The Island: Episode 6 - Discussion

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I hope Ev wins a key back. Props to her for actually giving the key to Johnny instead of throwing it on the ground like a sore loser.
[quote=lionheart;34520]I hope Ev wins a key back. Props to her for actually giving the key to Johnny instead of throwing it on the ground like a sore loser.[/quote] From the previews, Ev isnt cheering for nothing ... I think after 3 or 4 tries, my speculation may actually makle sense. To see it go there.
Wow, I did not like this episode at all. If the boat that wins is full of the "alliance", then this will probably be my least favorite challenge. Also, what if Johanna gets a key? Do Paula, Johanna, and Dunbar realize one of them will not be in this boat?...they'd probably be at an advantage though being with Derrick and Robin the Sailor. (No spoilers please...somehow have disciplined myself this time not to look)
Tonight was definitely a good episode to watch even if it ended with Johnny taking his revenge, and the key from Ev. This challenge has made me like her more than previous ones. So it was nice to see Evelyn try to rally some support against "The Alliance" and try to build on her victory from last week. Sadly it didn't seem to work out and this episode just saw it all swing back in their favor when Johnny won. The problem is that either people aare with them or floating around doing their own thing, so it was hard for Ev to mount support against them. Honestly I always pictured Derrick as being loosely with them but it seems that he is a little more firmly with them than I thought. It seems to be Kenny/Johnny/Paula/Johanna as the core alliance with Dunbar/Derrick with them. Robin/Dan are just out more ways than one(that fight even had some cast members laughing at one point). And Ev/Jenn/KellyAnne. Colie, more with Johanna than with anyone I believe. Now it's too late to dislodge the alliance from the island completely but hopefully Ev wins a key back. Okay it's because I'm from the south too but I do like Cohutta and it was sad to see him go, even though they pretty much told us that by featuring him alot this episode. And Dunbar? Well he didn't even throw Cohutta a bone and sent hum on his way with a smile on his face. But I was flad on the other hand because Derrick was safe and will probably make it to the end.
It's still surprising how they've managed to stretch this show to an hour long when nothing has really gone on. This is probably the weakest challenge to date. With that being said, Johnny is still a DB, and it was sad to see Cohutta go. Seems like a genuine guy, but just unlucky this time around. Though Derrick seemed to show reservations about being on the alliance, I knew that when the time came, he would still play his part in that group. I had to laugh at Johnny's speech, not just because it was nonsense, but also because a big portion of it was edited out. News flash Johnny, it's not just friends being friends when you guys are actually creating strategies to actively take out other challengers. He's made it pretty obvious that it's their group against everyone else, and that is indeed an alliance. Just glancing at the preview next week, it looks like some of the alliance members are getting testy, namely Colie. Johanna doesn't seem to worried about anything, which has me guessing at her motives for participating in this challenge. Based on her interview and some of the factoids V1 has thrown out there, I get the feeling that she's there not so much as to actually win but rather to provide an extra vote or body for the alliance.
[QUOTE=S2theONIC;34519]Johnny's speech rocked.[/QUOTE] Why?
[QUOTE] And Dunbar? Well he didn't even throw Cohutta a bone and sent hum on his way with a smile on his face. But I was flad on the other hand because Derrick was safe and will probably make it to the end. [/QUOTE] I was thinking the same thing. Dunbar is Cohutta's boy. We all knew Derrick was going to win the vote. He couldn't show a little loyalty to his friend? I also have to say I'm a little bit unhappy with Derrick after seeing this episode. I think it was obvious to everyone on that island that Cohutta is a genuine, good person and other than Kelly Anne, Derrick should have seen that more than anyone else there. Cohutta is a more deserving person of having a chance at that money than Johnny is and if I were Derrick I would have wanted Cohutta on my boat. In fact, [B]he even told[/B] Cohutta he could be on his boat when Cohutta was giving him pointers and showing him how things were going to work when it came time to putting the boat together. Yet, he nominated himself to go in to a face-off against him so Johnny had a better chance at getting his key back. Causing the odds to be stacked very high against Cohutta. I also don't like how in one of the more recent dailies titled "heart to heart" he commended Evelyn for what she did and then assured her that she would be there at the end with him but went into this face-off solely to help Johnny when his key back. Not for any pizza or a prize.
I just have to correct myself. I meant solely to help Johnny [B]win [/B]his key back. Not when. Oops.
What I don't get is why everyone is acting like their chances of winning are out the window if Johnny lost. He's pretty worthless, and only won due to Cohutta's key being dropped and Derrick's colorblindness. Its really sad to see Johnny play the puppet master while everyone is blind and walking into walls. It just seems with each progressing episode, another person is "added" to that stupid alliance. Oh yeah, you're KIND of in our alliance, no need to worry bro! I hate this challenge, its too predictable. And even with all the plot twists and rule changes, the alliance still manages to dominate the game with complete ease.
This episode was lame. The alliance is just going to winnnnn booooo And how could Dunbar vote out Cohutta????? what a loser.
[quote=hiphopanonymous;34542]I was thinking the same thing. Dunbar is Cohutta's boy. We all knew Derrick was going to win the vote. He couldn't show a little loyalty to his friend?[/quote] It's quite simple, he is in an alliance, therefore he has to vote which ever way they vote. If you've seen previous challenges then this should be nothing new to you. I think it is smart strategy on his part...especially with him being one of the new guys. Like Johanna said (and I can't believe I'm agreeing with her....ugh) this is business.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;34560]This episode was lame. The alliance is just going to winnnnn booooo And how could Dunbar vote out Cohutta????? what a loser.[/quote] Dunbar is not a loser, he is just playing the game smart. You would do the same for that much money so dont even go there.
Ok I only have one thing to say...I HATE BANANAS!! I will never be able to look at a banana the same way again. It is a rotten disgusting fruit as far as I'm concerned. Thanks alot BMP!!
[url=]True Colors | | MTV[/url] Is there any truth to this?
i hope dunbar gets screwed over by the alliance in the end. that would be funny to watch!
[QUOTE=compelletospeak;34564][url=]True Colors | | MTV[/url] Is there any truth to this?[/QUOTE] UGH, I really hope not. Gross.
My thoughts on the episode... That was really messed up of Robin to go around saying that about Dan. Very classless of her and she deserved what she got. I was very disappointed in Derrick. Usually he's one of my favs but this episode, he didn't need to volunteer himself, if Jonny won, he should have won fairly. I was annoyed that noone would listen to Ev. She seems like the only one with a brain there. Hello, people, wake up, you are just falling off one by one and if you don't stop the alliance you are pretty much screwed. If the alliance wins, this is pretty much the ********* challenge ever. Oh wait, it already is anyways.
Anonymous's picture
As everyone knows, I am on the side of the "Family". I agreed with Johnny's speech in a sense. (No, I still don't like HIM). These people really are friends. Of course they are going to band together and figure out how to make sure they stay there as long as possible. Yes, only 4 will win. However, there are 8 keys. I'm pretty sure that's how they are thinking. Anyway, I know there's no need to try and defend them. It's just my opinion. I also agree that Ev was a little premature in saying EFF OFF to half of the cast. There was still plenty of time for them to EFF HER right back. As entertaining as it was, it was obviously not a good strategy. Cohutta. Poor Cohutta. So sad to see him go. He seems like a sweetie.
Honestly it really isn't a bad challenge to me at least. I mean yeah "The Alliance" is pretty much dominating the entire game and weeding out the remaining cast members from the island. But it is been an interesting challenge to watch because it has had some surprises and some pretty cool moments overall. So I still will like it even if some of the "Alliance" win in the finals because it was an interesting challenge to watch.
I do agree that Ev was a little premature in her plan; the problem is that this was the only chance she would get to take a key. The only way she got voted into a face-off was against two guys, and if they had known that you could steal keys, they never would have voted her in. Cohutta losing really screwed up the game in multiple ways. And did Kelly Anne [I]really[/I] get that close to Johnny? I don't exactly believe Kenny, but makes me a little sad. I wonder if Johnny will really realize how much of an *** he was when he watches this at home.
[quote=cystic;34546]What I don't get is why everyone is acting like their chances of winning are out the window if Johnny lost. He's pretty worthless, and only won due to Cohutta's key being dropped and Derrick's colorblindness. Its really sad to see Johnny play the puppet master while everyone is blind and walking into walls. It just seems with each progressing episode, another person is "added" to that stupid alliance. Oh yeah, you're KIND of in our alliance, no need to worry bro! I hate this challenge, its too predictable. And even with all the plot twists and rule changes, the alliance still manages to dominate the game with complete ease.[/quote] Yeah, it's just making this challenge really frustrating when you have a bunch of people who really were the majority and they let themselves be taken over by an alliance of a handful of people. It's like most of them don't even care and are just there. I must give Ev a couple of points for seemingly being one of the few people there with a brain. I don't want the Kenny/Johnny/Johanna/Paula/Dunbar alliance to win (I like Derrick, though), but I can't blame them for making strategies because it seems to be working for them.
[quote=AwkwardPhase;34573]UGH, I really hope not. Gross.[/quote] I'm a guy, and I have no problem admitting if someone is attractive or not- at the real world awards bash, Johnny won best looking male. I just don't see it. And now Kelly-Anne is rumored to have hooked up with him? For the ladies out there... if there was someway to ignore his behavior, is Johnny even attractive?
[quote=BrownBoy;34590]I'm a guy, and I have no problem admitting if someone is attractive or not- at the real world awards bash, Johnny won best looking male. I just don't see it. And now Kelly-Anne is rumored to have hooked up with him? For the ladies out there... if there was someway to ignore his behavior, is Johnny even attractive?[/quote] Johnny was on begging all his fans to vote for him for that award. I think that's why he won. He has some attractiveness, but I don't think he would even make a top 10 list of the hottest RW guys. There were definitely far more attractive guys than him on the shows. My personal favorite is Alton. I have liked Johnny, but I am extremely disappointed in how he has behaved this challenge. It's really sad to see someone I thought was an easygoing, likable act completely horrible to people.
I'm not saying I'm opposed to strategy, and I do think the family has played this game [B]very[/B] intelligently. I think what bothers me most is the majority of that family are ****** *** competitors. I think Kenny is the only one of em who remotely doesn't suck, but even then, he's had some pitiful performances in past challenges.
[quote=cystic;34599]I'm not saying I'm opposed to strategy, and I do think the family has played this game [B]very[/B] intelligently. I think what bothers me most is the majority of that family are ****** *** competitors. I think Kenny is the only one of em who remotely doesn't suck, but even then, he's had some pitiful performances in past challenges.[/quote] I don't think Kenny is a good competitor either. I was really annoyed in the past when he would call out other people's performances, because to me he has not shown himself to be a good competitor at all. I just remember him putting more of an effort in when his butt was on the line in Inferno 3, but that's really it. Part of it I guess is because there haven't been a lot of good missions or enough individual missions since Inferno 2, IMO. I feel there is too much reliability on elimination rounds to tell if people are good competitors or not. And a lot of these elimination rounds have been about who weighs more or who is more muscular. Being physically strong is very important, but we have seen in the past that some people who are physically strong or muscular haven't performed greatly in the actual missions (i.e Latterian at times), which I feel is important as well. I think I may have given the "family" too much credit earlier. Really, the only strategy, from what I've seen or heard, that the "family" has employed has been to play on these people and tell them they would protect them from elimination. Most of the reason they are prevailing is because most of the other players aren't really looking at the voting and the face-offs with a critical eye. They aren't really using their brains. Actually, the fact that the others aren't playing smartly has a lot to do with how the "family" is able to manipulate them and make them feel they are being protected as well. The only person to come from these shows the last couple of years (from the Fresh Meat challenge and on) that has really impressed me competition wise has been Evan as far as I can remember.
I just finished watching and all I have to say is, "Ho-Hum." I am glad I recorded it and was able to fast foward through all the bullshit, which came out approximately to 46 minutes 30 seconds of the show in total (with the Dan/Robin Face-off being the only entertaining part.) I am glad we have come to the conclusion this thing is almost over... [spoiler]Just knowing toolbag Johnny and his "bestest" buddy Kenny win is enough for me to stop watching, but yet I am pigeonholed into paying attention so I can comment intelligently on the subject matter. Oh, the sacrifices I make for Vevmo![/spoiler]
I know. It's so sad. And a part of me died a little inside when Derrick threw himself under the bus for them. Honestly, he should have been above that. He was going to get the majority vote to stay, with or without the Family's help. And as if Johnny is worth sacrificing yourself in the face of elimination? LOL. Laughable.
[quote=RW561015;34604] Part of it I guess is because there haven't been a lot of good missions or enough individual missions since Inferno 2, IMO. I feel there is too much reliability on elimination rounds to tell if people are good competitors or not. And a lot of these elimination rounds have been about who weighs more or who is more muscular. Being physically strong is very important, but we have seen in the past that some people who are physically strong or muscular haven't performed greatly in the actual missions (i.e Latterian at times), which I feel is important as well. [/quote] I'm glad I'm not the only one who is of that opinion of Latterian. My biggest problem with the Alliance isn't that they use their numbers to get what they want; they're just playing the game so they can win. It's not fair that they're blocking some deserving people from going into face-offs, but life sucks like that. What bothers me most is how they take it beyond the game and make personal attacks on people who aren't on their side. Seriously, if I have to hear "you dumb *****" come out of Johnny's mouth one more time, I think I might smash my TV. And then go NY just so I can catch him at the reunion show and rip his tongue out. And not just him, but Dunbar too--he thinks he's entitled to something just because he's bigger and can bully people, and anyone who disagrees with him is completely brainless.
It's so sad to me that Johnny is acting so horribly. I would have rooted for him this challenge since I have felt bad about him getting eliminated early on in the past, but his attitude is atrocious this time. With Kenny, it doesn't matter to me that he won a challenge. People who aren't good can win a challenge if they happen to have a lot of friends or manage to win an elimination round. There have been some weak people who have managed to win an elimination round in the past. Wes and Casey weren't impressive to me, but they managed to finish third. I didn't see anything impressive from Kenny on Gauntlet 3, I only thought he did OK on that one mission when he was on the line for elimination, and I can't really remember anything that impressive from him on Fresh Meat. Perhaps that is because there is always someone who I feel is a much better competitor than him on the challenges he does. He's not the worst competitor ever, but he is not impressive to me. With Evan, he and Coral both did a really great job together on Fresh Meat for as long as they lasted, winning missions and all. And he was strong in The Duel as well (also not too smart for trying to cheat and I guess he didn't feel too secure to let Wes manipulate him). Gauntlet 3, just fine, though I can't remember a lot of spectacular feats there.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=BrownBoy;34590] For the ladies out there... if there was someway to ignore his behavior, is Johnny even attractive?[/quote] Not at all IMO. But then again, it is hard to separate a person's appearance with such a vile personality present.
