Expedition Impossible: ABC

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Expedition Impossible: ABC
[CENTER][url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=10723][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/14e08d287e2525.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] I like the contestants, I like the 3-person-per-team format, and there were some GREAT one-liners in some of those interviews. The challenge looked HARD. Good grief I've done a few dune hikes when I lived near Lake Michigan, but that sand pile looked like it would never. end.... [CENTER] [url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=10724][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/14e08d2a44dbc1.jpg[/img][/url] [/CENTER] I'm not surprised Team Latina was the first to go, if that one gal would have just shut her mouth instead of sitting around like a princess waiting for her friends to do everything for her, they probably would have had a shot. My favorite so far: TEAM BLIND GUY!! [CENTER] [url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=10725][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/14e08d2d220f4b.jpg[/img][/url][/CENTER] I can't wait to see their story play out. He repelled down a cliff....BLIND! Judging from the preview of the rest of the season, I don't know how he's going to do some of those missions, but I can't wait to see him try!
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;255689]I'm not surprised Team Latina was the first to go, if that one gal would have just shut her mouth instead of sitting around like a princess waiting for her friends to do everything for her, they probably would have had a shot. [/quote] I was actually surprised they made it to the finish line. I wasn't sad to see them go. :D [QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;255689] My favorite so far: TEAM BLIND GUY!! I can't wait to see their story play out. He repelled down a cliff....BLIND! Judging from the preview of the rest of the season, I don't know how he's going to do some of those missions, but I can't wait to see him try![/QUOTE] I'm a big fan of No Limits as well (although I am not sure how they will do over the course of the competition.) Overall I like the show and I'm looking forward to the next episode.
I really like the show
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[QUOTE=Lionqueen11;255730]I really like the show[/QUOTE] Anything else to add?? :p
Loved the Latinos they were my favorites :(
I liked it enough too. It's like Amazing Race Lite so far. So far my favorite teams are No Limits, Fab 3 and the Fishermen because I have to root for the New England team! I was upset that other teams were allowed to just mooch off of the Fab 3's well! It was so much easier for the teams behind because they never had to do the tasks, they just used the leftovers. I wish they enforced some rules a little more and made it so teams had to do their own work. Even if they had seen how to get the water I wish they had to at least dig a hole themselves. Of course, if I was on the show I would not have let anyone mooch off of my well and I would have covered it with sand before I left. But that's just me. ;)
[QUOTE=tatertots;255744] Of course, if I was on the show I would not have let anyone mooch off of my well and I would have covered it with sand before I left. [/QUOTE] I'm guessing it being the first mission, people were a little less cutthroat. I have a feeling that is going to change as the season progresses.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;255747]I'm guessing it being the first mission, people were a little less cutthroat. I have a feeling that is going to change as the season progresses.[/QUOTE] I figured as much. I guess some were thinking about good karma down the road and not wanting to make enemies or get a reputation but not way I would ever fill up others water bottles and let them head out before me! You have two hands! Fill up your own damn bottle.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;255733]Anything else to add?? :p[/QUOTE] I cant wait for the next episode and Camels are awsome! lol
My favorite 3 teams are: California girls,football players,and Kansas girls.
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[QUOTE=tatertots;255744]So far my favorite teams are [B]No Limits, Fab 3[/B] and the Fishermen because I have to root for the New England team! [/QUOTE] Those are my top 2 favorites as well, and I have a soft spot for the Grandpa's Warriers too! :)
I though Ep 1 was kind of a snooze and I tried to watch episode 2, but it really didn't grab me. I'm not so hot on Amazing Race either. I'll let the DVR record it still and maybe I'll try again later.
My favorites for this show are Fab 3, No Limits and Team Kansas. Team Kansas impressed me last episode and never gave up, regardless of choosing the more difficult path. I'm just wondering if the Gypsies are going to ever be beat. It's like, damn, three 1st place positions in a row?!