The Island: $10,000 Winner?

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The Island: $10,000 Winner?
Good Sunday morning, Last post for a wee bit. Glad everyone saw the dramatic :laugh2: finish to The Island. It's funny no one mentioned the 10 thousand dollar runner up prize.. or was that just for Key Wester's? Peace out y'all stay safe, - StonedWorld
Anonymous's picture
[quote=StonedWorld;37076] It's funny no one mentioned the 10 thousand dollar runner up prize.. or was that just for Key Wester's? [/quote] What are you referring to? BTW, it's Saturday
Anonymous's picture
[quote=StonedWorld;37076]It's funny no one mentioned the 10 thousand dollar runner up prize.. or was that just for Key Westers? [/quote] I'm confused. What are you talking about?
[quote=tjhallow;37081]I'm confused. What are you talking about?[/quote] Probably [URL=""]this[/URL]... [B]*[/B]Note: There is currently no solid evidence that any sort of deal was made.
[quote=tjhallow;37081]I'm confused. What are you talking about?[/quote] Miss Fake and Bake Walnuts got some money.
[quote=Insider;37077]BTW, it's Saturday[/quote] Not in New Zealand! ;)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;37090]Not in New Zealand! [/quote] Well then, I hope he's enjoying his time in New Zealand.. and we'll keep his greeting in mind when Sunday morning rolls around for the rest of us.
[quote=Bacchus;37090]Not in New Zealand! [/quote] Busted! [quote=Bacchus;37082]Probably [URL=""]this[/URL]... [B]*[/B]Note: There is currently no solid evidence that any sort of deal was made.[/quote] I have exceptionally solid evidence that what StonedWorld suggested didn't take place. There has been no payoff to anyone, not by BMP, not by MTV and not by the cast. It's one thing to spank the cast for thinking about it, but quite another to say, as I think SW does, that it actually happened. People always have talked about it on almost every challenge, but it violates the contract and didn't happen on The Island.
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