The King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters

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The King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters
[URL=""]YouTube - The King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters[/URL] I was really, really bored and a bit under the weather, in desperate need of some audio video entertainment - so I [URL=""]saw this film on netflix streaming [/URL]and decided to give [URL=""]The King of Kong[/URL] a shot. I was hesitant at first and figured it would suck, but I ended up pleasantly surprised. These guys are the biggest losers in the history of losers and that is what makes this film an instant cult classic! Haha, I highly recommend it if you have ever played Donkey Kong, maybe game a little occasionally and want to feel better about your life trajectory, lol.
I had heard really good things about this and gave it a rent a couple months ago and loved it. Great doc! B I know you watch True Life on Mtv so you were probably familiar with the ****** that is Billy before seeing the movie. And he does indeed make a great villain.
This is one of my favorite documentaries. It's extremely entertaining. I am so glad someone else here has seen it and enjoyed it. Whenever I recommend it to someone and tell them it's about two guys trying to be the donkey kong champion they usually give me a look like I'm crazy but after they watch it they come back and tell me they loved it. I got my sister to watch it who is not a huge film fan and hates video games, and she loved it. You really end up hating the "antagonist" and rooting for the "protagonist" (although with his skills you would think he should be doing something other than Donkey Kong). If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you go watch it right now. Edit: Just read the post above me. There is a true life about Billy?
Yeah, I believe the title was "I'm a Professional Gamer". It chronicles his quest to get the all time high score for Ms Pac Man I believe. This was before King of Kong so you weren't aware just how bog of a ****** he was then but you could still kind of see hints of his douchiness.