[quote=Isabella;85767]Maria is a damn good host. She actually seems like she's interested and knows what she's doing and asking about.[/quote]
I agree. Heck, I could almost feel some "Vevmo" in her questions - so I know she is doing her research.
[quote=TheQuietOne;85742]Just thought I'd share this... my daughter's not even two, only says a few sentences coherently, but when Paula came on the TV, she walked up to it, pointed at Paula, and said clear as day, "Shut up now!" Brought a big smile to my face [/quote]
Your daughter is wise beyond her years! I think I smell a future moderator. ;)
Is it just me or are a lot of the guys smaller looking? It's very obvious when I look at Brad and Dunbar, but Evan does too. Landon probably because of his surgery but Mark looks the same.
[QUOTE=RMD1;85772]I think she is a member here ;)[/QUOTE]
Okay after these rumors she's spilling which seem to come directly from her (atleast from what I can say), I definitely believe she's a vevmo member. If she ever reads this: You rock Maria. Thanks for doing your research atleast. That's professional.
Thoughts on reunion:
I was super disappointed. Too many commercials (that is nothing new) but way too much involved in the "relationships". How on earth did Rachel-Aneesa-Jen or Paula-Dunbar-Kim get so much airtime but the final duels got nothing? Worst reunion I have seen so far.
I have to commend Brad. This reunion made me almost hate myself for thinking so ill of him because of my love for Landon. I was also amazed that Landon had nothing bad to say of Brad nor make excuses. To me, it showed how classy Landon is. Brad also made me extremely happy with his ill comments toward Rachel.
This reunion basically solidified my disdain of Rachel. What she had to say about Brad, and her ill treatment of Aneesa and blatant narcissism pretty much sickened me.
In a nutshell:
1. I love Landon, wish he talked more. Loved the positive stuff he said about Mark and Brad.
2. Loved everything Brad had to say, and totally feel like crap after my harsh words about Brad to my fellow Vevmoans.
3. Was happy Aneesa tried to stick up for herself in terms of Rachel. Rachel can go*******.
4. Tori and Kim looked purdy! Britt is cute, but new hair would help her overall look. Dunbar looked cute, and I wonder what occurred in Thailand because him and Kim seemed to have definite tension. Evan looked cute as a button and buff!
That is all =) The host, Maria, is also gorgeous.
[quote=TheQuietOne;85751]I just noticed Evan's shirt. I'm LOVING it!
tj, are you here tonight?[/quote]
Suck yea sista! I'm getting caught up on the comments.
[quote=Dartagnan;85731]This was actually way better than the Aftershow.
[B]Jenn is getting a little bit annoying.[/B][/quote]
When did you figure that out?
[quote=molds13;85788]She didn't. I think Maria probably just assumed she was going to be on it.[/quote]
Well I can understand that since she has been on like 29 in a row. LOL
[quote=tjhallow;85793]When did you figure that out?[/quote]
Amen. God forbid they stop talking about her for two seconds. Poor Diem, after the CT-Adam fight, did she say anything?
Total reunion takeover by the same individuals. Boo.
Thoughts on the reunion:
Aneesa is a fashionista! I love her looks, and the short hair looks cute. It honestly would be cuter if it was a darker color.
Dunbar looked GOOD. That is a lot coming from me considering I think he is probably the most un-attractive looking guy on the show (after Nedermeyer). He needs to sport that look more often. Like I said before, he can think Kim for me liking him now.
Paula looked really pretty but shes still bitter. Paula, take lessons from Evan on learning how to play the game.
Rachel- I'm mad as hell nobody spilled the beans. WTF is she hiding? Seriously, somebodies gotta know about her past AND VERONICA.
Jenn- Why just not admit you and Aneesa both got played by Rachel? Stop trying to act tough because on the show you were mad as hell.
Tori and Brad-- What a class act, if only all guys were like Brad. I'm jealous.
Mark- "From the first road ruler, to the last." Pretty sure that the Duel 2 is not his last challenge. Please don't ever retire again, 38 years old and the hottest guy there hands down.
Diem in the PM--I love the new dorky Diem, although you were kind of quiet, I hope you brought your new personality to Thailand.
Brittini- Was she even there? Seriously, no more weave. Please try to make it look more natural, you are a beautiful girl.
Landon- Another class act, loved his comments to everyone, and to Evan about how smart he was playing the game. What a gentlemen not to mention his injury.
Kim- Hilarious, and beautiful. She came a long way from Hollywood and is a must have on every challenge from now on.
Evan- I thought his comment about Aneesa's hair was hilarious, and then Aneesa making that remark about her having more hair than Evan--even more hilarious. Loved his shirt, love him, love him, love him.
Good reunion, a little bit on the boring side, I'm mad nobody brought Rachel's dirt up. Oh and Maria is a good host. She talks to them like she really interested in what they have to say.
Aside from rehashing drama that was already talked about a million times in dailies, aftershows, and confessionals...this reunion served zero purpose except show how much of a ****** Rachel is and how pretty and fashionable the cast was.
I didn't catch Brad's black eye. Was it visible?
And the thing that made me mad is that when they were talking about the love triangle between Aneesa, Rachel, and Jenn, Jenn was laughing. Why was she laughing? Rachel was clearly playing both of them. Rachel should have been laughing.
I'd request Maria host every reunion after this. She was great.
Aneesa's hair was interesting and her crack at Evan was HILARIOUS. I love how she just lets everything fly out her mouth.
I also love Kim, her dirty ***** comment came out of nowhere and was one of the best parts of the reunion.
Besides that, Landon really is a stand-up guy. I hope he gives a challenge one more go.
[quote=LCbaby;85818]Aside from rehashing drama that was already talked about a million times in dailies, aftershows, and confessionals...this reunion served zero purpose except show how much of a ****** Rachel is and how pretty and fashionable the cast was.
I didn't catch Brad's black eye. Was it visible?[/quote]
I was thinking the exact same thing. Maybe they covered it with make-up?
[QUOTE=Bacchus;85725]Would it be mean of me to say I hate Rachel's hair cut?[/QUOTE]
I know I am late, but I don't think so but help me out...I see "Toad" from Super Mario Bros (is that mean of me) concerning her hair only...nothing to do with any facial features, it is just not flattering imo.
[quote=LCbaby;85789]Thoughts on reunion:
I was super disappointed. Too many commercials (that is nothing new) but way too much involved in the "relationships". How on earth did Rachel-Aneesa-Jen or Paula-Dunbar-Kim get so much airtime but the final duels got nothing? Worst reunion I have seen so far.
In a nutshell:
1. I love Landon, wish he talked more. Loved the positive stuff he said about Mark and Brad.
2. Loved everything Brad had to say.
3. Was happy Aneesa tried to stick up for herself in terms of Rachel.
I agree with you.
I also liked how Mark and Landon were saying the missions weren't that hard. I don't think they really were - they just made them scared by having them high up over the water. They tried to make this one seem like it was the toughest ever, but I don't think it was. I'm not sure which one I would say was tougher, but I think other challenges had better missions.
The Duel 2 Reunion | Duel Dish (10 clips with Lando, Evan, Mark, and Brad) are cute to watch and also show the black eye a bit up close. Oooooh, I wonder what happened! ;)
[quote=LCbaby;85847]The Duel 2 Reunion | Duel Dish (10 clips with Lando, Evan, Mark, and Brad) are cute to watch and also show the black eye a bit up close. Oooooh, I wonder what happened! ;)[/quote]
More Landon! And Brad and Mark too! Thanks LCbaby! :) I definitely will prefer seeing them to the others on Duel Dish (Nick was cool, though, and Brooke was OK as well - Jenn sometimes).
Hello Jessica! Welcome.