyfriend to later end up breaking up with him. she fails:devil2::twisted::twisted::twisted:
I didn't catch this, but thanks for posting! I'll try to DVR it
[QUOTE=EastNY;5179] um *** at least she didnt leave for her ********* controlling boyfriend to later end up breaking up with him. she fails:devil2::twisted::twisted::twisted:[/QUOTE] Yeah that was one of the most pathetic things to go down in all of Real World history...Do any of you remember anyone else leaving for thier boyfriend (Besides Frankie because in my opinion she was justified by the fact that she was dying and didn't know how long she had to spend with Dave in the long run) I am sorry but no matter how much I loved my boyfriend/ex Boyfriend/ex Fiancee if he tried to control me the way "What's his name" did then I would leave his *** for good...and I would have told him to look for a girl who don't watch TV since everyone in America will know what a controlling ********* he is.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=stacee_danielle;5206]Yeah that was one of the most pathetic things to go down in all of Real World history...Do any of you remember anyone else leaving for thier boyfriend (Besides Frankie because in my opinion she was justified by the fact that she was dying and didn't know how long she had to spend with Dave in the long run) I am sorry but no matter how much I loved my boyfriend/ex Boyfriend/ex Fiancee if he tried to control me the way "What's his name" did then I would leave his *** for good...and I would have told him to look for a girl who don't watch TV since everyone in America will know what a controlling ********* he is.[/quote] and at least frankie had a good relationship with her bf
poor frankie =(
Anonymous's picture
My favourite moment was the threesome Abe veronica Rachel Second favourite moment was Syrus V.S TJ Lavin face to face
Anonymous's picture
When did syrus and tj lavin get into it?
[QUOTE=renaldob;18191]When did syrus and tj lavin get into it?[/QUOTE] During Gauntlet 2. I'd rather watch paint dry on a humid day than watch TJ. :boredom:
Anonymous's picture
syrus wasn't on gauntlet 3. unless you mean gauntlet 2
[quote=renaldob;18224]syrus wasn't on gauntlet 3. unless you mean gauntlet 2[/quote] He most likely did and that wasn't Syrus Vs TJ is was more like Syrus almost killed TJ which probably would have happened if they fought.
Anonymous's picture
i dont even remember this. anybody got a YT video?
