Future Challenges - Format Speculation

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Future Challenges - Format Speculation
Also, with this terrible treatment of the girls, doesn't it kinda foreshadow another BOTSexes. Just a thought.
[QUOTE=hpkhg45;29334]After the Island, I don't see a BOT Sexes coming for at least 2 more challenges.[/QUOTE] In a discussion earlier this year with a senior BMP executive, the subject of a Battle of the Sexes format came up. He said that it was very difficult to create unisex challenges and didn't believe the company would do one any time soon, if ever. The old challenge concepts are now pretty much dead. Future ones will likely see The Island as the new benchmark with the next one possibly being something like a Duel Extreme.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;29357]In a discussion earlier this year with a senior BMP executive, the subject of a Battle of the Sexes format came up. He said that it was [B]very difficult to create unisex challenges[/B] and didn't believe the company would do one any time soon, if ever. [/quote] Oh, because BMP suddenly wants to be fair?! [SIZE=4]HA![/SIZE]
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;29406]Oh, because BMP suddenly[SIZE="4"] wants [/SIZE]to be fair?! HA![/QUOTE] No, but rather because The Game Show act requires it.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;29418]No, but rather because The Game Show act requires it.[/quote] Oh...touche. :wink2:
[quote=V1man;29418]No, but rather because [B]The Game Show act[/B] requires it.[/quote] ...and we know how companies producing shows for Viacom [I]always[/I] follow that! [FONT=Impact]*cough* big brother *cough* [/FONT] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7JeWIah2Ac"]YouTube - bb8: Talk of possible DR tampering[/URL]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;29425]...and we know how companies producing shows for Viacom [I]always[/I] follow that! [FONT=Impact]*cough* big brother *cough* [/FONT] [/QUOTE] Unfortunately, you can't lump all reality productions together, not even when under the Viacom umbrella. Big Brother, however, was only part of the Viacom empire until Dec 31, 2005. Thereafter, it was the separate property of CBS, Inc. Some may have missed this little announcement during the holidays back then: [QUOTE][CENTER]CBS SEPARATION On December 31, 2005, pursuant to an agreement and plan of merger, the company previously named Viacom Inc. (“Viacom”) was separated into two publicly traded companies—one, the spin-off corporation, now called Viacom Inc. (“New Viacom”), and the other, the surviving corporation, called CBS Corporation (“CBS”). As of December 31, 2005, each issued and outstanding share of Viacom Class A common stock converted automatically into the right to receive 0.5 of a share of each of New Viacom Class A common stock and CBS Class A common stock and each issued and outstanding share of Viacom Class B common stock converted automatically into the right to receive 0.5 of a share of each of New Viacom Class B common stock and CBS Class B common stock, issuable upon the surrender of the certificate that evidenced such share of Viacom Class A or Class B common stock. Holders of either class of Viacom common stock will receive cash in lieu of any fractional shares of New Viacom Class A or Class B common stock and CBS Class A or Class B common stock. [/CENTER][/QUOTE] In my experience, Viacom actually uses a a more conservative legal standard than does CBS where their legal counsel and the Standards and Practices division have somewhat differing perspectives. Last year, the FCC staff chose to look the other way when someone with no compelling legal argument decided to complain about Big Brother 8 to the FCC. The complaint was not meritorious and was answered with what amounted to a lame "looks like an entertainment show to us" reply. It does not mean, however, that a compelling case can not be [B]easily[/B] made. Several former (pre-season 8) BB HGs have sought specific legal advice on that very question. Viacom, through the MTV Networks, includes specific language about The Game Show Act in their cast contracts, so I would argue to the FCC an [I]a prior[/I] case, the clear acknowledgment by Viacom that its shows must adhere to the law and Federal Regulation. I would differ with Viacom's legal interpretation in some respects (such as its application to shows produced outside the US, but, overall, I think they get it. I would not, however, necessarily ascribe the same respect to the rule of law to all of MTV's contracted production entities.
[QUOTE=Dartagnan;29333] Also, with this terrible treatment of the girls, doesn't it kinda foreshadow another BOTSexes. Just a thought.[/QUOTE] After the Island, I don't see a BOTSexes coming for atleast 2 more challenges.
[quote=hpkhg45;29334]After the Island, I don't see a BOTSexes coming for atleast 2 more challenges.[/quote] Really? I thought they were going to do it right after this. I mean, lets just think about it, what if by some divine miracle the woman hating stops. The only way retribution can be taken is if they capitalize on the opportunity right now. But I don't know.
I want to see Wes come back. He's athletic, funny, and undefeated. He said he retired because he got everything he could from it. The money... the girl... (which he lost). He also said he would come back if there was a big prize, so he isn't retired for good.
[quote=V1man;33645]It will not be. BMP has discovered that they are "challenge" producers, not "Survivor" producers. They have neither the budget nor the production talent to pull it off.[/quote] That sounds cool. do u think there will be an island 2 later on?
[QUOTE=dplayer18;33654]That sounds cool. do u think there will be an island 2 later on?[/QUOTE] I would assume they would somewhere down the line. Almost every other challenge has or will have a sequel. The only recent one without a sequel is fresh meat.
an island 2 would be really awesome especially if there more older castmembers. I hope theres NEVER a fresh meat 2
[quote=dplayer18;33654]That sounds cool. do u think there will be an island 2 later on?[/quote] No. Did you not read what he just said.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;33654]That sounds cool. do u think there will be an island 2 later on?[/QUOTE] My clue bag is empty on this one. It never occurred to ask anyone that question of MTV because I thought the execution of the idea was so bad the first time. In the beginning, I think MTV's smart people were speculating "what if" about the "Survivor style" challenge. With the difficulties they had *including some really fake stuff* and the lowest comparative ratings in several challenges, I think they are now saying WTF instead of "what if."
[QUOTE=Zachary;33660]No. Did you not read what he just said.[/QUOTE] Yes, I did and I think they could make an Island 2 without making it as much of a Survivor like challenge. Some of the survivor like themes will stay, but some of it will have to be altered. The rules usually change slightly for a sequel anyway. I don't think its out of the question to see a Island 2 down the line somewhere.
i would love to see a battle of the SEASONS 2, with every season combing RW, RR, (and FM) that began after the original battle of the seasons. Of course, there would not be any real world/road rules teams, it would be more like every team for theirself, and the 2 or 3 last teams compete in the final challenge.
[QUOTE=lalalamilf;36023]i would love to see a battle of the SEASONS 2, with every season combing RW, RR, (and FM) that began after the original battle of the seasons. Of course, there would not be any real world/road rules teams, it would be more like every team for theirself, and the 2 or 3 last teams compete in the final challenge.[/QUOTE] The problem there would probably be that they rely on many people from specific casts to fill the spots for each season. A battle of the Season would require exactly 2 from each season. I think they would have trouble pulling it off.
[quote=hpkhg45;36046]The problem there would probably be that they rely on many people from specific casts to fill the spots for each season. A battle of the Season would require exactly 2 from each season. I think they would have trouble pulling it off.[/quote] well i wasnt saying every season, just every season that didnt exist when the first battle went down
[QUOTE=lalalamilf;36049]well i wasnt saying every season, just every season that didnt exist when the first battle went down[/QUOTE] I would be happy if they could do it with like 12 seasons including fresh meat, but I am not sure if they can pull it off.