The Island: Episode 3 - Discussion

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I'm a bit confused about Ev...wasn't she in the whole vet alliance with Kenny and Johnny on G3??? Why is she suddenly an outcast now, and did I miss something??
[quote=GoldenWarrior;30922]And Ashli...someone who gets naked that much can't be that bad lol[/quote] If they look like Ashley then yes it can be! Kelly Anne looks MUCH better, and she's not even my type...oh well to each his/her own!
Never thought I would say this, but I wish this challenged was filmed in real time like Road Rules Viewer Revenge. Here is why...I would love to just shout at the rest of the cast outside "the alliance" and tell them to ban together because that is the only way any of them will make it. Since Rachel was sent home (which sucks balls by the way), the people left are (correct me if I'm wrong) "The Alliance" Kenny Johnny Paula Johanna Derrick Dunbar "rest of the cast" Tyrie Jenn Colie Ryan Kelly Anne Cohutta Ashley Evelyn Dan Robin At this point "The Alliance" is outnumbered by 4. It would be to the benefit of "the rest of the cast" to have someone from "The Alliance" nominate themselves, then vote in 2 more members of said alliance, which can happen since they are in the majority. If they were playing the game smart this is how it would go down. Wouldn't it be cool for a future challenge to have it in real-time like RRVR? I think it would be something fresh and dramatic to have the viewers throw monkey wrenches into the game and potentially break up these alliances! I realize this is a whole mesh of ideas so let me know if I've confused you and I'll try to clarify lol. But does anybody else think this is a good idea? I just wanted to scream at my tv when I watched this episode!!! "Hello "rest of the cast" you outnumber them...throw Johanna and Paula's butts in there against Robin!"
Anonymous's picture
[quote=iamnemesis666;31423]throw Johanna and Paula's butts in there against Robin!"[/quote] Depending on the challenge, the alliance would have a greater chance of winning.. then Robin would mos def go home.
Ok I just watched the episode recently (missed it last week). I must say I admire Rachel for changing her mind when she could have kept on playing the game shady like she used to. Unfortunately she threw herself to the wolves, er. the alliance. I always knew that Kenny and Johnny were ****** bags, but what in the world has happened to Paula and Johanna? They are getting just as bad!! Paula's comments about changing her vote to Rachel because "Jenn is not in our alliance" was just stomach-churning. It is unfortunate for me that two of my favorite cast members going into this thing, Derrick and Dunbar, mah "D-men" are caught up in this evil alliance as well. *sigh* now I'm depressed watching this show!
Anonymous's picture
The statement I made regarding "The Alliance" winning the face off was based purely on the probability in the numbers... Robin is obviously bigger than the other girls.. but as we learned from the KA face off.. that doesn't have to mean better.. Robin would have to beat both Paula and Johanna to ensure one of them be voted off. If it came down to Robin vs. Paula or Johanna, I don't know that Robin would survive the vote. It's a possibility... but unlikely in my mind.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=iamnemesis666;31426]Ok I just watched the episode recently (missed it last week). I must say I admire Rachel for changing her mind when she could have kept on playing the game shady like she used to. Unfortunately she threw herself to the wolves, er. the alliance. I always knew that Kenny and Johnny were ****** bags, but what in the world has happened to Paula and Johanna? They are getting just as bad!! Paula's comments about changing her vote to Rachel because "Jenn is not in our alliance" was just stomach-churning. It is unfortunate for me that two of my favorite cast members going into this thing, Derrick and Dunbar, mah "D-men" are caught up in this evil alliance as well. *sigh* now I'm depressed watching this show![/quote] Personally... I don't think Rachel "changed her mind" about anything. I think she was trying to save face infront of her lover Jenn. As far as Derrick goes.. he's smart. He's joining up with the dominate members of the cast. He's not playing an underhanded game at all. I give Derrick kudos for the way he's played so far.
[QUOTE=Insider;31439]Personally... I don't think Rachel "changed her mind" about anything. I think she was trying to save face infront of her lover Jenn. As far as Derrick goes.. he's smart. He's joining up with the dominate members of the cast. He's not playing an underhanded game at all. I give Derrick kudos for the way he's played so far.[/QUOTE] Let's not get carried away with the Rachel/Jenn thing. I'm told that Rachel played it up for production. Other cast members were delighted to see the editor's use in the last episode Rachel's "negotiations" with Johnny and Kenny that clearly sold out Jenn. Their opinion is that when you scratched the surface of the "new" Rachel, you discovered that it was just a little fresh paint applied to the old, duplicitous one.
So true! The moment Rachel heroically offered herself up against the two newbies, and was so insistent about it, I thought "HA! There she is after all." And then trying to save face at the elimination, and then in one last act of bitter ********, she outed the not-so-secret alliance. I actually think I preferred the old Rachel. The old one had her sweet moments as well, but at least she wasn't trying to pretend to be holier than thou. I'm sorry, but I think the only reason why she came in under the guise of a new leaf was because she knew coming into this she didn't have the clout or numbers this time around to support her in an alliance. I don't care much for Evelyn either, and have seen some ***** moments from her in the dailies, but I do think she came in wanting to be seen in a different light for genuine reasons.
[QUOTE=Matty;31522]So true! The moment Rachel heroically offered herself up against the two newbies, and was so insistent about it, I thought "HA! There she is after all." And then trying to save face at the elimination, and then in one last act of bitter ********, she outed the not-so-secret alliance. I actually think I preferred the old Rachel. The old one had her sweet moments as well, but at least she wasn't trying to pretend to be holier than thou. I'm sorry, but I think the only reason why she came in under the guise of a new leaf was because she knew coming into this she didn't have the clout or numbers this time around to support her in an alliance. I don't care much for Evelyn either, and have seen some ***** moments from her in the dailies, but I do think she came in wanting to be seen in a different light for genuine reasons.[/QUOTE] Question, Matty, If you were Evelyn and about 16 of the 20 people were drunk or drugged up every night and you were not, after a few days wouldn't you be just a little *****y? Frankly, I'd be doing an Evel **** over their beds at 5 am for PT call if I were Evelyn. I'll tip my visor to Evelyn for her forbearance with this cast of misfits.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;31528]Question, Matty, If you were Evelyn and about 16 of the 20 people were drunk or drugged up every night and you were not, after a few days wouldn't you be just a little *****y? Frankly, I'd be doing an Evel **** over their beds at 5 am for PT call if I were Evelyn. I'll tip my visor to Evelyn for her forbearance with this cast of misfits.[/quote] Again.. I draw attention to people like Derrick.. he's not partaking in the drunk drugging... and he's not a party ******. I guess he's just more tolerant.
[QUOTE=Insider;31531]Again.. I draw attention to people like Derrick.. he's not partaking in the drunk drugging... and he's not a party ******. I guess he's just more tolerant.[/QUOTE] Well, Derrick has some substantial personal history having been in the same position as many of the rest. Hopefully with new bride and baby on the way, his strong immigrant Polish Catholic background will bring him strength he needs to stay away from the crazy stuff.
[quote=Insider;31531]Again.. I draw attention to people like Derrick.. he's not partaking in the drunk drugging... and he's not a party ******. I guess he's just more tolerant.[/quote] Derrick has gotten drunk obviously but I have always liked him and he hasn't been breaking down like some of the cast has been. And Evelyn I have liked her this challenge so far.
[quote=V1man;31535]Well, Derrick has some substantial personal history having been in the same position as many of the rest. Hopefully with new bride and baby on the way, his strong immigrant Polish Catholic background will bring him strength he needs to stay away from the crazy stuff.[/quote] Derrick hopefully has changed his ways from the days of talking to frogs! I for one have always been a huge fan, just for the simple fact that he is a competitor through and through. I think he has the most "heart" out of any castmemeber on any challenge.
[quote=LilysMom;31537][B]Derrick hopefully has changed his ways from the days of talking to frogs! [/B]I for one have always been a huge fan, just for the simple fact that he is a competitor through and through. I think he has the most "heart" out of any castmemeber on any challenge.[/quote] Awwww, but that was so cute... in a pathetic sort of way...
[quote=LilysMom;31537]Derrick hopefully has changed his ways from the days of talking to frogs! I for one have always been a huge fan, just for the simple fact that he is a competitor through and through. I think he has the most "heart" out of any castmemeber on any challenge.[/quote] What challenge was that? It seems to fimilar but my brain can't place it.
[quote=needsalife;31593]What challenge was that? It seems to fimilar but my brain can't place it.[/quote] Battle of the Sexes 2.
