Many have brought up the arguement of, whether Battle of the Sexes 3 will be the next Challenge or will it not?
Give some cases as to why or why not, if they would or should make changes, a potentially fair cast and who would make it up, etc.
In my opinion, it is possible, but at the same time is equally out of the picture. I don't think there is an issue with casting, but more so a location, and the money. That is the only factor holding this Challenge back from being an automatic yes.
I think if they decided on doing this Challenge, the rules would definitely need to be more like the first installment, but also have some twist. Inner Circle is the best concept imaginable, but at this point, the newer cast would dominate and take the competition and fun out of it. I agree they should have some scoreboard, and maybe the person with the least amount of points could choose anyone of their choice, except for the highest person.
I think nowadays, a fair cast shouldn't be too hard, because the girls are much more physically strong than before, not to mention the guys have become more wrapped up in politics and drama which would work on their game plan.
A group of girls consisting of Ev, Johanna, Beth, Rachel, Jenn, Aneesa, Kim, KellyAnne, Diem, Tori, Brianna, could definitely rival the boys. Not to mention the Brooklyn girls seem to be in incredible strength.