TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!!! I am more excited about this than I was my own birthday :)
I really hope this next season doesn't disappoint. Though I've always been a huge fan of this show, it has been hit or miss the last 2 seasons (especially last season with the god-aweful writer's strike).
Things I am hoping for this season:
-Mer/Der actually working out and having a healthy/happy relationship (Hush now Bacchus and Stacee!)
-I'd like to see some character developement of Alex, I want there to be more to him than just the callous jerk he often seems to be portrayed as.
-Christina needs to get back in the saddle and get some of her spunk back. She's such a great character but was mostly in the background for season 4.
-Bailey! Let's have Bailey have it good for awhile...no marriage problems, no work/family balance problems. Let her just be successful and happy.
-More Lexie. I like her.
[B][I]2 hr season premier tonight @ 9:00p.m on ABC!![/I][/B]