Kevin Smith raves about ''Lost''

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Kevin Smith raves about ''Lost''
''Clerks'' filmmaker and ''Reaper'' executive producer tells the Doc why ''Lost'' rules. Plus: NBC tips its hat to the ABC hit, another Locke mystery, and a new Doc J theory to chew on[IMG][/IMG] [url=,,20151394,00.html]More...[/url]
Every time I read one of these articles that talks about Lost, I realize how empty this fall feels without my favorite show! [QUOTE]It's October, and we're still around four months away from Lost's season premiere. By that time -- Spoiler Alert! -- the [B]Boston Red Sox [/B]will have beaten the Colorado Rockies to win the World Series....[/QUOTE] I love spoilers! [QUOTE] My hometown Seattle Seahawks will have capped a Cinderella season by beating the [B]New England Patriots[/B] in the Super Bowl[/QUOTE] Umm....[I]not so much.[/I] [QUOTE]And then the moment where Kate **** walks up from the car and you're like, ''Wait -- they knew each other before?''[/QUOTE] I have tears of joy in my eyes thinking back on that scene. Insane! I was like, WTF! The future?!!