So its the 9 people I stated plus Theresa?
Im pretty confident Jillian, Noor and Luke wont be there with their partners. But my only justification would be that they would just be fillers and dont really have any story. (The main story is Pete not following suite with his partner/hooking up with Jenn).
If Luke's "incident" where he bleeds is big enough he could be a possibility.. although the other 9 who I listed likely have priority over him.
[QUOTE=ZacATtacks;176053]So its the 9 people I stated plus Theresa?
Im pretty confident Jillian, Noor and Luke wont be there with their partners. But my only justification would be that they would just be fillers and dont really have any story. (The main story is Pete not following suite with his partner/hooking up with Jenn).
If Luke's "incident" where he bleeds is big enough he could be a possibility.. although the other 9 who I listed likely have priority over him.[/QUOTE]
According to their Facebook's both Jillian and Noor were flying in to New York, so I'm pretty sure they will be there.
These are the people that will be at the reunion. They are in spoiler tags because them being at the reunion is a direct result of how they finished in the game. PLEASE do not discuss the teams until the reunion has been taped.
[spoiler]It is the top 5 teams, plus Wes/Mandi: Ryan/Theresa, Jenn/Noor, Jillian/Pete, Kenny/Laurel, and Landon/Carley.[/spoiler]
This has now been changed to a spoiler thread so that those who went to the reunion can share what happened if they would like without having to use spoiler tags.
My apologies, I misspoke regarding those at the reunion.
The people present were Landon/Carley, Kenny/Laurel, Jill/Pete, Ryan/Theresa, Wes/Mandi, Jenn/Noor, Ev and Danny.
[QUOTE=molds13;176217]This has now been changed to a spoiler thread so that those who went to the reunion can share what happened if they would like without having to use spoiler tags.
My apologies, I misspoke regarding those at the reunion.
The people present were Landon/Carley, Kenny/Laurel, Jill/Pete, Ryan/Theresa, Wes/Mandi, Noor, Ev and Danny.[/QUOTE]
Noor went but Jen didn't?
Jen has had more of a story line than Theresa and Ryan.
[QUOTE=gamer73;176220]Noor went but Jen didn't?
Jen has had more of a story line than Theresa and Ryan.[/QUOTE]
That is what I have been told, yes.
If anyone has any questions regarding the reunion, I can try to answer as much as possible.
Wait, Jenn was there, she looked great. It was an awesome experience, everyone was really kind.
Some of the comments were super unexpected and came out of no where, I will write fully about it later. If anyone has any specific questions just message me. One thing I will say is I was surprised by how funny Ryan was and how cool Danny was. Noor was very funny as well, and the crowd sure loved Kenny.
Anyway, I will write a full report later
[QUOTE=DScott;176226]Wait, Jenn was there, she looked great. It was an awesome experience, everyone was really kind[/QUOTE]
Perfect, thanks for clarifying :)
Here are the points I found to be the most important (and contradict some of the points I made earlier):
Wes and Mandi were sent home by Ev and Luke, not Landon and Carley.
The final mission involved a puzzle that gave Landon and Carley a 2 min head start over Kenny and Laurel...a 2 min advantage that ultimately gave them the win.
(DScott, feel free to chime in if anything is incorrect or inaccurate!!)
[QUOTE=molds13;176231]Here are the points I found to be the most important (and contradict some of the points I made earlier):
Wes and Mandi were sent home by Ev and Luke, not Landon and Carley.
[B]The final mission involved a puzzle that gave Landon and Carley a 2 min head start over Kenny and Laurel...a 2 min advantage that ultimately gave them the win.[/B][/QUOTE]
Kind of like the 2 min lead Wes had over Brad on the Duel? That's interesting, I was wondering how Landon since being partnered with Carley was no blessing.
[QUOTE=faceless;176232]Kind of like the 2 min lead Wes had over Brad on the Duel? That's interesting, I was wondering how Landon since being partnered with Carley was no blessing.[/QUOTE]
I believe so, although this was a puzzle instead of a soccer shootout.
I was told that Landon had to carry Carley through most of the final mission and as they were crossing the finish line, Kenny could be seen in the background.
Sooooo I think that had they not gotten the head start, Kenny and Laurel would have won.
[QUOTE=GHV11;176233]Was anything said about the upcoming challenge. I remember at the Duel 2 reunion several comments were made about The Ruins.[/QUOTE]
Probably not since the challenge hasn't been filmed yet.
[QUOTE=molds13;176234]I believe so, although this was a puzzle instead of a soccer shootout.
I was told that Landon had to carry Carley through most of the final mission and as they were crossing the finish line, Kenny could be seen in the background.
Sooooo I think that had they not gotten the head start, Kenny and Laurel would have won.[/QUOTE]
Wow, so it's almost exactly what happened with Wes and Brad. It sucks to see Kenny and Laurel lose after dominating this challenge. Just like it sucked seeing Landon lose on the Duel 2.
Actually, I was told that if not for the 2 min lead.. Kenny and Laurel would have won. Infact, they almost won anyway. When Landon/Carley passed the finish line.. Kenny was right on their trail.
[QUOTE=faceless;176239]I bet most of vevmo will be jumping in joy after seeing that Lenny gets second.[/QUOTE]
I wonder if most of Vevmo will be jumping in joy after seeing how Wes looks like a complete d-bag. Apparently he is not seen in a good light at all.
[QUOTE=molds13;176240]I wonder if most of Vevmo will be jumping in joy after seeing how Wes looks like a complete d-bag. Apparently he is not seen in a good light at all.[/QUOTE]
Finally, Wes will be portrayed as how I see him; an arrogant, roiding, ego-maniac, crazy, red head.
Yeah If i remember right, Kenny and Laurel went in against CJ because Pete and Jillian were tired, so they wanted to help them out.
Yeah the 2 minutes were huge according to everyone, the time separation resulted in everything. Apparently Kenny and Laurel kept closing the gap but still lost. Landon even carried Carley up the mountain or something like that. This of course sparked a fight between Laurel and Carley, as Laurel said Carley didn't deserve her share of the money.
I got one interesting one for you Faceless, Wes "quit" during his exile. They had to do a puzzle and because of that fell behind 15 minutes. According to Wes he pushed super hard for the first half, but once he knew it was over stopped trying. Mandi got really upset, you should of seen her she was steaming.
Wes and Danny still aren't great even though they will both take a bus for each other, recently at a friend's wedding they got in a fight and Danny was thrown out.
Danny defended Sandy when everyone was bashing her, it was really nice. Wes and Kenny went back and fourth alot, the whole reality boxing thing Wes wanted to do a couple years ago came up, as well as Wes saying that Kenny is cheating on his girlfriend.
Man, forget Wes, seriously. Wes is apparently the best in the world but he quits? Just.. HAHAHAHA. I want Danny to seriously squash Wes. While I don't think Carley would deserve to win as much as laurel does, she had Landon as a partner and she she had no control of who her partner was. Kenny should have never underestimated Landon.
No mention of the split, when they mentioned Danny going back to his wife or whatever, I could not tell if they said was married or is married. Anyway, there was no real mention.
The Carley and Laurel fight did go deeper, they really don't like each other. The other fresh meat girls bashed her, but they said it was just because of her dominance and they like her outside of that.
Wes quits? That is shocking
Now that I think about it, I do remember in the Fresh Meat 2 trailer there's a part where you hear Mandi saying "Come on Wes let's go". I guess that was what that was about
Idk about Katelynn, it was so weird, cause she says she is great at I forget the name, jujitsu and is not. Or that she gives unwanted lap dances. I found it to just be really messed up. People said Sandy was the worst girl on the whole, that she did not want to be there. Mandi said she constantly of how she hated everyone and wanted to go home. But anytime people would say she sucked Danny would stand up for her, he talked of how hard she pushed and that he can't wait to see her on another challenge. He kept asking people to not talk about her while she wasn't there.
Wes said she was a *****, because she talked crap about him behind his back.
Wes is upset about the edit of the episode of his elimination. He says his performance time wise was better than alot of exile winners. However, they never showed the part where he was trying and killing it.