Did anyone watch the premiere of [B]My life on the D-list[/B]? I have never liked Kathy and find her annoying at best - but for some strange reason I have seen every episode of her reality show. Maybe it is because she does as she says. She is a fame ***** and one of only a few in the entire world that readily admits that everything she does is for more fame, not matter what.
Overall the episode was quite engaging with all sorts of A-Listers (including Anderson Cooper) and plenty of great lines from Kathy (as well as plenty of cringe worthy moments.)
I love Woz (apple co-founder) and thought it was hilarious that he hacked her iPhone! They just don't seem like a "natural" couple.
[spoiler]....and they don't last long as one although it looks like the season will not reveal that. I am guessing Kathy decided that looks were worth more to her then personality and money (even billions.)[/spoiler]
Oh, and Nothing is worse then getting the snub by Michael Moore! Kathy totally is D-list! lol