The Island: MTV - Rules of the Game

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The Island: MTV - Rules of the Game
can someone please link us to a video of TJ's explanation of the game? some of us, including myself, need to rewatch.
I'm not sure that there is a video available specifically of TJ explaining the rules, but the full video of episode one is [URL="*********************************************;]here[/URL]. In it, there are 3 different moments where TJ explains the rules of how the game is to be played. Below is a transcript of what he says: around the 2 minute mark: "On that Island, there's a treasure chest filled with $300,000 in treasure. ... Your goal is to retrieve that gold, and the only way to do so is by building yourself a seaworthy boat. There's 20 people here, alright we're gonna give you enough materials to build 2 boats. There's only gonna be a maximum of four passengers per boat. So if you guys do the math, there's gonna be some people left out and they're gonna be stranded. You're not gonna get any money. ... One more thing: make sure you always got an eye on the horizon, because the US Army is going to be doing air drops. These air drops are going to be containing vital supplies for your life on the beach, as well as containing building materials so you can build your two boats." around 15:00: "Now, a few things to mention about the boats: First, you guys must use all the materials that we give you for the boats before you shove off and go to that Island to try to get paid. And one more thing is do not lose any of the materials. They cannot be replaced, so do not lose them. Some of these air drops are gonna have luxury items inside. You're also gonna have to ration out your supplies carefully and correctly. If you guys do that then there should be no reason way you guys can't make it to the next air drop. However, if somebody gets greedy, then you guys are gonna have problems." 20:45: "Everybody needs to have a key to the treasure chest in order to get on a boat. The treasure chest across the way needs 4 people and 4 keys in order for it to be opened. ... The first way to stay in the game is called a face-off: Three people going into a head-to-head competition much like the Gauntlet, Inferno, Duel, anything like that. That one winner will receive a key and remain in the game. They're safe from elimination that night. Then the remaining two players can plead their case with the rest of the group. They're almost gonna beg their way back onto the island. Then the entire group is gonna have a public vote. And they're gonna decide which player's going home and which player's remaining in the game. The player that goes home, goes home with nothing at all. The player that stays in the game receives a key, rejoins the group, and stays in the game. The only other way to get a key is if you're lucky enough to have a friend that holds a key and gets eliminated. ... The first people to unlock that treasure chest will win the Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island and receive $300,000 in treasure."
Anonymous's picture
I <3 you MSR
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;30832]I <3 you MSR[/quote] aww, shucks :blush:
Anonymous's picture
First.. Thank you SOOO MUCH MSR for taking the time to do that. So... This means there HAS to be 4 people. HOWEVER... It says they are only given material for 2 boats. Does that mean they can build their own boats? (a la Abram in episode 1) However.. tj does say they u have to use all the material provided. I guess you can read a lot into that. He doesn't exactly say you cant use MORE than the material provided. aaaaah. I'll just have to wait and see.
One cast member told me last night that we've not yet heard all the rules... and neither had the cast at this point in the show. There was also what I inferred to be a suggestion that the rules can change at any time, although I was not told that directly, since telling me that would violate the contract.
Anonymous's picture
I knew there had to be more!! Things seem too vague.
I think the rules change once the eight keys are given. We still have 2 keys to go. Once the keys are all given, they will still be fifteen players left, assuming no one quits or anything out of the ordinary happens. TJ said at the end they will be eight players. So I'm guessing that the rules will change in order to narrow down the fifteen players to eight. Does any of this make sense to anyone?
[QUOTE=lionheart;31104]I think the rules change once the eight keys are given. We still have 2 keys to go. Once the keys are all given, they will still be fifteen players left, assuming no one quits or anything out of the ordinary happens. TJ said at the end they will be eight players. So I'm guessing that the rules will change in order to narrow down the fifteen players to eight. Does any of this make sense to anyone?[/QUOTE] Yes. :)
[QUOTE=lionheart;31104]I think the rules change once the eight keys are given. We still have 2 keys to go. Once the keys are all given, they will still be fifteen players left, assuming no one quits or anything out of the ordinary happens. TJ said at the end they will be eight players. So I'm guessing that the rules will change in order to narrow down the fifteen players to eight. Does any of this make sense to anyone?[/QUOTE] yes it does and I agree with you
[quote=lionheart;31104]Does any of this make sense to anyone?[/quote] It makes sense to me... :)
I can't wait to see what will happen, I hope the new rules will screw everyone over in some sort of way.