Real World: Sydney- Parisa Montazaran

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Real World: Sydney- Parisa Montazaran

I saw this music video on Parisa's Facebook News Feed today and thought I would share. Parisa looks great (hot!) in the video and the song itself is very catchy in what I can best describe as Dave Matthews meets Ben Folds. Wasn't someone saying just the other day that there would be no creative media outlets available to Parisa post Real World? Ever heard of Alicia Silverstone and Aerosmith? Hell, this single could blow up and five years from now she could be "that girl that was in the Zach Hillyard Band video!" which I think is quite a success compared to "that chesty pole dancer that just brought me my drink." *cough* Shauvon *cough* Alright, maybe that was uncalled for. I take it back, there is no way in five years that Parisa will only be famous for a music video. She is way too talented. From Parisa:

So I shot this video back in October '07 with the incredibly talented Zach Hillyard Band based out of Berklee up in Boston... totally worth a watch and a listen and a visit to their myspace or facebook to hear more tunes because they kick so much *** Smile

Fall Music Video

parisa looks great and i appreciate this kind of music.
[URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [CLICK IMAGE FOR ITUNES] I recently took over management for the Zach Hillyard Band. We all had a great time shooting the video in Washington Square Park, NYC with director/videographers Frankie Nasso and Anthony Marks. I think we really captured the "informal UGC" feel for this video. Also, Parisa was a pleasure to work with and we wish her all the best. Thanks for your interest in the Zach Hillyard Band. If you'd like any more info on the band feel free to visit the site [url=][/url], look them up on [COLOR=Blue][URL=""]iTunes,[/URL][/COLOR] or give me a shout directly: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]
Parisa doing more cool stuff. From her facebook: "Benjamin Bratt is my daddy... On Law and Order" [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Also, I think I read that she was on the set of the series, White Collar - although not sure exactly what she did there. Maybe, when she gets a break from rehearsals/filming and is still in the mood to talk to the little people, I'll know more. ;)
Anonymous's picture
Oooohhh I love Benjamin Bratt..and I love Parisa.
Anonymous's picture
I just saw that on her Twitter! Didn't know it was for L&O. Very awesome. Good for her. :)
That's awesome for her! Love Law and Order and White Collar. Very cool Miss Parisa!
Thats funny I was just thinking about Parisa the other day and wondering what she was up to. I also miss when she used to stop by and chat it up with us. I remember the nice pic Will took of Parisa to share with us. Good to hear she's doing well. The wife and I still watch Law & Order and I knew Bratt was supposed to be back later in the season but now we have Parisa as a bonus!
I would love to see Parisa on a challenge,too bad she won't do one though.
Has she said she won't be on a challenge?
[QUOTE=gamer73;139608]I would love to see Parisa on a challenge,too bad she won't do one though.[/QUOTE] I know, I'm wish she would do one too. I tweeted her about it and she said only if the right people were on it (Ashli, Isaac, Nick Brown).
I think putting her on a challenge is no different then putting Casey or Shavon on a challenge. They aren't really good at the athletics in which are needed to be able to compete on a challenge. Honestly if anything it would kind of upset me that she took a spot away from someone who actually could challenge to win/ or win.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;139867]I think putting her on a challenge is no different then putting Casey or Shavonda on a challenge. They aren't really good at the athletics in which are needed to be able to compete on a challenge. Honestly if anything it would kind of upset me that she took a spot away from someone who actually could challenge to win/ or win.[/QUOTE] We don't have any idea how she would perform in a challenge. We've been shown no evidence of her physical abilities, so I think it's unfair to say she's not good enough to win.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;139867]I think putting her on a challenge is no different then putting Casey or Shavonda on a challenge. They aren't really good at the athletics in which are needed to be able to compete on a challenge. Honestly if anything it would kind of upset me that she took a spot away from someone who actually could challenge to win/ or win.[/QUOTE] And you have based your expert opinion on what? You have no clue as to her athletic abilities, yet feel free to make stuff up and call it fact. The good news is Parisa has real opportunities beyond reality television at this time. So, I don't think you need to go full bore creating a sub reality without any tangible basis.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;139869]And you have based your expert opinion on what? You have no clue as to her athletic abilities, yet feel free to make stuff up and call it fact. [/QUOTE] Jinx! :p
Um, yeah of course I don't. If she does a challenge then you will know that this the truth until then its speculation. Oh, yeah this is my opinion. This doesn't mean it has to be yours. If she ended up doing well then I guess I would be the first to say so.

I wish she made her Challenge debut. I loved her on Sydney. I was #TeamParisa during her rivalry with Trisha. Their last fight was hilarious. I love how Trisha tried to get a rise out of Parisa by telling her "You're not sending me home because you think I'm a threat. You're sending me home because I speak what everyone else thinks and you're nothing." and Parisa gave no *****. 

"Enjoy your flight. Take care." LMAO 

Parisa owned Trisha in that episode. She really didn't care hahaha

Trisha was so racist and obnoxious

I wish she made her Challenge debut. I loved her on Sydney. I was #TeamParisa during her rivalry with Trisha. Their last fight was hilarious. I love how Trisha tried to get a rise out of Parisa by telling her "You're not sending me home because you think I'm a threat. You're sending me home because I speak what everyone else thinks and you're nothing." and Parisa gave no *****. 

"Enjoy your flight. Take care." LMAO 

Parisa owned Trisha in that episode. She really didn't care hahaha

That was epic. I need a gif of that.

I wish she made her Challenge debut. I loved her on Sydney. I was #TeamParisa during her rivalry with Trisha. Their last fight was hilarious. I love how Trisha tried to get a rise out of Parisa by telling her "You're not sending me home because you think I'm a threat. You're sending me home because I speak what everyone else thinks and you're nothing." and Parisa gave no *****. 

"Enjoy your flight. Take care." LMAO 

Parisa owned Trisha in that episode. She really didn't care hahaha

That was epic. I need a gif of that.

Where's Lurker when you need him? LMAO

That's so scary. All the autopsies of people who died from COVID-19 have severe blood clotting in their lungs now apparently. And apparently it can last in "recovered" people like her as well.

wayment my ekg was ''perfect '' and my heart race was UP and they told me it was just anxiety........ whew chile I hope she gets better

My gf's brother has been dealing with blood clots post having corona.