Mandi Moyer is an addition to our Fresh Meat cast. She is a graduate of Westview High School (in Portland, OR), class of 2005 and is part of Portland State's class of 2009. She loves Grey's Anatomy, Canada, Chipotle, Office Space, the Spice Girls, vodka, dance parties, happy hour, Lil Wayne, comedy movies, friends and family, and documentaries. She also has a boyfriend named Steve. Facebook: Mandi Moyer MySpace: 19516705 MTV Biography: Mandi confesses to having a terrible temper and a serious attitude. She takes lip from no one, and proudly states that lying and manipulating are what she's best at. When she's not training for marathons, this brash blonde boxes three times a week. Mandi claims that too many girls on Challenges are "whiny Whores." Sparks are sure to fly when this firebrand butts heads with the other alpha-females!