Dexter: Ep. 202 - Waiting to Exhale

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Dexter: Ep. 202 - Waiting to Exhale
Dexter Rocks the house! It was great to see him back to his serial killing ways this week and with the human giant Chino as his target he more then made up for the lull in degenerate elimination. The award for best moment in the episode has to go to when Rita finally found out that he was a drug addict! LOL! I have a feeling this is going to lead to rehab, and I think Dexter will do anything to make poor Rita happy at this point. She really looks down all the time and was even a little mean to Dexter when he suggested that she set up a scholarship fund for her kids with the life insurance money (which she should have actually done rather then pay to bury that creep.) Now that the basis for the season has been laid out I think we are going to start to see some cat an mouse games arise from the Bay Harbor Butcher case. The big guns (FBI) are in town and it would be great if Dexter made the investigation team! I can't wait until next week as it is the beginning of the season for me! (If you remember I watched all of season 1 and the first two episodes of season 2 in series last month.) BTW: His brother jumping out of the water at the end made me jump! [B]"I'm more of a crying on the inside kinda guy" - [I]Dexter[/I][/B]
He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! I'm over Deb. Get some freaking help already! Doakes tailing Dexter all the time is wearing on my nerves, but I did find it funny that he was turned down to be on the task force. I told you that the new woman on the show was a "mentor" of some sort for Dexter, which is how they tied in the "drug use". This should be interesting to see how that plays out.
[QUOTE]I told you that the new woman on the show was a "mentor" of some sort for Dexter, which is how they tied in the "drug use". This should be interesting to see how that plays out.[/QUOTE] So you are saying (without giving to much away) that Dexter meets the new girl as some sort of sponser from maybe a 12 step program or something? Astro....have you been reading spoilers?? )
No, I haven't - they showed previews for the upcoming season after episode one.
Have you noticed yet that Vince from Dexter is Harry on Chuck?
[QUOTE]Have you noticed yet that Vince from Dexter is Harry on Chuck?[/QUOTE] Yes! It is funny, because his personas are not really that far apart between the two roles.
K, I watched it. I'm glad that Dex finally got it together and killed the giant. That guy was flipping scary!! I'm guessing that the rehab or whatever program he enlists in, he'll talk about his addiction and whenever he means to say 'killing' he'll just insert 'using'. And I think you're right, that hot lady is going to be his sponsor I believe. As far as the whole Bay Harbor Butcher thing, I think he may need to get rid of his handly little box of blood samples.
[QUOTE]As far as the whole Bay Harbor Butcher thing, I think he may need to get rid of his handly little box of blood samples.[/QUOTE] I can't remember.....didn't he toss his tools and stuff in to that ocean grave site when he thought they were on to him last time? I bet they find that stuff and bad things happen!
Not sure, it's been awhile. I remember he was starting to toss things out until he realized that the Ice Truck killer was just having fun with him rather than trying to eff him over.
[QUOTE]Not sure, it's been awhile. I remember he was starting to toss things out until he realized that the Ice Truck killer was just having fun with him rather than trying to eff him over.[/QUOTE] Right, he saw the smiley face on the slide and that is what tipped him off. However, he did toss a bunch of other stuff in the water and I am sure that they will eventually find it!