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how LAME is THAT idea!?!?!?!? I don't think i would ever sign up for a site to be "FANS" of these cast members. Yes, im interested in the shows and insider info, spoilers what not......but the site just seems so middle school, no? Has anyone registered? what do you think about it? I'm posting this in the G3 threads because all of the G3 cast members are part of it (obiously =)
Well I put my thoughts about the website [URL="*********************************************************************************;]here[/URL]. I have have not signed up and also have no plans to in the near future. ;)
Anonymous's picture
I rather not. I'm already on too many forums to begin with
I just registered today because i wanted to post a comment on one cast members page and they already messaged me back! I dont really like it...its a confusing set up.
[B]Update:[/B] it looks like the cast members, who are not being paid to participate in iamonmtv.com, are on "strike" from the site. It would seem the majority of new posts and replies to fans coming from staff members. Obviously with no revenue sharing in place with a site that gets a [I]bazillion[/I] hits and is advertised every 2 minutes on MTV, this was bound to happen. Shame on MTV for perpetuating a sham.
I'm registered on the site and am posting nasty little messages everywhere about MTV interns answering for people. Robin will answer for herself (desperate for friendship) ... and Johanna is doing a video blog for mtv today, but that is the only honest activity I know about.
Anonymous's picture
Eh. I registered... but it's pretty useless.
Well I'm registered there but I rarely post any comments or anything over there. Guess there is no point considering that many of the cast members aren't actually there.
Anonymous's picture
Seriously?! How lame is BMP. First they send their minions here to tell us what we already know (thanks Katescape!) And now, since it's obviously not worth it to the cast to post on their own site, they are impersonating them!! That's deplorable. We'll get our 'exclusives' from our own sources thank you very much!