I want to know if all the non-feed watchers are confused with following the TV shows and are wondering what on earth the big fuss was about between Josh and Allison?
I watch the feeds and go to update sites several times a day so I know what is going on in the house. So let me explain.
For whatever reason BB/CBS doesn't want the viewing public to know that Allison accused Joshuah of threatening her life.
Joshuah can be a petty man but he's not going to freak out because someone pretended to be gay. BB cooked all that up to explain the reason for his blow out.
And Allison crying hysterically because a man got in her face for a nanosecond? Please. Not likely. There was another confrontation she was freaking about but BB didn't want you to know about it.
Allison claims that Joshuah told her that he was going to strangle her and slit her throat and then whipped his key in her face. None of that was shown on the feeds and from what Josh says, that did not happen.
I'm likely to believe what we saw, was the extent of that. But Allison claims different and that was why she was upset with Matt and Ryan for not sticking up for her and protecting a woman against a man.
However, BB did have to step in and calm things down and they and Joshuah decided he was to stay 5 feet away from her. Josh told Allison they viewed the tapes and if he had said anything of the kind he would have been removed post haste. She still claims he threatened her.
The reason for his blow out at her, was pretty much the same reason he blew up at Amanda. He was sick to death of her lies and manipulations. And because she was trying to screw him over with not going with the plan of evicting M/N.
Also, that scene with Matt and Allison happened in week two. And they did a lot more than kiss. But I'm not surprised that BB would edit out the act of oral sex.
I can guarantee that all sexually explicit scenes will never be shown, and there are a lot of them. It's a daily occurrence...************ under the covers, in front of others, out in the open. Girls kissing girls. Two girls and a guy kissing. Full out strip show with all unspeakable acts. This cast is a walking **** show.
Allison herself has made out with Chelsia countless times.
For one thing I am just glad BB is editing Allison true to her character the best they can even with deleting stuff. She is a nut case and probably the biggest liar there ever was. Not saying she was the best liar...just the biggest.
Amanda was another story, BB played the sympathy with her, which she didn't deserve. She really had what she got coming to her.
If the twist that Julie mentioned last Wednesday is to bring a couple back I am hoping it is Alex and Amanda because I need my New York back, but I think in the end Amanda learned a valuable lesson and I would like to see if she can grow from it.
Anyway, I hope that Allison is on her last days and she is sitting with Julie on Wednesday. I can't stand her for another minute.