Loser Guys in Jamaica (S1)

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Loser Guys in Jamaica (S1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kop8DVljog A video I concocted the other day of the highlights (or should I saw lowlights) of the girls dealing with skeevy guys in Jamaica.
How do you convert a YouTube link to an embedded video? I originally posted the embed code but it didn't work, so I posted the link instead. And boy how times have changed...if this were now Kim, Sarah and Bri would be hanging on to these guys' every words. I mean Bri. Has. Jo.Jo. Yuck. Those guys in Jamaica were nothing but a bunch of JoJos and "high school principals."
[CODE] http://youtube.com/video[/CODE]I usually go back through and just do it for people. ;)
[quote=Bacchus;13268][code] http://youtube.com/video[/code]I usually go back through and just do it for people. ;)[/quote] Thank you! Now I know for the future.
Mary Ellis was personally in control of casting for the orignal RW seasons. Now they have a new casting VP who is full of herself and consistently give us crap. She also cast the trainwreck of The Bad Girls Club and the Challenges.
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[quote=Bacchus;13268][code] http://youtube.com/video[/code]I usually go back through and just do it for people. ;)[/quote] Ha! I'm not the only one!!! :rofl:
[quote=V1man;13285]Mary Ellis was personally in control of casting for the orignal RW seasons. Now they have a new casting VP who is full of herself and consistently give us crap. She also cast the trainwreck of The Bad Girls Club and the Challenges.[/quote] I'm not surprised. I guess Mary-Ellis brought the "human" aspect of RW to the show while she was still alive. I've heard stories about the latest RW casting calls from reading different boards. One girl said she went to one, and there was a girl there who got drunk, dressed ****** and acted like a star of a "Girls Gone Wild" video. Ms. GGW got to the next round.