Gauntlet 2: Production Error

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Gauntlet 2: Production Error
I was watching an old tape from The Gauntlet 2 tonight, and I noticed a pretty major error made by production in the "Team Strength" challenge. This was the challenge where they had to push the big wooden boulder, push a truck with their teammates in the back, and then push the truck back with their teammates and a bunch of cement blocks in the back. On the last run when the teams had to have a guy & a girl try and push the truck back when it was loaded with the blocks, the Vets put out Mark and Julie and the Rookies sent out MJ and Jodi. Well when neither team could get their trucks moving, TJ said that at the sound of his horn, two more players (and he specifically stated A GUY AND A GIRL) could go out and help push. The Vets followed the rules and sent out Syrus and another girl from the team (I forget who it was). The Rookies sent out two GUYS (Landon and Alton) and they got the truck going no problem and went on to win the challenge. Now, granted Ace screwed up the clutch in the Veterans truck which was why they couldn't get theirs moving at all, I think the Rookies should've been DQ'ed for not following the rules that TJ specifically laid out. Did anybody else or has anybody else noticed this ******* from this challenge?
Bucky, I'm not quite sure where you got this from. The Vets sent out Syrus and Beth. The Rookies sent out Alton and [I]Kina[/I] to push the truck--an icon is provided indicating as much, and they can clearly be seen pushing with Jodi and MJ all the way over the finish line. Landon, in many of the shots, can be seen still standing in the truck, yelling encouragement.
TJ: on the sound of my horn 2 more people can go Landon: (to MJ), MJ, Alton and I will come down to help But TJ explains to the VETS 2 more people = guy and girl, and later the Rookies send Alton and Kina.[URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] on a side note the major error already known about the Gauntlet II was Jamie Murray participating as a "rookie" even though he was on Extreme Challenge & Battle of the Sexes meaning he should have been a Vet.
[QUOTE]on a side note the major error already known about the Gauntlet II was Jamie Murray participating as a "rookie" even though he was on Extreme Challenge & Battle of the Sexes meaning he should have been a Vet.[/QUOTE] I think that was sort of rationalized by the idea that only one of the "vote-off" challenges that started with the Battle of the Sexes were counted as challenges. While it seems a little silly, it's certainly true that the vote-off challenges were an entirely different animal than the old challenges that had more of a road rules-type format.
[quote=MrsPlumBean;41829]I think that was sort of rationalized by the idea that only one of the "vote-off" challenges that started with the Battle of the Sexes were counted as challenges. While it seems a little silly, it's certainly true that the vote-off challenges were an entirely different animal than the old challenges that had more of a road rules-type format.[/quote] I saw an interview with him somewhere, I think it was at SpeakReality, and they asked him about what was up with him being on the Rookies team, and he said that they did mess up but he didn't make a big deal out of it because he was a go with the flow kind of person. Good thing he is, cause if he fought to be on the Vets team, he wouldn't have won that challenge.
[QUOTE=faceless;41836]I saw an interview with him somewhere, I think it was at SpeakReality, and they asked him about what was up with him being on the Rookies team, and he said that they did mess up but he didn't make a big deal out of it because he was a go with the flow kind of person. Good thing he is, cause if he fought to be on the Vets team, he wouldn't have won that challenge.[/QUOTE] Production had two other choices in addition to leaving things the way they were: 1) Drop him and bring in a real rookie, since they had no contractual obligation to allow him to compete; or, 2) to move him to the veteran team and remove another veteran guy. The only open questions for me are 1) did he sign the rookie version of the contract (the cast is paid less under the rookie version than under the veteran version), and 2) if he raised the issue of him not being a rookie before signing the contract.
[quote=MrsPlumBean;41829]I think that was sort of rationalized by the idea that only one of the "vote-off" challenges that started with the Battle of the Sexes were counted as challenges. While it seems a little silly, it's certainly true that the vote-off challenges were an entirely different animal than the old challenges that had more of a road rules-type format.[/quote]If that was the reason, they applied it inconsistently. David Burns and Montana had each only done one vote off challenge and one 6 v 6 challenge, like Jamie, but were still on the veterans team.
[quote=ssseeeaaann;41847]If that was the reason, they applied it inconsistently. David Burns and Montana had each only done one vote off challenge and one 6 v 6 challenge, like Jamie, but were still on the veterans team.[/quote] It's like you took the words out of my mouth. I was about to state that actually, so the earlier reasoning was flawed
[QUOTE=mattyw66;41856]It's like you took the words out of my mouth. I was about to state that actually, so the earlier reasoning was flawed[/QUOTE] "Reasoning?" :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: That's a good one.