National Football League: 2013-2014

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National Football League: 2013-2014
Might as well start off the new football thread with a footnote:[URL=""] Tim Tebow released by Jets after months of uncertainty [/URL] [ATTACH=CONFIG]1922[/ATTACH] Never has so much been made of a player with such little lasting impact. The fact that he was released shows that the Jets could not get anything for him, period. It's understandable. What bench player is worth the media headache? I am sure they consider the $1.2 million to cut him loose, money well spent. On the upside, at least Tebow will have more time to focus [URL=""]on his acting future.[/URL]
Well after the Jets drafted Geno Smith, they had what, 7 QBs on the roster? One of them had to go...
Oh the Jets, though I did like their draft, Dee Millner was a great pickup. Hey Molds want to point out that UCONN had more players drafted than Michigan. Go Huskies!!
Well, we went with some O-Line to try and keep Carson Palmer alive in Az. Tebow could end up there. Rumor has it Bruce Arians was keeping an eye on his situation which is perhaps why we did not draft a QB.
I would take Tebow over Sanchez any day, the Jets really screwed him.
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;342902]Oh the Jets, though I did like their draft, Dee Millner was a great pickup. Hey Molds want to point out that UCONN had more players drafted than Michigan. Go Huskies!![/QUOTE] Quite frankly I thought their draft was horrible They did not need another d-lineman and Geno Smith is a terrible QB.
[url=]Tim Tebow to sign with New England Patriots, sources say - ESPN Boston[/url] Why? WHY!
He will be a distraction from past cheating scandals. :)
[QUOTE=V1man;348493]He will be a distraction from past cheating scandals. :)[/QUOTE] Maybe the Pats think they need a little God on their side. Besides the Catholic population in Boston should love him.
The Patriots needed to solidify their 3rd string QB play.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;348519]Maybe the Pats think they need a little [B]God[/B] on their side[/QUOTE] But, he already is... [ATTACH=CONFIG]2191[/ATTACH] [QUOTE=Desertpuma;348519]the Catholic population in Boston should love him.[/QUOTE] I'm not so sure. He is generally perceived as anti-Catholic. [QUOTE=V1man;348493]He will be a distraction from past cheating scandals. :)[/QUOTE] He [I]will[/I] be a distraction, that's guaranteed.
[url=]Police issue arrest warrant for Aaron Hernandez of New England Patriots, reports ABC News[/url] [ATTACH=CONFIG]2223[/ATTACH]
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet">BREAKING: Law enforcement source: No arrest warrant for Aaron Hernandez or anyone else in Lloyd investigation— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) <a href="" rel="nofollow">June 21, 2013</a></blockquote>
Good thing the Pats signed Tebow. They need a TE since Gronk needs surgery every month and Hernandez looks to be in hot water.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]2782[/ATTACH] [url=]Tim Tebow released by New England Patriots[/url]