hi all... i just found this board last night. it seems like there are alot of people here "in the know", and none of them like johnny. why? i really like him... but all i know about him is whats on my tv.
[quote=ktleo;28731]hi all... i just found this board last night. it seems like there are alot of people here "in the know", and none of them like johnny. why? i really like him... but all i know about him is whats on my tv.[/quote]
umm... did you watch the episode last night??kenny's mini-me was beyond annoying. He follows kenny around like a puppy dog. Giving him condoms and talking like he is out for blood. He needs attention and that is why he is everywhere the camera is. I just don't like his personality. I find him obnoxious and unlikable. Same with kenny. I have no idea why the rest of the cast likes these two idiots!!
[quote=jayman2582;28733]umm... did you watch the episode last night??kenny's mini-me was beyond annoying. He follows kenny around like a puppy dog. Giving him condoms and talking like he is out for blood. He needs attention and that is why he is everywhere the camera is. I just don't like his personality. I find him obnoxious and unlikable. Same with kenny. I have no idea why the rest of the cast likes these two idiots!![/quote]
Really.. I think it's more that they are comfortable together. This time around, they seem to be the only two goons. Usually we have Evan, and at least CT behaving badly.
[QUOTE=ktleo;28731]hi all... i just found this board last night. it seems like there are alot of people here "in the know", and none of them like johnny. why? i really like him... but all i know about him is whats on my tv.[/QUOTE]
Here is my problem with Johnny. He is a misogynist. He boasts to people about "bedding" real world/road rules cast members, and he actually has told people that he has a list of people he has slept with. His métier seems to be the humorous exposition of his sexual prowess. I find myself laughing at him, rather than with him and his "boys. " I asked one RW "star" if, she, too, had hooked up with him. She said yes, but that he wasn't very good.
I find myself in agreement with Evelyn. I, too, would like to "gut him like a fish."
BTW, ktleo, welcome to vevmo.
I feel like I'm always playing Devil's Advocate. Again, it all goes back to having three older brothers. These guys aren't raping these women. I agree, the behavior isnt becoming. However, we always sit around and talk about how horrible these men are for doing this... what about the women participating? Do you think the girls that sleep with Johnny have only been with him? Nope.. my guess is they've been making their rounds. Case in point, the video with Robin talking to the group of girls about Kenny. She states she was his first cast member. It's obviously common practice to have sexual relations with other cast members. They aren't forcefully being passed around. If you only knew half of the things I've witnessed out of some of these women.. you'd be equally as disgusted. (if not more so.. some are really just horrifying)
It just drives me insane how women are always victims. We control our own *******.
ps. if there was a clip of Johnny talking about being "so and so's" first cast mate.. and how she wasnt that good... there would be a serious uprising around here. that in itself is sexist.
[quote=Insider;28766]I feel like I'm always playing Devil's Advocate. Again, it all goes back to having three older brothers. These guys aren't raping these women. I agree, the behavior isnt becoming. However, we always sit around and talk about how horrible these men are for doing this... what about the women participating? Do you think the girls that sleep with Johnny have only been with him? Nope.. my guess is they've been making their rounds. Case in point, the video with Robin talking to the group of girls about Kenny. She states she was his first cast member. It's obviously common practice to have sexual relations with other cast members. They aren't forcefully being passed around. If you only knew half of the things I've witnessed out of some of these women.. you'd be equally as disgusted. (if not more so.. some are really just horrifying)
It just drives me insane how women are always victims. We control our own ************]
I do not disagree with your overall point, but I'd differ on all the women making the rounds... The only woman who I'll bet has a scorecard is Paula.
I like the way Beth describes what happens, she says its one thing to get in a relationship and see where it takes you (like Brad and Tori), but she thinks the hyped hookups look too much like ****** when it happens inside the RW/RR family. She thinks the women are largely victims of low self-esteem.
[quote=V1man;28780]I do not disagree with your overall point, but I'd differ on all the women making the rounds... The only woman who I'll bet has a scorecard if Paula.
I like the way Beth describes what happens, she says its one thing to get in a relationship and see where it takes you (like Brad and Tori), but she thinks the hyped hookups look too much like ****** when it happens inside the RW/RR family. She thinks the women are largely victims of low self-esteem.[/quote]
I don't think that all of the RW/RR women are like that. When I say RW/RR women, I mean all women who have been on the shows, not just the challenges. I blame it more on overall immaturity and irresponsibility.
I don't think that these guys are taking advantage of these poor innocent girls. I think the girls are just as dirty.. and are willing participants.. And why hasn't anyone else complained about the Robin video? It's disgusting and would be treated as trash if she had a *****. Instead, I think we're looking at is as, "Oh, she got over on big bad guy Kenny." I think Kenny needs to be filmed talking about his experience with Robin and how good she was. Kenny's a man though.. so he should know better... right?
hi all, thanks for responding. the bahavior you've described is pretty consistent with what I have thought of Johnny, and I suppose it doesn't bother me because I agree with what Insider said.. that most of these girls know what they're doing. I believe that he wouldn't talk that way about someone that he was actually in a relationship with... if he would then that would change my mind about him. But I tend to be attracted to deuchy frat guys.... can't explain it, can't defend it, its just one of those things.
[quote=ktleo;28845]hi all, thanks for responding. the bahavior you've described is pretty consistent with what I have thought of Johnny, and I suppose it doesn't bother me because I agree with what Insider said.. that most of these girls know what they're doing. I believe that he wouldn't talk that way about someone that he was actually in a relationship with... if he would then that would change my mind about him. [B] But I tend to be attracted to deuchy frat guys.... can't explain it, can't defend it, its just one of those things.[/B][/quote]
Oh, you poor, lost soul.
[SIZE=1](I'm just teasing you btw! I just recently got out of a relationship with a deuchy frat [B][I]boy...[/I][/B] Biggest mistake of my life!)[/SIZE]