Paris Hilton Arrested For Cocaine Possesion

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Paris Hilton Arrested For Cocaine Possesion
[CENTER][url=][img][/img][/url][/CENTER] So I guess now that Lindsay is out of rehab, Paris decided to grab the "whacked out young Hollywood spotlight" until Lindsay gets her train wreck groove back. [QUOTE]Paris Hilton was arrested for possession of cocaine Friday night in Las Vegas. According to police, Paris was the passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over outside the Wynn Hotel. The driver was arrested for DUI (drug-related, not alcohol) and when cops searched Hilton, they found her in possession of a controlled substance. Police say tests revealed the substance to be cocaine. She was arrested and released on her own recognizance. [/QUOTE] [[URL=""]via[/URL]] I'm looking forward to the new mugshot... [B]Note:[/B] The penalty for first time cocaine possession in Nevada (per code section 453.011; NAC 453.510) is 1-6 years and a $5000 fine.
In person she presents like a refined elegant princess........ Who Knows what evil lurks in the hearts of women[B][URL=""][I]? [/I][/URL][/B]
Anonymous's picture
With her family's money and (assumed) legal team she'll probably get a slap on the wrist. Plus I'm sure it wasn't hers. She was just holding it for a friend. :rolleyes:
Ugh, I'm so sick of her. "That was a mistake when they caught me with weed in South Africa! I don't do drugs!", "It was a mistake again when they caught me just now with drugs in France!", "Oh shoot someone tried to break into my house!"...riiight. Can't wait to hear the excuse this time and how she gets out of it. Maybe she will use one of my favorite lines from COPS, "Sir what are these?" "Candies?" :D
Anonymous's picture
I always considered her to be a savvy business lady. Although, I'm sad to say that I'm not shocked. This is yet another reason for me to never have children. These are there role models in society. Ps. What is she doing in that picture?
[QUOTE] A small amount of cocaine was allegedly found in her purse, though TMZ reports she's insisting now that the purse wasn't hers. [URL=""]via[/URL][/QUOTE] Of course! It's totally my friends purse that I borrowed and I had no clue there was cocaine in it! My bad!
This woman acts too young for her age she's 29 grow up! What a shame so she's what America's Next Crackhead? Last thing she needs to do.:big_boss:
Drugs are out this year Paris! It's all about DUI's
Isn't this like the 3rd time in 2 months she's been caught with drugs?
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;202918]Isn't this like the 3rd thime in 2 months she's been caught with drugs?[/QUOTE] Yup. Twice in July and now this time.
[QUOTE=tatertots;202921]Yup. Twice in July and now this time.[/QUOTE] Definitely not her drugs then. ;)
Boo! The mugshot just looks like your average red carpet shot. I wanted a photo that was really grainy, at an odd angle with bad lighting and an orange jump suit. :( [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm guessing if her name was Paris [Anything but Hilton] that is what we would have gotten.
No, I think she has just had so much practice with taking a mugshot that she probably practices at home so she'll look good the next time it happens. ;)