Paula Key West - Profile

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Paula Key West - Profile
About a month ago, I though I was going to move to NYC, but it turns out I didn't. Anyway, while I was there staying with a friend, I did a few searches on for some girls in NYC. And who do I come across? [B][URL=""]Paula from Key West.[/URL][/B] I e-mailed her, got no response. I then e-mailed her back when I noticed I didn't get a response (you can see if someone reads your e-mail or not), I e-mailed her again. I said I knew who she was, thought she was awesome and just wanted to see if she was going to write back or not. I'd just thought I'd share this information. It is odd to see a "celeb" on a dating website. Sorry for the images not lining up correctly. I just wanted to take them quickly because you need to be a member at to see her profile. Soo I didn't measure for accuracy. (And if this has been posted, my bad. I didn't see anything in a search)
Great find. I am going to have to create a profile and chat her up! Did she get back to you on the second email? P.s. Does it say anywhere if she likes dirty talk?
Nope, she didn't reply to me at all. Then again, I'm 5'7" and she likes 6'0" guys.
Anonymous's picture
Its Probably A Phonyy Pretending To Be Paula
WHAT A FIND! hahaha Wink at her!
[quote=renaldob;13154]Its Probably A Phonyy Pretending To Be Paula[/quote] Match costs money and I don't think someone would shell out money for a fake profile.
yeah....30 bones a month.
Anonymous's picture
why she need this? She is so cute and i love her personality(ies)... she's one of my fav all time
It's actually pretty popular now. I have a ton of hot friends who are into it simply for the curiosity factor. I think I know about 10 people on Match and they're pretty attractive and great people!
I don't know if she is seeing any success there, but she should have gone with a different profile picture. I mean I can still see the guy that she cropped out in the one she is currently using. I did one for her awhile back that emphasizes her best features, which I think would would work much better! [CENTER][IMG][/IMG] [/CENTER]
her rack looks AAAAAAAmazing there. what? it does.
I really wanted to caption the picture "motor boat" to attach some sort of twisted emphasis whilst placing the text in oversized caps, but that would just be juvenile now wouldn't it? ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;13192]I really wanted to caption the picture "motor boat" to attach some sort of twisted emphasis whilst placing the text in oversized caps, but that would just be juvenile now wouldn't it? ;)[/QUOTE] Yes, but do it anyway.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=tomackze;13180]why she need this? She is so cute and i love her personality(ies)... she's one of my fav all time[/quote] I really liked her too. She was one of those cast members who really "came a long way". I mean she dealt with anxiety and depression and went to therapy and became a better person before our eyes, GOOD for her!
It's a shame I didn't watch Key West. Is it available anywhere on the web?
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;13316]It's a shame I didn't watch Key West. Is it available anywhere on the web?[/quote] Key West was, in my opinion, the last decent season of Real World. Actually, I liked it a lot more than many of the seasons before it - they didn't focus solely on drama and drinking (though it was still present). We saw a lot of fun, quirky moments in that season that have since fallen by the wayside for random shots of bars and the name of the host city.
Huh? You mean to tell me she shelled out all that good money for those knockers and she *still* can't find a man? On a related note, does Dr. Alter contact every female RW house guest as soon as their show airs to offer his services? It is getting harder and harder to find someone who has remained silicone-free after their stay.