H2: Halloween 2

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H2: Halloween 2
I'm not sure if we have any Michael Myers fans here but I thought I post this anyway: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOhAyt86KCc&feature=related]YouTube - Halloween 2 - Entertainment Tonight (HD)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teaD0XbY-8s&feature=related]YouTube - H2 (Halloween 2) Behind-the-scenes video footage[/url]
I'm so excited for this. I went to IMDB to check it out... and found something rather interesting and exciting. Doesn't look like we'll be seeing Angela from Road Rules Extreme on any challenges any time soon --- SHE'S IN THE CAST OF THIS MOVIE! Way to go, Angela!!
No way! Are you serious? I heard about that here a couple of weeks ago but thought it was a joke. I'm gonna wait a few more weeks because alot of the potential and current cast members are dropping out at the last second.
[quote=Zachary;61154]No way! Are you serious? I heard about that here a couple of weeks ago but thought it was a joke. I'm gonna wait a few more weeks because [B]alot of the potential and current cast members are dropping out at the last second.[/B][/quote] The movie is in post-production. I don't think anyone in the cast will be dropping out.
I'm excited about this movie. Angela from Road Rules is in the movie. She was cast in the movie a while ago. She is making a name for herself in hollywood. No where like Jacinda Barett from real world, but she is climbing up the latter.
1. Post production that fast? But they started filming not even a month ago. 2. Jacinda Barrett isn't that well known either.
[quote=Zachary;61160]1. Post production that fast? But they started filming not even a month ago. 2. Jacinda Barrett isn't that well known either.[/quote] IMDB has it listed as in "post production" with an August 28th release.
That does make sense. I mean its not like Saw where they film for like a week and throw it out every year. I just hate how this and FD 4 are coming out on the same day.
[quote=Zachary;61160] 2. Jacinda Barrett isn't that well known either.[/quote] Out of any Real Worlder, Jacinda is best known to making it into the acting world and breaking away from reality tv. Jacinda has starred in some major films like Ladder 49, Poseidon, Bridgette Jones Diary 2, The Namesake, The Last Kiss and School for Scoundrels to name a few.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;61168]Out of any Real Worlder, Jacinda is best known to making it into the acting world and breaking away from reality tv. Jacinda has starred in some major films like Ladder 49, Poseidon, Bridgette Jones Diary 2, The Namesake, The Last Kiss and School for Scoundrels to name a few.[/QUOTE] But Angela's career is just starting, I mean really cut her some slack.
I said Angela is climbing the latter. I think she will be famous. Right when I saw her in an episode of Entourage I knew she would make a name for herself. I also saw a funny skit she created on the computer. A friend sent it to me and it was hysterical. But back on topic, I can't wait for H2, the first one was very scary
I think this one will be better than the remake but nothing beats the trailer for the remake itself. That was hella epic.
Yeah for sure. The Halloween remake was actually well done and scary. They are making a Nightmare on Elm Street remake too.
Lots of remakes are coming up, Sorority Row, ANOES, The Stepfather, and Night of the Demons.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;61182]Lots of remakes are coming up, Sorority Row, ANOES, The Stepfather, and Night of the Demons.[/QUOTE] I'm not looking forward to The Stepfather. I've yet to see Night of The Demons. I think I may have caught the ending of it years ago.
Anonymous's picture
Good for Angela.
Scout was a terrible Laurie. And I'm not an Angela fan. I am however a Halloween fan. Continue butchering my favorite horror series Zombie. THANKS. I liked the remake when I first saw it...but rewatching it a few times...there was so much BS that just didnt need to be in there. And Zombie PROMISED he wasn't going to do another one. [I]seeeeeell ouuuut[/I]
Agreed RockSteady, but in only a few parts. I thought the first one was very good, and people were going to be pissed about it from the get-go. That's what makes me mad. When a director remakes a movie and is exactly the same, he gets crap for it. When he remakes a movie and makes it his own(Zombie), he gets crap for it. They are two separate movies, just one is based off another in a sense. But I agree he shouldn't be doing a second one. And I didn't think Scout was that bad to be honest. This is coming from one of the biggest horror fans too. I'm going to give H2 a shot though. By the way, the original Halloween is hands down the best horror movie ever.
I am definitely going to see H2. I am a huge horror movie fan! Horror and reality are a huge part of my life :) I know I am a dork! I don't like remakes, because it takes away from the original, and directors are taking used ideas. I dont think remakes should be allowed before a 50 year period. That's just my opinion. I think the Halloween remake was fun. it was done pretty well, but the original just rocked. All horror movies are fun for the gore and suspense!
Lol..a 50 year period?? That's a mighty long time to hold off on a remake.
hahha well Halloween has been 30 years... most of the original fans are still fans... give it another 20 years... also people who are in there teens and 20's love it, so if you give it another 20 years the teens and 20 year olds will grow up and they will have a new demographic. the same with the ANOES remake. (I am a huge fan) and I am upset by the upcoming remake its been 25 years... give it another 25 years, so everyone can bask in its glory! and then it can have a new demo.
Has anyone seen the Last House on the Left remake? Talk about a movie that DID NOT need a remake! The original A) isn't that old B) is still ridiculously awesome.
I loved the last house on the left. I did not see the remake, i will watch it when it comes to dvd! enough with the remakes, come out with new villains and ideas!!!
[url=http://filmz.ru/film/4636/video/#filmtrailer]Íàñòîÿùåå êèíî : ôèëüì Õýëëîóèí: Äüÿâîë ñðåäè íàñ* Halloween: The Devil Walks Among Us[/url] Sleeping with the lights on tonight!!
Am I the only one who thought the remake completely destroyed the franchise?
I thought part 6 did that but the remake was alright at best, IMHO.
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;62741]Am I the only one who thought the remake completely destroyed the franchise?[/QUOTE] A lot of Halloween fans HATE 6...but I don't understand the hate. I mean, it could've been better, for sure, but 5 and 8 remain on my Worst list.
I liked part 8, part 5 was just boring. Although I do think H6 was the scariest one.
Yeah...6's story waned at times, but it was creepy and gave the series a more modern approach! 8 was meh. idk. I did like the lead actress though! And 5 was just repetitive of 4, yanno? I love 4 though!
I'm excited that they're doing a sequel to the remake, because I for one liked it (don't judge! lol). But can they not end the original series before continung the remake series?
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;62836]Yeah...6's story waned at times, but it was creepy and gave the series a more modern approach! 8 was meh. idk. I did like the lead actress though! And 5 was just repetitive of 4, yanno? [B]I love 4 though[/B]![/quote] Yeah, 4 was a good one. Along with the original, the 4th film, and the remake, one of my favorites in the series is H20.
